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HA HA (Rant)

The Man of Steele

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So I am talking online to this kid (I'll leave the name out) He lives with my friend, and no one likes him. So any way my friend and I are going to dinner tonight for some beers and to look at bewbies. So this kid IM's me and starts asking me questions about what my friend and I are doing. So I tell him a little but not to much b/c I don't want this fag hat inviting him self.


He continues to talk and ask questions attempting to uncover where we are hanging out. Any way he eludes (sp) that he is getting this info for my friend. Except I know he is a loser so I say nothing. Finnally he tells me he hasn't said a word to my friend. So I laugh and make fun of him. I am debating on posting the log.

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Here is the log:


Session Start (mandilater:copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:14:35 2004

[16:14] copperhead035: fag on a stick

[16:14] *** Auto-response sent to copperhead035:

[16:14] MaNdILaTeR: ?

[16:14] MaNdILaTeR: you like men

[16:15] copperhead035: no, but adam does

[16:15] MaNdILaTeR: truth

[16:15] copperhead035: he was wanting you to come up here, he's waiting

[16:15] MaNdILaTeR: what?

[16:16] MaNdILaTeR: I am not down with the gay butt seks

[16:16] MaNdILaTeR: I'll leave that to you guys

[16:16] copperhead035: he said that you didn't complain before

[16:16] MaNdILaTeR: because I always turned down his gross sexual advances

[16:16] MaNdILaTeR: homo

[16:19] MaNdILaTeR: ok I'll leave you lovers to your man sex

Session Close (copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:19:37 2004



Session Start (mandilater:copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:20:02 2004

[16:20] copperhead035: he says he wants you here for that

[16:20] *** Auto-response sent to copperhead035:

[16:20] MaNdILaTeR: I'll pass

[16:21] MaNdILaTeR: later buttlovers

Session Close (copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:21:06 2004



Session Start (mandilater:copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:21:33 2004

[16:21] copperhead035: seriously though, he said something about hanging out with you today

[16:21] *** Auto-response sent to copperhead035:

[16:21] MaNdILaTeR: and

[16:21] copperhead035: if you want to head on up, thats cool

[16:21] copperhead035: he's not going to class

[16:21] MaNdILaTeR: on up to where

[16:22] copperhead035: here

[16:22] copperhead035: the apartment

[16:22] MaNdILaTeR: Why would i want to go up there

[16:22] copperhead035: because you have nothing better to do?

[16:22] MaNdILaTeR: false

[16:22] MaNdILaTeR: lol

[16:22] MaNdILaTeR: tell him to get online and stop being gay

[16:22] copperhead035: nope, he's engrossed in GTA

[16:23] MaNdILaTeR: well tell him he's coming down here cuz we are going to dinner across the street

[16:23] MaNdILaTeR: and Kyle is meeting us here

[16:23] copperhead035: time?

[16:23] MaNdILaTeR: 5 pm

[16:23] MaNdILaTeR: well tell him to leave at 5

[16:24] copperhead035: what place are you eating at?

[16:24] MaNdILaTeR: a place with food

[16:24] copperhead035: never heard of it

[16:24] copperhead035: directions?

[16:24] MaNdILaTeR: tell him to take sawmill down to bethel

[16:25] MaNdILaTeR: take letf on bethel road

[16:25] MaNdILaTeR: fuckit

[16:25] MaNdILaTeR: map quest > *

[16:25] copperhead035: address?

[16:25] MaNdILaTeR: Cols. 43235

[16:25] MaNdILaTeR: why are you being his *edite?

[16:25] MaNdILaTeR: slap him and stop being a *edit*

[16:26] copperhead035: actually, i haven't said one word to him in the time that you and i have been talking

[16:27] MaNdILaTeR: wtf?

[16:27] copperhead035: so whats this place thats right across the street?

[16:27] MaNdILaTeR: it does not involve you why do you care

[16:27] copperhead035: boredom

[16:27] MaNdILaTeR: well I guess your imagination cazn run limitless

[16:28] MaNdILaTeR: did he go to class or not

[16:28] copperhead035: no, he's here

[16:28] MaNdILaTeR: lol

[16:28] MaNdILaTeR: what a fag

[16:28] copperhead035: shooting crack dealers right now

[16:28] MaNdILaTeR: well give him the info

[16:28] copperhead035: i don't have all the info yet

[16:30] MaNdILaTeR: your ghey

[16:30] MaNdILaTeR: later

Session Close (copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:30:35 2004



Session Start (mandilater:copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:30:48 2004

[16:30] copperhead035: good job fagnuts

[16:30] *** Auto-response sent to copperhead035:

[16:31] MaNdILaTeR: don't be angry b/c you can't come

[16:31] MaNdILaTeR: peace bitch

Session Close (copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:31:30 2004



Session Start (mandilater:copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:31:34 2004

[16:31] copperhead035: I'll be there

[16:31] *** Auto-response sent to copperhead035:

[16:31] MaNdILaTeR: no you won't

[16:31] copperhead035: then neither will adam

[16:31] copperhead035: since he doesn't have directions

[16:31] MaNdILaTeR: that sucks for him then

[16:37] MaNdILaTeR: LOL you're so gay ! You have to lie to people to get an invitation on a hang out

[16:37] MaNdILaTeR: WOW

[16:37] MaNdILaTeR: no rock bottom

[16:37] copperhead035: lie about what?

[16:37] MaNdILaTeR: If I wanted you to come I would have asked you

[16:37] MaNdILaTeR: wow you are cool

[16:37] MaNdILaTeR: LOL

Session Close (copperhead035): Mon Nov 22 16:41:01 2004

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