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Out with the old in with the newer....


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Well we traded in our 99 Yukon Denali for a 2001 Denali. Talk about a world of difference so far we love the new truck (picked it up Wednesday) it has alot more gadgets and nifty things, and the 6.0L V8 has some very surprising power and move that big thing pretty good down the road. Here are some pics..







and the rest are here http://www.cofba.org/users/beast350/2001%20Yukon/

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Well Alex after driving semi's, buses, dozers and other various military vehicles, the Yukon is very easy to drive.


NECO, We buy SUV's because we like them, and thats all you ever need to know. You don't know me or my situation so I ask you respectfully, STFU!


[ 06. March 2005, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Bad Ass Black Buick ]

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Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

Well Alex ...You don't know me or my situation so I ask you respectfully, STFU!

Jeff, Alex didn't say anything bad about the fact that you got this car or drive SUV's. That was a bit uncalled for.


Nice ride. I actually like that color.

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Originally posted by Neo:

Jeff, Alex didn't say anything bad about the fact that you got this car or drive SUV's. That was a bit uncalled for.


Nice ride. I actually like that color.

That wasn't directed at Alex, and I am sorry if he or anyone else thought it was directed at him.
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Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

That wasn't directed at Alex, and I am sorry if he or anyone else thought it was directed at him.

Ah, ok. It's cool. It kind of seemed like it was and I didn't think you would do something like that. That was the way it read to me originally, sorry about that.
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