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NFL Fans: anyone watching the draft?


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For me personally it's my only NFL fix in the spring, the weather is going to be shitty. If anyone was going to go to damon's or anything. I was planning on growing some roots on the couch.
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i really wish CLE could have gotten MIN or somone else to bite on the #3 but alas, too late now.


I don't think they needed a WR either but i can see the logic in the pick, I don't think there waas a DL or OL that has a better chance to become a star than Edwards. BTW CLE did pick up andruzzi,NE (sp?) and coleman,TB which are very solid starters. This will alow them to move verba to RT where he was a perenial pro bowler. Faine at C is very good, the biggest weakness is LT but great LT's are hard to come by.

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Originally posted by Venom:

They have a pretty decent WR core. They need DL and OL more then anything else. Im sorry but Edwards is a good pick up but they are in need in other positions more then that one.

They definately don't need D linemen. They'll be playing a 3-4 next year and they unloaded the overpaid rejects to Denver. O-line definately. But there certainly was nobody close to deserving of that high of a pick. I'm sure they tried to trade the pick down but there weren't too many teams willing to move up unless they maybe needed a RB (which was the strongest top 10 position).


I wouldn't even call Dennis Nortcutt and Andre Davis adequate. Their overall WR production was one of the worst in the league last year in terms of receptions and yardage. Hopefully, with more of a big play threat and Winslow coming back from injury, they can stratch the defense a little bit.

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Originally posted by Mike C:

I wouldn't even call Dennis Nortcutt and Andre Davis adequate. Their overall WR production was one of the worst in the league last year in terms of receptions and yardage. Hopefully, with more of a big play threat and Winslow coming back from injury, they can stratch the defense a little bit.

really, is it the WR fault that he can't catch a ball that isn't thrown to him because he's running for his life or already on his back. I'm sure going through 2-3 QB's every year doesn't help either.


It's funny how at the begining of last year there was alot of hype about CLE having the best recieving corp as a whole, in the league. Johnson gets traded and all of a sudden they are horrible.

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Originally posted by Redneck #1:

really, is it the WR fault that he can't catch a ball that isn't thrown to him because he's running for his life or already on his back. I'm sure going through 2-3 QB's every year doesn't help either.

I completely agree that the O line is a POS and has been the core problem of the team since 1999. However, Its hard to justify using draft picks as high as the Browns have had since their rebirth on O linemen. They have done a horrible job of building the line through free agency where every other team seems to be able to get it done this way. I was dissappointed last year that they didn't try to move up to draft Robert Gallery.
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Originally posted by 99blownyellowgt:

Oh god here we go with that stupid pittsburgh bull shit again.Steelers=Fluke.It doesnt matter who the clowns or the steelers draft.They will both finish behind the other ohio team this year.

True story.

Care to make a wager that the Steelers finish ahead of the bungles again?


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WTF? Mo Clarrett went in the 3rd round to pittsburgh.

Watch out though - Shanahan is a GENIUS when it comes to finding and developing running backs. Clarett may very well be breaking records in a few years (assuming he doesn't quit because practice is too hard).

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Road Rage posted =


Eagles > Steelers, all day long


That didn't happen when they met last year! Actually the Eagles crashed & burned as I recall with KETCHUP all over their pretty green uniforms in Heintz field!!!!! Admittedly the Steelers crashed & burned in AFC championship. Sooooo we'll see how the #'s unfold this fall. Steelers have faltered again & again over the past decade in the big ones. Me thinks this year could be interesting for the Steeler Nation. True Story - graemlins/thumb.gif

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Hey, the Steelers are my #1 team in the AFC, no question, but overall, I am a Eagles fan. The Eagles got to the super bowl, and what was that? Oh yeah, Pittsburgh didn't. I was really hoping to see them get there too, so that, on the biggest stage in Pro Football, everyone could see who's really the better team. Hopefully this year we may get to see that happen.
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Originally posted by Larry:

WTF? Mo Clarrett went in the 3rd round to pittsburgh.

Watch out though - Shanahan is a GENIUS when it comes to finding and developing running backs. Clarett may very well be breaking records in a few years (assuming he doesn't quit because practice is too hard).

You mean Denver????
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Originally posted by 86 Eh?:

True story. Steelers > *

except the patriots :(


Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

The NFL sucks only slightly less than the NBA.

since when does Dr. Phil care about sports, shouldn't you be fixing your hair or something :D;)tongue.gif


NFL > *

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