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You are a fucking tool! You don't know your @$$ from a hole in the ground! Why do you think you know anything about a car that you don't even have, or drive?


You drive a fucking Pontiac sedan! Who the fuck are you to say anything about BMW?


You flat out just piss me off!! GRAHHHH!!

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Don't be mad your CTSV isn't shit either. GM products suck, have sucked, and will forever suck.

Take a look down, your dick isn't as big as you think, even if you do have a Kappa platform!

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Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

Don't be mad your CTSV isn't shit either. GM products suck, have sucked, and will forever suck.

Take a look down, your dick isn't as big as you think, even if you do have a Kappa platform!



Either you are the alternate ego of an existing member trying to play a trick on us, or you are just another idiot that has the misfortune of polluting our board. Either way, you're not getting very far.


Simply calling Nate names, and attempting to discredit his automotive knowledge, yet offering nothing to back up any kind of opposing viewpoint (which, you seem to not even have), does not make you appear to be at all intelligent. In the future, either post something worthwhile, or refrain from posting. If you plan on continueing to be worthless here, you will simply be banned. Ultimately, it is your choice.

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Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

Don't be mad your CTSV isn't shit either. GM products suck, have sucked, and will forever suck.

Take a look down, your dick isn't as big as you think, even if you do have a Kappa platform!



You probably don't even own a BMW. Most likely some 15 year old fan-boy / internet tough guy. :rolleyes:


The only people you are trying to impress are the yuppies. And even they think your little displays are retarded.


But oh no, I drive 2 GM's and a Ford, so I must not be worthy. :rolleyes:

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Sigma, not Kappa.


If BMW sold a faster car than mine in the US at the moment I'd be worried. But they don't, so I'm not...


Anyhow... Sounds like someone needs a hug. Here's just what you've been looking for:


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Not surprising, kinda what I was guessing in my first post. At least if it is an alternate ego, they did a good enough job to spoof the IP and make it look legit by posting in their profile that they are attending University of Kalifornia.
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I assure you I own 3, yes count them, THREE, BMWs and have been driving them since they day I recieved my learners permit.

I have 2 that are maintained professionaly by my race team, and I drive my other one year round. I'm sorry that you can't make enough money to buy one, and are stuck with recalls, rejects, and shit quality. I'm sorry I have an education and talent. I don't know what an IP trace is, but that is who I get my internet from. Thanks for making that public!!! I'll be talking to my lawyer about this.


Bring your CTSV out in the spring. I will glady destroy it and your ego.

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Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

I assure you I own 3, yes count them, THREE, BMWs and have been driving them since they day I recieved my learners permit.

I don't care.


Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

I have 2 that are maintained professionaly by my race team, and I drive my other one year round.

I don't care.
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Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

I'm sorry I have an education and talent. I don't know what an IP trace is, but that is who I get my internet from.



Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

I don't know what an IP trace is, but that is who I get my internet from. Thanks for making that public!!! I'll be talking to my lawyer about this.



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Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

Bring your CTSV out in the spring. I will glady destroy it and your ego.

How do you plan on racing him when you are in Kalifornia? Have your race teams ship the cars here so you can beat him in three cars at once?
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Oh noes!! 3 BMW's! Wait, here is my care face graemlins/finger.gif


Dude, no one is impressed, and to be honest, the more you post, the You would think that a professional with a race team would have such pictures right? :rolleyes:


Oh, I live in Powell as well. Whoopdi-fucking-do.


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Originally posted by LOVE MY BMW:

I assure you I own 3, yes count them, THREE, BMWs and have been driving them since they day I recieved my learners permit.

I have 2 that are maintained professionaly by my race team, and I drive my other one year round. I'm sorry that you can't make enough money to buy one, and are stuck with recalls, rejects, and shit quality. I'm sorry I have an education and talent. I don't know what an IP trace is, but that is who I get my internet from. Thanks for making that public!!! I'll be talking to my lawyer about this.


Bring your CTSV out in the spring. I will glady destroy it and your ego.

Wait wait wait...you are still in school. So, my guess is that you are another mommas boy from Powell spouting off about his mommys and daddys cars.


Post pics of you, "your" cars, and the titles with YOUR NAME on them, and ill leave you alone.


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Damn, there's about 50 more pics i can add to this.

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