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Looking for puppies

The Man of Steele

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Originally posted by Fornicate:

Hahaha, ZING!


But I know the hell you are about to endure from that comment. tongue.gif

Not skurred...and I'll tell you why.


Chris is not secure with his sexuallity, so he likes call other people gay, in turn masking his homosexuallity. He also does this by banging cross-eyed girls and minors...basically any girl that will let him.


Oh, and I am awaiting his awsome comeback to me; which im sure will include calling me gay. smile.gif


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Not skurred...and I'll tell you why.


Chris is not secure with his sexuallity, so he likes call other people gay, in turn masking his homosexuallity. He also does this by banging cross-eyed girls and minors...basically any girl that will let him.


Oh, and I am awaiting his awsome comeback to me; which im sure will include calling me gay. smile.gif


I don't need to call you gay Stacy, we all know you're a woman. I bang any girl that lets me? That's funny b/c my girlfriend is hotter than ANY girl you will ever hold hands with you faggot. Plus I and a few other members of CR have turned down your mom on multiple ocasions.


While we are on this little spree lets bring up the fact that you are a sack rider, not only do you have to handjob any one that tollerates you for them to be your friend. You don't get when people don't like you and you manage to get hit by me every time you are around.


Maybe you should step the fuck back and shut the fuck up, because we all know that you're a dumb ass.


Oh and btw if you have any more to say out of your fairy mouth take it to pm's and GTFO of my puppy thread.


One last thing. Saying that I have repressed homosexual tendencies is not going to get me to go out with you, so for the last time stop tryn you faggot. I bang girls somethign you will never know anything about kthxbye



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Check the local shelters ( one in westerville and one in hilliard) lots of puppies usually around this time for about $60. If that doesn't work, check petland (very expensive), and jacks which usually has mixed breed puppies and sometimes pure breds for decent prices
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Originally posted by Rane:

Wonka loves the chocolate.

Originally posted by a person:

I love *** candy!No gay... but he did refer to you as a "faggot". :D [/QB]

it's the truth he is a fag. http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/dunno.gif
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you guys need to bone and get that shit over with. theres too much sexual tension between the two of you.


back on topic,i got my pup at the shelter over here on the east side, and i wouldnt trade him for any dog. house trained, mostly understands commands, sweet as anything, never barks, and has all of his shots. awesome dog. anyone whos seen him will verify.

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Originally posted by Orion:

you guys need to bone and get that shit over with. theres too much sexual tension between the two of you.


back on topic,i got my pup at the shelter over here on the east side, and i wouldnt trade him for any dog. house trained, mostly understands commands, sweet as anything, never barks, and has all of his shots. awesome dog. anyone whos seen him will verify.

Are you mad because you can't get any love? Marc is willing if you're into that type of thing. Thanks for the info about your dog.


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