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How fast is dsl compared to cable?


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it depends with DSL you pay for a fixed speed upload and download. Whereas with cable your get a set speed that can very depending on overall usage. for example dsl you can buy a 1.5 mb up and 1.5 down. and that speed will never change. with cable i get a 5mb down and a 500kb up but the download speed may very depending on the over useage of the network/node I am on. Cable has gotten alot better but it still can very.

If it were me i would go with cable.


Edit as for DSL speeds from what i understand you can buy pretty much any upload and down load speeds you want. It all depends what the provider has available to offer.


[ 10. March 2005, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: Great Googley Moogley ]

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How about if I'm still on AOL dialup and I'm thinking about getting that promotion SBC has going on right now for $19.95 for SBC Yahoo DSL, you think I'd be happy with that? What are some prices for cable/companies?
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I just have a basic phone line from SBC with no options. We don't really use our home phone. I never answer it but there is a machine on the line. Everyone knows to call my cell and not my home unless they want to leave a message. We only use it as an emergency phone because we have mobile phones with 1000 anytime minutes, free night/weekend, unlimited mobile to mobile, free long distance and blah blah blah. Our mobile phone is through sprint and they provide long distance with no monthly charges on our home phone plus 50 free long distance minutes every month.


That puts our sbc home phone line at less then 20 bucks/month. Then SBC offers $20/month for DSL. Add 2 together then you get phone plus internet for less then $40/month.

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DSL is great for the money. i'm not home very often so the 49/month or whatever it was for roadruner was a litle too much for me. i got the SBCdsl and it's fine for browsing, gaming, that kind of thing. if i was hardcore into file"sharing" or something i would have stuck with the cable, but i'm not and i have no complaints with the dsl. the home network modem thing they give out is pretty sweet too. i know routers are cheap,but the one they give you is pretty handy.
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