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Kill Bill: Volume One


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Guest Tony_K

Kill Bill vol. 1 - A very well-made movie. Tarrantino has a knack for making audiences relate to the unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but I somewhat question whether some of his antics in KB vol.1 had any artistic merit, or were just there to test the limits of today's interpretation of "acceptable," which is not hard for anyone to do.


Case in point: He juxtaposes the humor of the "Pussy Wagon" with the main character being raped. (trying not to spoil for those who have not seen it) It seems throughout the movie, Tarrantino is asking the audience to laugh at something at the same time or shortly after something very serious happened, or tries to create humor out of things that one, in normal life, would be considered a sicko to laugh at.


The whole movie has a very unstable mix of humor and the unspeakable. To take the movie in a lighthearted way or as comedy, well, it's really not that good - definitely not really funny. To take it seriously, well, Tarrantino does not allow the audience to take it too seriously. Rather, the viewer is kept on his toes, having to repeatedly shift from intense action to character insight to humor to difficult (possibly offensive) subject matter to spoofing and so on. This doesn't take genius or artistic ability, and I'm not sure whether this adds to or detracts from the movie. I think the story itself and the way it unfolds and develops is what ultimately carries this movie, not the twists Tarrantion includes along the way.


If you are into movies where there is no "good guy" (which is the trend the last several years), then Kill Bill fits right in with them. The story comes together very nicely at the end, almost to a point that you didn't realize it would. You leave the theater rather unexpectedly burning to see what happens next. But overall, it's a decent movie for its merits, but not a masterpiece.




There is another thread about song lyrics right now, and thinking about the kinds of songs AND the kinds of movies that are popular today, I can't help but to wonder, why are so many people today attracted to things that are miserable, uncomfortable, and angry? Are people that unhappy?

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Originally posted by Tony_K:

Tarrantino has a knack for making audiences relate to the unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but I somewhat question whether some of his antics in KB vol.1 had any artistic merit, or were just there to test the limits of today's interpretation of "acceptable," which is not hard for anyone to do.

Kinda like his "dead * storage" scene in pulp fiction, or even the plunger in Uma's heart when she od'd. Nice write up.
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Neo, your pun is excellent. (Heroine = female hero figure; heroin = what her character in Pulp Fiction is best remembered for.)


Tony_K, I appreciate your insights, and with many of them I agree. Maybe I just liked the movie a little more? Dunno.

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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by doggunracing:

I downloaded my copy of Kill Bill and it didn't have subtitles for the hours of Japanese talking. Do the movie and DVD have these?

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Originally posted by Venomss:

Neo, your pun is excellent. (Heroine = female hero figure; heroin = what her character in Pulp Fiction is best remembered for.)


Tony_K, I appreciate your insights, and with many of them I agree. Maybe I just liked the movie a little more? Dunno.

No pun intended, look at what she goes through so far in the first movie, she's half way to being the classic hero(in), considering the movie is really half way done. Haven't seen Pulp Fiction in a LONG time, but I'm sure if you analyzed that, you would find the same thing.


Oh yeah, the movie ended too early, Tarrantino should have done what he wanted and made it one movie. At least I didn't watch it in the movie theater, so now I can watch the second half of the movie a week after I watched the first instead of waiting months upon months.


Although I do agree with the up and down of emotions and switching that Tony was talking about, but that added to the movie for me. I could see how it could detract for some. I don't know, maybe it's the fact that I can laugh about a person getting their head or arm chopped off when it's in a movie and very over the top.

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I wouldn't consider myself impressed by Kill Bill. It was definitely a fun movie to watch, but I don't think it's anywhere near the Top 10 on the list of best movies ever. Though, that's gonna come down to personal opinion. I think it was a kick-ass movie, but VERY unrealistic and it seems VERY weird to see a woman doing all the things she does (no offense to women). The parts when they switched to Japanimation-style graphics was sweet, but the whole seen with her trying to move her big toe was just corny as hell. I guess I get picky with quite a few movies and that's kinda good and bad. Catch the really great subtle shit, but get annoyed at other shit. Oh well.
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Originally posted by Bitch Gettin Drop-top:

I saw part 1 when it came out in theaters. I think it is my favorite of all time. I was going to buy the DVD, but the DVD is JusT the movie. I'm gonna wait until they realease a box-set before I buy it.

They are going to release a extended version of the movie. Its supposed to come out in about a month. Thats what I cant wait to get.


Originally posted by The Movie Guy:

I wouldn't consider myself impressed by Kill Bill. It was definitely a fun movie to watch, but I don't think it's anywhere near the Top 10 on the list of best movies ever. Though, that's gonna come down to personal opinion. I think it was a kick-ass movie, but VERY unrealistic and it seems VERY weird to see a woman doing all the things she does (no offense to women). The parts when they switched to Japanimation-style graphics was sweet, but the whole seen with her trying to move her big toe was just corny as hell. I guess I get picky with quite a few movies and that's kinda good and bad. Catch the really great subtle shit, but get annoyed at other shit. Oh well.

Thats what they intended, I dont think it is one of the top 10 either. And i agree that it was werid to see the chick doing the ass kicking. But I think thats why Quentin did that to get the shock effect.
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