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HL2: Deathmatch


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I played DM once. Didn't really like it. I much rather enjoy Source.. but I need a freakin' REAL PC to actually play it. Right now I'm still playing the old CS. It's getting me by though.


Source is cool because they modified the HELL out of the texture and changed the maps slightly. It really looks "real world" now.

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> CS:S, or any CS for that matter can be frustrating. There are many times when I am sure I've unloaded a clip on someone's head and they fire two shots off their glocks and I'm down. Oh well. It can be alot of fun when you play with friends.


DM didn't do much for me. They need to make a game-like multiplayer mode, where aliens attack and you can be zombies and what-not. Shootin' people is fun, but I want teams of zen vs. people.

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Counterstrike is different from all other fps games out there because of their netcode.


If you're having a hard time at it its not because you suck its because its different from what you'd intuit.


A quick tip - shoot BEHIND enemies. The hitboxes in CS:S lag behind where you're seeing an enemy because of how they implemented their client side prediction. Again, unlike every other fps game out there (tribes, JO, UT, Quake, Doom, OFP, GR, etc etc etc). Yeah CSS is whacked.


Also remember the spray rises more than it spreads sideways - so aim at their heads and as you unload your clip pull slightly down.


Also, if you're a broadband user and get on a server with a sub-50 ping, then goto the console and type these in (in any order):


rate 25000

cl_cmdrate 101

cl_updaterate 101

cl_cmdbackup 101

fps_max 500


You'll be amazing how much you start connecting hits.




Folks wanting to catch me in CSS I'm on the Columbus Intrigue server most nights. Mowgli on there. "Shoot" me a hi.

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OFP = Operation Flashpoint.


I guess the closest thing would be Battlefield2, but its not run n gun. Its realism^n


You can pilot/drive/ride/man just any position in any vehicle you see. 50km by 50m maps. Massive numbers of infantry, armor and air assets can be engaged at once.


Hows this for size: I have one scenario (Fulda Gap-like) I built where there is roughly: 2 Apache flights, 3 UH1 flights, 3 tank companies (thats 3 platoons each, 4 tanks to a platoon, 4 men to a tank) of M1s and reserv M60s. Eight+ companies of mechanized infantry (thats roughly 50 men per with accompanying M113s and Bradleys etc), several platoons (8 to 12 men per) of airborne in UH60s, and support assets like artillery, A10s, repair, evac, etc on the US side. On the opfor side (russian) there was roughly double that.


All in one massive battle spread over about a 10 sq kilometer FEBA. Try being an infantryman in on that battlefield.


The game itself continues to be updated and has a huge following - goto www.ofpec.com


A quick screen:


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Since were suggesting games.


Condition Zero- The clostest version to a cs game done perfectly. CS 1.6 is to ugly, Source laggs even though I should be getting like 50fps (Vid card not working right.) not to mention all the source bugs. and CZ has less hackers smile.gif

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Folks wanting to catch me in CSS I'm on the Columbus Intrigue server most nights. Mowgli on there. "Shoot" me a hi.

Holy hell, I'm on that server too. Dr'Kyoji here. I'm usually on late at night or mid-day. I think I've seen your name once or twice.


I enjoy both CS:S and HLDM. It really depends on what kind of mood I am in.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Mowgli:

Counterstrike is different from all other fps games out there because of their netcode.


If you're having a hard time at it its not because you suck its because its different from what you'd intuit.


A quick tip - shoot BEHIND enemies. The hitboxes in CS:S lag behind where you're seeing an enemy because of how they implemented their client side prediction. Again, unlike every other fps game out there (tribes, JO, UT, Quake, Doom, OFP, GR, etc etc etc). Yeah CSS is whacked.


Also remember the spray rises more than it spreads sideways - so aim at their heads and as you unload your clip pull slightly down.


Also, if you're a broadband user and get on a server with a sub-50 ping, then goto the console and type these in (in any order):


rate 25000

cl_cmdrate 101

cl_updaterate 101

cl_cmdbackup 101

fps_max 500


You'll be amazing how much you start connecting hits.




Folks wanting to catch me in CSS I'm on the Columbus Intrigue server most nights. Mowgli on there. "Shoot" me a hi.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Awesome. That makes alot of sense. That said, I can't seem to get the console to work for me on CS:S. You just press the "~" button, right? I press it, and nothing happens. At the least I can still try the shooting for the hit boxes now, instead of the bodies. Thanks for the tip.
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Guest ED6vtec

i play CS 1.6

come play in our clan server sometime


my name on there is

-=C]OS[C=- SmokeShank, i have full admin so if you want some weapons, let me know ;)

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