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Our Court System vs Highway Sniper


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fuck that retried shit, gimme a loaded gun and 10 secounds, i'll permanently resolve the situation. the same goes for all the worthless shit piles on death row, and all the "insanity" cases. why the fuck should my tax money be supporting these drains on society? seriously, if an "excutioner" job, like it was back in mid-evil times ever opens i'd be the first to apply, if for no other reason than to rid the gene pool of fuckers like that. Our justice system has some SERIOUS flaws, and it's way way way past time to resolve them.


that is all

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Just as an FYI, I thought I would quote Ohio law regarding a finding of Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI):


"A person is 'not guilty by reason of insanity' relative to a charge of an offense only if the person proves, in the manner specified in section 2901.05 of the Revised Code, that at the time of the commission of the offense, the person did not know, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, the wrongfulness of the person's acts."


In other words, in order to be found NGRI, you must (1) have a severe mental disease or defect and (2) demonstrate that, because of that severe mental disease or defence, you did not know the wrongfulness of your actions.

Thanks Dr. John


It may just be me, but i feel that somone has to be somewhat insane to take life away from a human who has don nothing wrong to you.


Also, IMO the fact that the asshole skipped town is evidence enough that he knew he did something wrong.


Fry his ass, it will save us spending over 50,000 a year in taxes to house his ass.

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

McCoy (i.e., the Highway Sniper) will be retried, and, this time around, the prosecution will not seek the death penalty. Instead, they'll ask that, should the jury find him guilty of murder, that he be sentenced to life in prison. The prosecution is probably under the impression that the death penalty specification "spooked" some of the jury members, causing them to get conservative and, resultantly, leading to the hung jury.

sorry to correct, it may just be me, but i think pussing out on the death penalty is NOT conservitive, but i know what you mean smile.gif
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Joel, I think he was speaking in terms of the classic denotative meaning of conservative and not the connotative American political meaning of conservative.


In other words, conservative meaning reserved and cautions.


Not conservative meaning right wing or traditional.

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You guys are way to easy. They should torture the fuck out of him and leave him for dead in the middle of a desert somewhere.


IMO the use of the insanity plea is a fucking cop out and way to over used. As a country we pay way to much fn money to house criminals. You kill someone, we kill you. You rape a child, we kill you. If our system wasn't such a joke our crime rate wouldn't be so fn high. You'd run one hell of a cost benefit analysis if you risked losing your life for comitting a crime. Capital punishment should be used way more often. Then we'd have more tax dollars to bomb the middle east with smile.gif

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

McCoy (i.e., the Highway Sniper) will be retried, and, this time around, the prosecution will not seek the death penalty. Instead, they'll ask that, should the jury find him guilty of murder, that he be sentenced to life in prison. The prosecution is probably under the impression that the death penalty specification "spooked" some of the jury members, causing them to get conservative and, resultantly, leading to the hung jury.

I hope they give him the max sentence they can this time. I did hope for death, but don't think it will happen :(


I am impressed with his defense attorneys. Very impressed.

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While I agree that its the eye for an eye approach, there is no reforming a child rapist. They should be tortured to near death then left to beg for their ending. There would be no end to the pain i'd put on someone for hurting my little girl.
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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

Joel, I think he was speaking in terms of the classic denotative meaning of conservative and not the connotative American political meaning of conservative.


In other words, conservative meaning reserved and cautions.


Not conservative meaning right wing or traditional.

Originally posted by Redneck #1:

i know what you mean smile.gif

I know, hence, the above smile.gif
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Originally posted by Mr Blunt 2gnt:

You guys are way to easy. They should torture the fuck out of him and leave him for dead in the middle of a desert somewhere.


IMO the use of the insanity plea is a fucking cop out and way to over used. As a country we pay way to much fn money to house criminals. You kill someone, we kill you. You rape a child, we kill you. If our system wasn't such a joke our crime rate wouldn't be so fn high. You'd run one hell of a cost benefit analysis if you risked losing your life for comitting a crime. Capital punishment should be used way more often. Then we'd have more tax dollars to bomb the middle east with smile.gif

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