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Saw Stop.

Trouble Maker

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Thats awesome! How neat, that would have saved this kids finger at my school, he cut it of accidentally last year. My friend ran and put the finger on ice, I think it was saved and they put it back on.
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Originally posted by Nelson Mandela:

I'd like to see them use real fingers for the test.

I was thinking the same thing. Kind of like that guy who has the cloth, light weight, flack jackets that shoots him self to prove they work.


Originally posted by Nelson Mandela:

I have a better idea. Be careful and watch what you are doing and you won't cut your fingers off.

It's alot more than that. Even the most experienced, skilled, worker can make a mistake. This product has a huge application in the work place/schools. If an accident happens there, it's not just 'oh, look at that dumb ass', it's 'oh, look at that lawsuit and raised insurance premiums/not being able to get insurance anymore.'


For instance, a guy that was on NPR was talking about a place he owned/was a manager at (or something to that effect). He's got guys working in there for basically peanuts doing a job a monkey could do and has guys coming in there hung over. That's a problem waiting to happen. And don’t say get guys that don’t come in drunk because with some fields, realistically, that won't happen.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Who cares?


Finger > $10 sawblade

10$ for a sawblade?


maybe in the 1700's


some fine kerf woodworking blades run well over 100$


I'm not saying its a bad idea, but if you can't run a power tool without sticking your hand in the blade maybe you shouldn't be using it. if your using the saw properly with all the guards and things in place you should never even be able to get your hand near the blade.

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