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Guest racinbird

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Guest racinbird

Just leanring to play golf, and damn I suck!!!


Whats the best way to learn? Get some lessons? Just go out and wing it with people that know what they are doing? Anybody golf around here on a regualr basis?

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Yeah there's another guy in Powell that could teach you too? Mad Malibu (Cark). I made the mistake years ago by NOT taking lessons, if I had to do it over I'd take them in a heartbeat. It took me years being self taught to enjoy the game & develop some consistency = smile.gif
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Lessons are one of the worst things you can do believe it or not.


Every golf pro is so focused on trying to teach that PERFECT swing (which there isnt), that they dont look at what really matters.


The only thing you need to concentrate on is the way the club contacts the ball. The before and after means absolutly nothing.


Not everyones body moves the same so not every swing is the same. I have really tight tendens in my back and shoulders from excessive lifting as a youth... thus, my form sucks, i have to muscle everything thru. My shoulder rotation is limited so usually, if i just swing away, i like to slice like a monster.


However, if i slow down the club, and concentrate on hitting the ball solid, i can hit it dead strait around 240-250yrds w/o too much problem. If by some chance i get lucky on one of those all or none swings, 300yrds is not out of the question... with a swing that feals like a "unfolded lawn chair" [Tin Cup].


You best bet is to learn 3 things... how to properly grip the club, the proper placement of the clubface at the point of contact, and how to not get frustrated when you dont hit a good shot. Get those 3 things down, and youll be able to get the hang of it pretty quick.




You could be like me and play for 11yrs and still have a 30 handycap :D

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Originally posted by Volvolution:

Lessons are one of the worst things you can do believe it or not.


Every golf pro is so focused on trying to teach that PERFECT swing (which there isnt), that they dont look at what really matters.


The only thing you need to concentrate on is the way the club contacts the ball. The before and after means absolutly nothing.


Not everyones body moves the same so not every swing is the same. I have really tight tendens in my back and shoulders from excessive lifting as a youth... thus, my form sucks, i have to muscle everything thru. My shoulder rotation is limited so usually, if i just swing away, i like to slice like a monster.


However, if i slow down the club, and concentrate on hitting the ball solid, i can hit it dead strait around 240-250yrds w/o too much problem. If by some chance i get lucky on one of those all or none swings, 300yrds is not out of the question... with a swing that feals like a "unfolded lawn chair" [Tin Cup].


You best bet is to learn 3 things... how to properly grip the club, the proper placement of the clubface at the point of contact, and how to not get frustrated when you dont hit a good shot. Get those 3 things down, and youll be able to get the hang of it pretty quick.




You could be like me and play for 11yrs and still have a 30 handycap :D

Are you shitting me?


I couldnt bash you for your arrogance about driving skills because Ive never auto x'ed.


I couldnt bash you (to hard) for your "whats wrong with my Volvo" thread because my daily isnt much to brag about either.


Now though, you've gone and fucked up. Golf isnt something any asshole can do well. You're a prime example of that. You dont need lessons to have fun, but if you want to be good, you will need at least a few. I've been playing golf for 11 years also, and Id be willing to bet I can beat you anywhere, anytime.


You come into a thread, and in your normal fashion tried to be a know it all...as usual. The problem here is that this guy is actually asking for help, and your 'advice' could fuck up his game for life.


Seeing as you no next to nothing about how to improve your skill level, your post should have read as follows : "I suck at golf, and dont feel the need to get lessons so I may improve my playing ability. If you want to be like me, STAY AWAY FROM LESSONS."


Here's a free life lesson Nick, shut your mouth until you know what you are talking about. While you're waiting, go race your uber hardass volvo...schmuck.


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If you have the money Jason Carbone at Muirfield Village is a great instructor. Golf Digest rated him Ohio's top golf instructor. YOu don't need to be a member to get lessons either. I have watched him give hundreds of lessons and just by watching, it has made me a better golfer. He charges $110 an hour though. I had a chance to take lessons from him for a very discounted rate but was stupid and didn't take the opportunity.
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Guest SweeeetSilvia
Originally posted by Volvolution:

Lessons are one of the worst things you can do believe it or not.


Every golf pro is so focused on trying to teach that PERFECT swing (which there isnt), that they dont look at what really matters.


The only thing you need to concentrate on is the way the club contacts the ball. The before and after means absolutly nothing.


Not everyones body moves the same so not every swing is the same. I have really tight tendens in my back and shoulders from excessive lifting as a youth... thus, my form sucks, i have to muscle everything thru. My shoulder rotation is limited so usually, if i just swing away, i like to slice like a monster.


However, if i slow down the club, and concentrate on hitting the ball solid, i can hit it dead strait around 240-250yrds w/o too much problem. If by some chance i get lucky on one of those all or none swings, 300yrds is not out of the question... with a swing that feals like a "unfolded lawn chair" [Tin Cup].


You best bet is to learn 3 things... how to properly grip the club, the proper placement of the clubface at the point of contact, and how to not get frustrated when you dont hit a good shot. Get those 3 things down, and youll be able to get the hang of it pretty quick.




You could be like me and play for 11yrs and still have a 30 handycap :D

Maybe thats why you have a 30 handicap, you should take some lessons. Douche graemlins/slap.gif
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I never had lessons, and im not too shabby at all off the tee of in the fairway... my handy cap comes mostly from my putting. I suck at it.


Heres a true story... 346yrd par 4... 70degree dogleg left. On the green in 1 (done it on more than one occasion, parents witnessed) 3 and 4 putted every time for pars and bogeies. Im terrible on the green, thats why i suck, not because i never had lessons to teach me how to swing.


Anyone can pick up a bat and hit a baseball. Golf is the same... anyone can hit the golfball. My dad never played golf in his life. Went to a range with me once... wathced me hit about 10 drives, and took one swing. 220yrd drive... dead strait. Hes 53yrs old and hit over 200yrds w/o every touching a club before that day. Dont say noone cant just pick it up.


Think about baseball pitchers. Whats the objective... throw the ball into the catchers mit... thats it. Think about how many ways you can do that. As long as you release the ball properly, what you do before and after you realease the ball means absolutly nothing.


Golf is the same. As long as the club contacts the ball correctly, what happens before, and after is irrelivant.


Another thing about golf is that you dont have to hit the ball far to get low scores. My grandpa Andy is 75yrs old, and still has a 6-10 handy cap depending on where he plays. "Fairways and Greens" he says... kicks my ass and i hit the ball twice as far so i cant argue.


I've been playing golf for 11 years also, and Id be willing to bet I can beat you anywhere, anytime.


Im up for a game... maybe this weekend? I really dont care if i win or lose, but id like to see how you play. If you want to play a really TOUGH course, i can get us in on the Oasis in Cincinnati... ive been a member for about 7yrs.

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either your full of shit, or you aren't telling us something about your game... either way... lesson's if you take them seriously, will do nothing but help your game.... as far as playing this weekend.... how's saturday sound? try to get some of us together and play some golf.... I'm now verying interested in seeing this 346 yard drive... hell, if you can do it more than once.... I'll buy you a beer.... who knows... if I'm impressed enough, I MIGHT even cover your game of golf...
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Originally posted by ( . Y . ):

either your full of shit, or you aren't telling us something about your game... either way... lesson's if you take them seriously, will do nothing but help your game.... as far as playing this weekend.... how's saturday sound? try to get some of us together and play some golf.... I'm now verying interested in seeing this 346 yard drive... hell, if you can do it more than once.... I'll buy you a beer.... who knows... if I'm impressed enough, I MIGHT even cover your game of golf...

Hole 6 measures to the inside of the dog leg, not a direct line. There are houses on the inside of the dogleg. If you cut the leg, really F'in close to the houses... you can hit a slight downhill bounce and roll onto the green. Its more like 280-290 strait line.




Heres a pic of that hole...




The green is on the upper left and the tee boxes are on the mid right. We tee off from the last tee box (Gold & Black tees).


I was wrong about the dog leg angle... looks more like 40-50degrees. Just seems alot worse when you actuly play.


[ 04. May 2005, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Volvolution ]

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I've seen new golfers hit them 280 yrds, which would be about 1 out of 50 shots so that isn't impressive. If you can do that every time you play the hole then props. Plus you said its downhill, um, I hit a ball close to 400 yrds at Kapalua last year on the 600 yrd hole 18, at around 250 yrds, it was ALL downhill. If you're ever watched the Mercedes Championship then you know what hole I am talking about.. or play tiger woods 2004 :D
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Originally posted by Homey D. Clown:

I've seen new golfers hit them 280 yrds, which would be about 1 out of 50 shots so that isn't impressive. If you can do that every time you play the hole then props. Plus you said its downhill, um, I hit a ball close to 400 yrds at Kapalua last year on the 600 yrd hole 18, at around 250 yrds, it was ALL downhill. If you're ever watched the Mercedes Championship then you know what hole I am talking about.. or play tiger woods 2004 :D

not to mention hole 17 at Eagle Ridge.. that's all down hill and you drove that thing a fuck'in mile last year....


down hills make driving so much better :D

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where do you guys play golf at, I work at Worthington Hills Country club and there closed on mondays so I can go and play golf for free I want to so thats a plus and I take a few people with me but I just gotta okay it with the owner
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Originally posted by ( . Y . ):

not to mention hole 17 at Eagle Ridge.. that's all down hill and you drove that thing a fuck'in mile last year....


down hills make driving so much better :D

Hole 18 ;) 17 is the 210 par 3 before.
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