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Wish me good luck please!


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We didn’t win the 10K but we won 2 free Chipotle Burritos and 2 passes to gameworks for 30min. smile.gif


Oh well the girl Jennifer who won was pretty quiet about it. One girl screamed as loud as she could and did not have the winning ticket. She looked pretty dumb!


I got to meet Diana DiGarmo though. She is pretty cute and has a very nice rear end for a 17 year old! She can sing with the best of them. She is pretty cool, no bodyguards or security; you can just walk right up to her and hit on her. LOL, my wife asked me why are you talking to her? I said she is famous I'm allowed to meet famous hot chicks as you are allowed to meet famous hot guys. She laughed and told me to leave her alone. Ha Ha.


Anyways thanks for the support. Man it would have been nice, but that girl that won it looked like it will change her life a little. I'm glad she won and not some stuck up rich hot girl who wouldn't need it. There were quite a few of those there caring their Louie Vaton purses.


[ 10. December 2004, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: SpaceGhost ]

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Sorry you didn't win the big prize.


6 years ago, during a "break" from my then girlfriend (now wife), she won a WCOL $10,000 shopping spree. The only stipulation was she had 6 hours to spend it, and had a limo to take her anywhere she wanted in that 6 hours. She was kind enough to call me from the limo and tell me!


My timing and luck has always sucked.


For the record, She has won a trip to the Bahamas (WNCI), a trip to Nashville and multiple dinners, concert and OSU football tickets, and other prizes (also from WCOL) in the last ten years.


BTW: Do I win anything for my 1000th post? WOOT!

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by SpaceGhost:

I got to meet Diana DiGarmo though. She is pretty cute and has a very nice rear end for a 17 year old! She can sing with the best of them. She is pretty cool, no bodyguards or security; you can just walk right up to her and hit on her. LOL, my wife asked me why are talking to her? I said she is famous I'm allowed to meet famous hot chicks as you are allowed to meet famous hot guys. She laughed and told me to leave her alone. Ha Ha.

Yeah, she sounded pretty hot on the radio when I was listening to it on the way to my final exam.
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Guest MlnknprkrM
Originally posted by SpaceGhost:

[QB]LOL, my wife asked me why are you talking to her? I said she is famous I'm allowed to meet famous hot chicks as you are allowed to meet famous hot guys. She laughed and told me to leave her alone. Ha Ha.QB]

The best part of this thread right there!
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