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Guest jpurdy2003

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Guest jpurdy2003

If this is typical of the mentality of Coshocton's residents, that place must be the end of human civilization. Even Neanderthals had more common sense and decency.




Parents Found Guilty Of Chaining Girl To Crib

POSTED: 3:02 pm EST November 17, 2004

UPDATED: 6:51 pm EST November 17, 2004


COSHOCTON, Ohio -- The parents of a child who was chained to her crib in her burning home were found guilty Wednesday, NBC 4's John Ivanic reported.



Gerald Stewart and Ridgley Allington



It took a judge just 25 minutes to find Gerald Stewart, 33, and Ridgley Allington, 36, guilty of child endangerment, which is a second-degree felony. The parents face up to eight years in prison.


"I just want to get our daughter back," Stewart said. "I know it looked bad, and we made a mistake. We hope for the best."


Prosecutors said they don't want to give the child back to her parents. The child has been with a foster family since the incident. Officials hope to move the child into a permanent foster home.


A Coshocton firefighter testified in court Tuesday that he had to battle more than just flames to save 4-year-old Karen Stewart, NBC 4's Elizabeth Scarborough reported.


Gerald Stewart and Allington said the chain was used to prevent their child from getting out, and that's just what happened when a fire broke out at their Chestnut Street home in July, Scarborough reported.


"I saw a shimmer from her leg to the crib," one of the rescuers said. "I thought it had to be a chain."


The firefighters testified in court how they rescued the girl despite heat, smoke and no visibility. They drew diagrams of the paths they crawled through the home and showed the crib and chains they were only able to feel in the upstairs apartment.


The firefighters said they found the child lying facedown under the crib.


"I grabbed her up in my arms and I yelled, 'Hey, I found her!' " firefighter Dexter Conkle said.


Conkle didn't get far, however. Firefighters said a single chain bound the girl, who was unconscious, to the crib.


"I felt that at that point she was in our hands, and I didn't want to hurt her leg," firefighter Stan Braxton said. "Even a tug on the chain was unnecessary pain."


Braxton said he broke the chain with his hands. They then moved to safety.


The couple escaped the burning second-floor apartment, claiming that they could not free the girl. Fire officials said Gerald Stewart attempted to fight the fire himself.


The defense argued that the parents believed they were protecting the child by chaining her to the crib and that they didn't have the mental capacity to know that they were being reckless, Scarborough reported.


The prosecution argued that the child suffered physical harm because of the chains and that her parents were cruel in restraining her.

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Originally posted by zepplica:

you have no idea how bad i wanted to chain those ppl to a bed myself and no we're not all like that lot of the ppl into cars here are on CR just thought id let you guys know

another one from coshocton i dont know and have never meet. where do they come from??
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Originally posted by zepplica:

you have no idea how bad i wanted to chain those ppl to a bed myself and no we're not all like that lot of the ppl into cars here are on CR just thought id let you guys know

yet, none of you can use any type of punctuation to seperate your sentences, thoughts, or any of your pointless ramblings
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You wouldnt believe some of shit stupid shit ive seen/heard. Arsonist would set up trailers in the basement, making the fire go upstairs. they would douse the trailer with fuel(the trailers b eing ordinary combustibles such as paper/cloth) well, they would light it when they were in the basement, and have no way of getting out! hahaha. darwinism at its finest.
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Originally posted by zepplica:

my gf moms is a english teacher i dont ever use punctuation just to piss her off so h23it so brian shits , your sisters a whore lol have any idea who this is? h23it told me to come here and talk with these guys and learn from them.

damn, again, pointless ramblings and from coshocton... well atleast theres some form of half legible sentence structure in there, far be it a far cry from reputable english standards though hahaha


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Its an fn crib for gods sakes. Lower the damned matress so the kid can't get out. Who in gods name chains their kid to anything? They should definately get in trouble for being so stupid. If the fire did break out wouldn't you want to save your baby before you saved yourself? I'd be burnt to a crisp if i had to make that decision.
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Originally posted by zepplica:

my gf moms is a english teacher i dont ever use punctuation just to piss her off so h23it so brian shits , your sisters a whore lol have any idea who this is? h23it told me to come here and talk with these guys and learn from them.

if this is who i think it is i hear you want to buy some rims off me.
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Originally posted by Orion:

uh, damn.


i do think its funny that a guy who hails from utica is piling on the coshocton peeps.

i wasnt born or grew up in Utica, live 5 miles out side of town, far enough away from the stupidity that goes on there to claim im not one of them,... and from all the other posts about coshoctians on this site, utica doesnt even compare... ther might be stupid ppl here, but they are atleast too stupid or lazy to do what ppl in coshocton seem to do on a daily basis now
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:if this is who i think it is i hear you want to buy some rims off me.
yes i would like those rims... first things first i need the car to put them on. I've been finding alot of prospect latly tho.
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Originally posted by RangerTurbo:

i wasnt born or grew up in Utica, live 5 miles out side of town, far enough away from the stupidity that goes on there to claim im not one of them,... and from all the other posts about coshoctians on this site, utica doesnt even compare... ther might be stupid ppl here, but they are atleast too stupid or lazy to do what ppl in coshocton seem to do on a daily basis now

this is like the pot calling the kettle black
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Originally posted by RangerTurbo:

i wasnt born or grew up in Utica, live 5 miles out side of town, far enough away from the stupidity that goes on there to claim im not one of them,... and from all the other posts about coshoctians on this site, utica doesnt even compare... ther might be stupid ppl here, but they are atleast too stupid or lazy to do what ppl in coshocton seem to do on a daily basis now

If you call that correct punctuation you have some issues of your own my friend. I live about 5 miles outside of Coshocton, but I'm definately a Coshoctonian (btw, thats how you spell that). I mean, its the closest thing to a city to me, so I'm from there.


About the stupid people in this town, yes, they are abundant. There are plenty of intelligent people around also. Not trying to defend Coshocton completely, but you'll find deranged idiots everywhere. Look at the guy that shot up the alrosa because he was a fuckin nut last week. I was supposed to be at that show and I'm very glad I didn't have the cash. There are morons everywhere though. I lived in Columbus for two years and I can point out plenty there too. Just my two cents.

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