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Fuck disgustingly rich people

Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

for shits and giggles, i went on to a ferrari/lambourghini message board, and was digusted by what i saw

one guy made a post saying "i totalled my diablo, im thinking of getting another one or two"

another guy was talking about having to buy two higher end ferraris before being able to buy an enzo, and said he should have his enzo in about 5 years

makes me sick people have money like that

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There's a billion people living in the third world who would look at you and say, "that guy has the luxury of a car when I can't get enough food to eat. I hate those whiny, spoiled rich Americans."


It's all relative. Be thankful for what you have rather than being envious of what others have.

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Originally posted by HIgh Risk:

It's all relative. Be thankful for what you have rather than being envious of what others have.


Or get up off of your ass and go become "disgustingly rich"

AMEN!! I couldn't agree with you more!
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

for shits and giggles, i went on to a ferrari/lambourghini message board, and was digusted by what i saw

one guy made a post saying "i totalled my diablo, im thinking of getting another one or two"

another guy was talking about having to buy two higher end ferraris before being able to buy an enzo, and said he should have his enzo in about 5 years

makes me sick people have money like that

quick somebody grab him a bucket before we get washed away in the river of tears
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

they have money to throw around like that when most of us middle class people have to scrounge for rent and tuition money

Penko Commie! Move to china. graemlins/thumb.gif


Originally posted by SupraGlue:

It's all relative. Be thankful for what you have rather than being envious of what others have.

this coming from a Supra Owner means very little. tongue.gif (granted, thats the cheapest turbo MK4 I've ever heard of)


As an american, I take pride int he ability to set fourth on the world and through hard work and sheer will, be able to amass as much wealth as I can...and If that doesnt work, steal it from my companies retirement funds and capitalize on legal loop holes to get away with it. god fuckin bless america. ;)

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Originally posted by The Vette:

Look, if you think that you are busting your ass and you are just breakin even you either are in to much debt, or you are not really busting your ass to full potential. Trust me a good worker will not go unseen. A good worker will always be rewarded...

^^^^^ This man speaks the truth...
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Originally posted by The Vette:

Look, if you think that you are busting your ass and you are just breakin even you either are in to much debt, or you are not really busting your ass to full potential. Trust me a good worker will not go unseen. A good worker will always be rewarded...

I have the some debt but nothing crazy and I agree good work will not go unseen but sometimes that does not translate in higher wages "Your doing a great job" comments dont pay the bills at the same time Im not the guy bitching and I am also always looking for better opp. out there.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

Look, if you think that you are busting your ass and you are just breakin even you either are in to much debt, or you are not really busting your ass to full potential. Trust me a good worker will not go unseen. A good worker will always be rewarded...

A little nepotism doenst hurt either. graemlins/thumb.gif

I busted my ass in manual labor from highschool graduation up until about 3 months ago. Some places, like republican owned Worthington Cylinders, exploits hard workers, and manages to convince the workers that they have a good job. You'll find your fair share of these jobs, don't stay long. Once you detect a "glass ceiling", move on. Don try to break through because, no matter how good it turns out, you'll still be working for the same Nazis. I got lucky and found a place that noticed hard work and compitence, and I'm currently doing work that would normaly require an acredited education in, at the very least, basic engineering. Went from a forklift to an office, got a 20% raise, and I'm getting free school. Why? Cuz I worked hard, not because I bitched or threatened, or kissed ass. In fact, I refer to many higher ups in my company as flaming homo's to their faces, and warn them to stop sexualy harassing me. tongue.gif Work hard, find oportunities to show what smarts you may have, but dont come on too strong, and dont ask for anything, dont demand anything, not for at least a year (unless you're realy getting screwed). I had the opportunity to bitch a fit about some seriously fucked up shit last summer, but i shut my mouth. Had I bitched, I would have gotten an order pickers position and 50 cents an hour for a raise...and I'd still be doing that.

A word to the wise, find small, local companies. Places with under 30 people are generaly better, its nice to be able to interact with the owners on a daily basis.

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