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Beer Review: Winterhook

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

I picked this up at Randall’s for around 6 bucks. Red Hook is a brewery out of Washington and it has a wide range of beers. I have had some Red Hook brews before but I honestly can’t recall if they were quality or not. The reason I got it was because it is the first winter beer I have seen so far this year and had a hankering for a winter brew. We shall see if the beer was what I was looking for.


Bottle: The Red Hook label is at the top of the bottle with a large, white main label down below. This white label says Winterhook Winter Ale in rather large print. Underneath this is a picture of Old Man Winter blowing some obviously cold air. Around this picture sits a gold colored frame of fancy proportions.


Pour: The beer pours out as a light mahogany color with a khaki head that quickly fizzles to a thin lace. The lace then vanishes into a few dots that were once a good looking head. The beer does have a smell of well done winter ale as it smells of cinnamon and perhaps some clove.


Taste: As Charlie Brown once said, “Good Grief.” If you have seen the video of the crash of the Hindenburg you know that the reporter was struggling for words to describe the horror of the crash. Much like that reporter, I am at a loss for words to describe the tragedy in my glass. Honestly, if you took an average porter and mixed it in an even ratio with water, the result would be Winterhook. The beer only has two tastes. One of the tastes is water, the other is roasted malt. When I think of good winter ale I picture a beer that is quite hearty with a higher than average alcohol content that warms you up. This beer has neither of those two tastes.


Overall: It all started out as a hankering for good winter ale and, sadly, turned into a fiery train wreck of death. If I were given the choice between having the bubonic plague and having Winterhook, I would choose the plague any day of the week.


I’ve noticed a trend of bad reviews from beers bought at Randall’s. After some consideration I’ve decided that my beer will now be purchased at Central Market. You readers will see why as soon as my patience wears out and I crack open my newest find.



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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Aaron, I just got back from Germany and tried quite a few different brews. Ever been there? Ever tried Oktoberfest or Winkler Bräu? Those are my two personal favorites..

never been to germany but one day i do plan to partake on a world beer tour. i have had quite a few Oktoberfest beers but have not heard of Winkler. i would kind of like it if you posted what beers you had and what you thought of them.
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Bob:

Do you have a Kroger? Houston had one, which surprised me. I'm not sure how their beer variety fares, however.


Thanks for the review graemlins/thumb.gif

no kroger in austin that i know of.
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