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Vote for Bush.

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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Republicant:

As for "following in Mark's footsteps", does that mean that the other 150 or so active college republicans are, too?

i would have to say no, seeing as how i don't know mark
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Actually, my dad went to OU, and was a college republican. According to your logic, it's sad that I'm following in my Dad's foot steps. Nice job.



What's really sad is that you figured you knew enough to talk shit about my choices in college. I don't know what fraternity I'm going to join, it depends who I like and who gives me bids. If I end up joining Sigma Phi Epsilon, who gives a shit? If I do it'll be because the guys there are laid back and fun to hang out with, not because Mitias went there. Stop being such a jealous douchebag because your ugly ass isn't in college anymore, and get up off my nuts.

You guys only have 150 College Republicans? Damn, that is kinda weak
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and has no right to complain about the government at all. [/QB]


To quote the greatest comedian ever:


"Where's the logic in that? If you vote and elect an idiot into office who screws everything up, you have no right to complain because you were the one who put that person into office. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who did not even leave the house on election day, have every right to complain about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with."


Seriously, though, no matter who gets elected, someone won't like them. No president will be able to please everyone and that's the way it will always be. One president will do this to help these people and another president with do that to help those people, so it's a toss up. I still haven't decided if I'm going to vote or not.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Zeitgeist57:

I respect everyone's opinions, but the bank I work for is looking for 35 new people NOW. True story graemlins/grin2.gif


Just because a few media-frenzied industries are down and out does NOT mean that the rest of the country is doing shitty. Deal with it and re-educate yourself for other opportunities in an ever-changing world. I never dreamed of being a banker, but after 4 years I'm happy with making money instead of being unemployed.


Bottom line: quit bitching about the economy unless you are doing EVERYTHING you can to adapt and survive. No one eats for free.

So us worker bees are supposed to get a new college degree every time the job market changes, which is several times a year? No. This is yet another example of the gap between economic theory and reality.
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Originally posted by Old Dirty's Prison Bitch:

So us worker bees are supposed to get a new college degree every time the job market changes, which is several times a year? No. This is yet another example of the gap between economic theory and reality.

what happend when the automobile caught on. Thousands of blacksmiths started going out of buisness. also in the early 1900's the use of trains greatly diminished with the advent of large trucks and airplanes. Both of these were huge job fields. Our economy is now evolving to more technical based jobs, adapt or die. There will always be high school level, decent paying jobs in construction, trucking, ect. You are being melodramatic to say that everything changes every couple months.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by mesteno:

what happend when the automobile caught on. Thousands of blacksmiths started going out of buisness. also in the early 1900's the use of trains greatly diminished with the advent of large trucks and airplanes. Both of these were huge job fields. Our economy is now evolving to more technical based jobs, adapt or die. There will always be high school level, decent paying jobs in construction, trucking, ect. You are being melodramatic to say that everything changes every couple months.

The difference is that at the turn of the century, those blacksmiths had jobs available that involved similar concepts and processes, meaning numerous manufacturing jobs building things such as the very cars that cost them their jobs. Think about how easy that is when compared with the transition from assembly-line work to either an office job or computer work. Is somebody who has worked for 20 years in a factory going to be able to transition smoothly to a job that has not a single thing in common with their former work? Hell no. However, you're right when you say we have to adapt or die. Folks are dying. Homelessness is skyrocketing, and foreclosures are rampant. While the job market has changed here in Cleveland, the winters are just as cold. And of course, the media here is going to be more worried about dirty restaurants or sex scandals than a homeless person succumbing to hypothermia every other day. It's very easy for someone who has never experienced poverty to have a "survival of the fittest" attitude.
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Originally posted by Old Dirty's Prison Bitch:

The difference is that at the turn of the century, those blacksmiths had jobs available that involved similar concepts and processes, meaning numerous manufacturing jobs building things such as the very cars that cost them their jobs. Think about how easy that is when compared with the transition from assembly-line work to either an office job or computer work. Is somebody who has worked for 20 years in a factory going to be able to transition smoothly to a job that has not a single thing in common with their former work? Hell no. However, you're right when you say we have to adapt or die. Folks are dying. Homelessness is skyrocketing, and foreclosures are rampant. While the job market has changed here in Cleveland, the winters are just as cold. And of course, the media here is going to be more worried about dirty restaurants or sex scandals than a homeless person succumbing to hypothermia every other day. It's very easy for someone who has never experienced poverty to have a "survival of the fittest" attitude.

i grew up poor, but my parents busted thier ass to keep a roof over our head, and i work to make a good life for myself.

Fuck you and your "feel sorry for thee people" attitude. Pretending that some evil conservitive just ran int thier house and stole everythign they had, HorseShit. 99% of the homeless adults are there because of thier own fuckups. It's a shame those fuckups put thier children through that.

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Originally posted by mesteno:

i grew up poor, but my parents busted thier ass to keep a roof over our head, and i work to make a good life for myself.

Fuck you and your "feel sorry for thee people" attitude. Pretending that some evil conservitive just ran int thier house and stole everythign they had, HorseShit. 99% of the homeless adults are there because of thier own fuckups. It's a shame those fuckups put thier children through that.



My parents came over here with *NOTHING*, and still managed to both go to college and raise 2 kids. They are living very comfortably now due to their hard work, and so am I. No one was there to look out for us when my parents were going from job to job, but we still turned out better than most people, just something to think about..

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by mesteno:

i grew up poor, but my parents busted thier ass to keep a roof over our head, and i work to make a good life for myself.

Fuck you and your "feel sorry for thee people" attitude. Pretending that some evil conservitive just ran int thier house and stole everythign they had, HorseShit. 99% of the homeless adults are there because of thier own fuckups. It's a shame those fuckups put thier children through that.

My parents, with the help of my brother's part time job and my full time job barely make ends meet. Just because you beat the odds, don't assume that everyone can. You can't deny that numerous people work hard and have nothing but mere survival to show for it.


However, I believe that simple economics will dictate that more jobs become available. Because the US is the world's largest consumer, sales of all goods must stay strong here. And if people don't have jobs to buy things, the people who sell those things don't make money, even if they make them overseas where wages are low. Simple supply and demand.

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