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good idea


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A new mother went to the psychiatrist, very worried.


"Doctor," she said, "Since I had the baby, I can't sleep at night. When I'm in the next room, I have this dreadful fear that I won't hear the baby if he falls out of the crib at night. What should I do?"


"Easy," said the doctor. "Just take the carpet off the floor."

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********* VERY OFFENSIVE **********


I was told these jokes by a Franklin county judge, which is what makes it even more funny. These are disgusting, and anyone who actually thinks this way should be shot in public. With that said, here ya go:


What's better then screwing a 10 year old?



What's the best thing about screwing a 10 year old?

How big your dick looks on camera.


What's the worst thing about screwing a 10 year old?

Washing the blood off the clown costume.



Doh. I'm going to have alot of confessing to do this week... better start the Hail Marys now. Oh wait, I'm not Catholic. Fuck, I'm just going to hell.

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For some reason I don't find these jokes funny. I know everyone is just messing around but, every joke that was stated is a real life story from the kids I work with. Very sad!

BTW- I work with felony offenders, mostly rapist! They are all teens so there victims are usually between 2-8years old.

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