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So i get a PM from an individual whom i wont name that reads...


EDIT* -- i was informed i had to remove this quote.


Now look man... if you want to run your mouth, lets do it face to face. For you to go and make ignorant comments as such in an area that i dont have the ability to defend myself... not that i feel i need to... is pretty chicken shit if you ask me.


Im not here to make enemies, but dont think for a second ill cower down like some bitch. If you have a problem, lets solve it. Whats it gonna take? Fists, beer, a race, what?


Ive been building for over a DECADE. I dont do much work at all with carbs. I couldnt rejet one if i had to. Ive only messed with 2 stroker carbs, both slides and rotory.


In and around the tracks im somebody. If you dont feel like im "qualified" to be posting on your precious board, get a helmet because i dont care.


[ 01. December 2004, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: MRMEANR ]

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Admins, please give this guy a break before he gets a temp ban for the fists thing, he's new and deserves a warning.


Fuck Desperado, he's a prick. Don't let him get to you, he's just pissed because most everyone hates him on here. It isn't anywhere CLOSE to his board, and I can promise you that alot of people on here respect you for the work you do and knowledge you possess about the engines you build. Personally, it's refreshing to see a purpose built Cavalier that is devoid of any and all of the things that Desperate Homo mentioned. Keep up the good work, and dont let the queen of Douchebags get to you.

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Adam, I let him know. I dont feel the senior member section is a place to keep secrets of trash talking behind backs.


If for some reason, somone decides to punish me for letting him know then you might as well punish everyone who has told someone about cruises that are not SM.

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Originally posted by The Vette:

Get that qoute out of your sig, its mine.

The quote was spoken by an SCCA racer, which he participates in. I think he's more deserving of it's use tongue.gif:D


Ben, you won't be punished for your actions, I actually commend them smile.gif

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Originally posted by PMTA:

The quote was spoken by an SCCA racer, which he participates in. I think he's more deserving of it's use tongue.gif:D


Ben, you won't be punished for your actions, I actually commend them smile.gif

SCCA racer? I've only seen it in a streetracing video.



Who else said it?

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not everyone hates desperado, the only thing that can be said is the people that don't like keith do no shut up about their dislike, the people who like keith don't always chime in on the hate threads towards him, this board doesn't dislike him i can only count to about 20 people that do not like him, which most of those people i get along with or don't know. keith's personality is pretty much the same as joe brodman's, sam's, jon's, and ben's (satan's), they are very opinionated about things they believe in and are vocal about it. But Jon you make yourself seem week by always having to say that a majority of people don't like someone, that seems like a very insecure technique to seem right about your opinion, but everyone knows that your opinions are weak before you talk i mean damn anyone that goes to ou can't be that smart at all


nick, the thread you went in and talked about keith's setup, you seemed to be very condescending about his work, which keith called you out on not because he wasn't trying to give you info but because you tried to be sarcastic towards something in which you made a mistake about it. he has numerous times helped people out in the tech section that asked for info, he is very knowledgable about automotive things which people try to forget or deny. you were cool in the thread but this shit talking on the intraweb thing is pretty lame, i thought you handled the thing pretty well until i seen this


and rules are rules, there have been many bans for the exact same thing that mrmeanr has done above, just because he is new doesn't mean punishment should be avoided, mekkafaggot was banned for things said also


and ben i still love you

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

ok now i need a helmet cuz im confused :confused:

When we traded PMs and I asked you where you came up with that quote, you said some SCCA or F1, or someone who professionally races said it once, and you incorporated it into your sig.


Something along those lines...

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Guest jpurdy2003
After that last apology from desperado, I haven't started or continued shit with him. If he's willing to turn over a new leaf, he deserves a chance to do it. That being said, he was a cancer to CR in the weeks prior to that when it seemed like he went to war with everyone and everything.
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why should i get a ban? I called someone out for talking crap in a area where i couldnt defend myself. I made comments on what i saw, or what i THOUGHT i saw in pictures. I didnt in anyway say "what a shit box" or "that sucks"... i didnt do a single thing wrong.


Even dispite that, i made even ANOTHER post on the same thread about how my only real carb knowledge and tuning ability was with two stroke engines.



" posted 30. November 2004 02:21 AM





Originally posted by desperado:

125 or 150 total in two stages



hey me too


I used to race alcohol powered RC trucks, boats and planes in my younger years so i got a lot of tuning time in with those. Never realy messed with a 4 stroker though. "


Now after that, there was another post from him that had an apologie which i never saw. Had i seen it, things would have been fine at that point. But even after that was writen, he made the rant in the one area i couldnt see. So this could have all been avoided had that post not been made.


As for the fists... i didnt come out and say "hey lets duke it out". I asked how he wanted to solve the problem. I gave other alternatives i.e. beer, race...I dont like fighting, nor do i like the feeling of swelled up hands and black eyes, but if it comes to that between two people, whats the difference? As far as im concerned, if you want to beat down on someone, have at it. Were all adults and know what happens when our actions are over and done with.


And TRUST ME, an ban from this site would be the last thing id be worried about if i was in a street brawl with another member ;)


While you sit and think about how dumb i am and how i over reacted... im going to go figure up my quench distance graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by PMTA:

When we traded PMs and I asked you where you came up with that quote, you said some SCCA or F1, or someone who professionally races said it once, and you incorporated it into your sig.


Something along those lines...

OH YEA!... i wanna say i heard it from eother Danny Popp or Mark Presley... I know for sure it was a corvette guy... just cant reember which one.
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Fuck you Adam, and get the fuck off of your high horse. Desperado repeatedly makes himself look like a huge tool, and in every single thread he always has some huge apology post where he admits to being a dick. I mean, I guess that's kindof better than when he used to pretend that he was the mastermind behind everyone on CR's misery and shortcomings every other day... But if he has to apologize so many times, than none of those apologies mean shit.


Also, I didn't know that we had another fucking psychiatrist on the board. I love how you attack me by psychoanalyzing my statements... I'll believe it when I see some certification.


I like how you are reccommending a ban because of shit that happened during the Moderator nazi period of CR. What the fuck does it matter to you that this guy gets banned? Do you get a snack or a gift certificate? Grow the fuck up. You would have done the same thing in his position, unless you're a huge pussy...

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Originally posted by PMTA:

Ooh, I want a snack!

maybe you should put the twinky down


jon i don't ride horses, i don't know what psychoanalyzing means, and no recommendations for bans, that was a jab at anthony, but intelligent jabs were never really your bag, go back to calling marc gay, "your momma jokes", insulting people about penis sizes and how many bobcat women you get, until you feel like you "E owned" someone :D

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