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I just made $4.75 Million Dollars!

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> ....or did I?


From an E-mail I just received...


Dear Pearson, [He knows my middle name...?]


My name is Mr.MASHAWE WilLIAMS I work in the credit and accounts department of Inter continental Bank of Nigeria Plc,Lagos, Nigeria. I write you in respect of a foreign customer with our bank, before his sudden death. His

name is Mr.Alam A.Pearson, He was among those who died in a plane crash here in Nigeria in the year 2001. Sir,since the demise of this our customer, Mr.Alam A.Pearson [i wonder if we're related... :rolleyes: ]who was an oil merchant/contractor, I have kept a close watch of the deposit records and accounts and since

then no body has come toclaim the money in this a/c as next of kin to the late Engineer.He had only $9.5mllion in his a/c and the a/c is coded. It is only an insider that could produce the code or password of the deposit particulars. As it stands now, there is nobody in that position to produce the needed information other than my very self considering my position in the bank as his account officer.Based on the reason that nobody has come forward to claim the deposit as next of kin, I hereby ask for your cooperation in using your name as the next of kin to the deceased to send these funds out to a foreign offshore bank a/c for mutual sharing between myself and you. At this point I am the only one with the information because I have removed the deposit file from the safe. By this doing, what is required of you is to send an application laying claims of the deposit as next of kin to the deceased officially to the director of our bank. I will need your full name and address,telephone and fax number for the processing of the transfer in your name and favour. Finally i want you to understand

that the request for a foreigneras the next of kin is occassioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and for that reason alone a Nigerian cannot represent as next of kin. When you contact me, then we shall discuss on how the money will be split between us. Trusting to hear from you,


you are always free to call me on my cell phone:[REMOVED]

I remain Respectfully yours,


<font color ="midnightblue"> stupid Nigerians...


[ 28. April 2005, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Folkvang ]

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> lol yeah, I'm planning on it. I don't have alot of time, but these guys jump at the drop of a hat. I'll send him a little e-mail expressing 'innocent' interest and he'll go apenuts.


I lost the last one; she stopped responding. I'll be more tactful with this guy.

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got the same exact email in my yahoo account but they sent a picture and said i needed to send one back and that he was gonna convince the judge that i was realated to this guy.......only one problem, I'm a white boy and he was back.... dumbass
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> First response, under the guise of "Frank Gunther". Can't spend too much time on it, but here's the first shot.


<font color ="midnightblue"> Mr. Mashawe-


My name is Frank Pearson Gunther, and I am the executive of the brokerage company Frank Gunther and Associates. You have sent an e-mail to my son's address informing him that you wish to work out a deal concerning the recent death of Mr. Alam A. Pearson, a rich oil and merchant contractor who left behind $9.5 million dollars. As my son is not yet of age, I believe it would be more appropriate if I were to make the deal with you instead. Thus, I would appreciate any responses to be sent to this e-mail [frank_gunther@beenhad.com], and not my son's. I'm sure you understand.


Any business man would be foolish to pass up an opportunity like this, so at your convenience, please send me more information, and hopefully we can come to a mutual agreement. Note, however, I am a busy man, and do not have time for games. Do not waste my time, and I will not waste yours.




Frank Gunther,


Frank Gunther and Associates, Brokerage Firm


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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue">Don't even get started. Sophomoric condemnation of me is no excuse for your worthless opinions and inability to defend your own position, Jon. You wanna debate make a thread, or how about starting by first backing up your arguments in the original topic, but don't post this sanctimonious bullshit to give credance to the points you didn't make last time.
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I had no points because I didn't care enough to get in an argument with you. I understood that A) what I said would not change your opinions, and B) what you said would definitely not change my opinions. You just wanted people to say shit to you so that you could throw 18 paragraphs of bullshit and big words fresh out of the thesaurus at them. Sorry, didn't feel like wasting my life arguing with someone just as stubborn as myself, I preferred to get high instead.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> declaring that because I would not change my opinion, you did not feel it necessary to explain yours, is a cop out. If you can't explain it here, thereby examining your own convictions, with all these people on your side, where can you? And announcing yourself to be impervious to be swayed is quite a narrow-minded thing to do. Extreme skepticism or nihilism is not a legitimate stance in light of your other comments.


Your calling me stubborn is simply the observation that no one yet has made a concrete enough point to sway my opinion. It doesn't mean it can't be done. So smoke all you want, but if you can't find the wherewithall to post a defense of your actions in a no-pressure environment that gives you all the freedom, resources, and time in the world to provide a thorough response such as this forum does, then you shouldn't smoke weed. Period.

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/cwm/3dlil/rolleyes.gif *checks watch*


So anyways...about that Nigerian scammer... I lost his e-mail. If he doesn't reply, it's up. There are always more.

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