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Nah, I'll get it when I first go up. I did book a week an a half trip to WinterPark Colorado a few weeks ago though, booked a week at Timberline Westvirginia, and we are also planing on Holiday Vally Mamoth Mountain, Snowshoe and if not broke by late February Mt. Hood.
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Originally posted by BenTSi:

Nah, I'll get it when I first go up. I did book a week an a half trip to WinterPark Colorado a few weeks ago though, booked a week at Timberline Westvirginia, and we are also planing on Holiday Vally Mamoth Mountain, Snowshoe and if not broke by late February Mt. Hood.

Mt. Hood... I'm jealous..


I board (and ski) but I dont know if I am going to get a pass this year to mad river. I think I would rather put the cash towards a trip somewhere decent. smile.gif


I do have a hookup for the MRM passes for $140 though if anyone is interested.

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Originally posted by BenGNU:

Nah, I'll get it when I first go up. I did book a week an a half trip to WinterPark Colorado a few weeks ago though, booked a week at Timberline Westvirginia, and we are also planing on Holiday Vally Mamoth Mountain, Snowshoe and if not broke by late February Mt. Hood.

I just want to say, officially on the record, you are a bastard. tongue.gif


<~ this guy can’t wait for it to snow.


I've skied for 8 years and have boarded twice. I bought a board because someone on here had a good deal and I get really bored at MRM sometimes, especially when I'm there with nobs.


We should all get passes this year and make sure we have a few CR trips out there this year.

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I love boarding man, I cant really say as much for sking. I guess my next question is anyone entering any comps this year at mad river (where everyday is a snow day) +1 on a small CR trip to MRM im up there about 4 times a week and try and hit every midnight madness with my 2 dudes.
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Originally posted by BenGNU:

Mad river better have a good terrain park again this year, that 10 stair with the rails they had for the last comp would be nice smile.gif

I board have since i was a freshman. My buddy JD designed that park, and man does he have some sweet shit planned for this year. You guys are going to be pleased especially for ohio.
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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

I board have since i was a freshman. My buddy JD designed that park, and man does he have some sweet shit planned for this year. You guys are going to be pleased especially for ohio.

Nice, yea it was pretty sick last year i hope its better this year. I looked on mad rivers web site at the callender and didnt see anything but do you know if they are planing more rail and big air comps?
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