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Ocean's Twelve


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i just watched this movie (fuck off, i don't care how long ago you saw it or that you saw it in theaters) it was incredibly good. I'd even go so far as to say better than the first.. it was more intricate too.. and the part where the french guy goes through the lasers... wow... that is all tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Vargargargon:

Those two movies are two of the greatest, hilarious movies I've seen. The scene with Matsui and the phrases that made absolutely no sense is one of the most hysterical scenes in any movie...ever.

Yeah, that was good stuff.


BTW, I responded to your question posed in another thread not too long ago where you quoted Clooney's line in that scene.

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Originally posted by burgels™:

Wow that's interesting because I thought 12 was terrible. They tried to reuse almost the same plot and the movie was 3/4 over before anything happened. I was very disappointed given how good 11 was.

My thoughts exactly
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