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Good source of Cheap Cat-5?


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Thanks for your replies! smile.gif


I don't need that much. I just need about 100 ft.


After I posted this my wife told me where she used to get her stuff. She is going to go to a store near her dad's house in Dayton. They have 100 ft. there cheap. So I don't have to buy more than I need, and I don't have to pay for shipping.


The link is here in case you are interested. They have 1000 ft. for $50, but I don't need that much. They have 100 ft for $13.




Thanks again, you guys are the best. smile.gif

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Guest racinbird
Originally posted by NoRodStang:

I used to the run cable and the crap i got off ebay was just that.

WTF? Is that a complete sentence?
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