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Proposition for PV=nRT

Trouble Maker

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STFU. No one cares about whatever problem you have with John. If you have something to say about him that any of us might give a shit about, come out and say it. Say it in this thread right now. If you don't, then please quit making me skip over ever single one of your worthless post.


You two sound like a couple of middle school girls that are about ready to rip each others hair out. As funny as that was to watch in middle school, it just seemed childish by the time I was in high school.

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if i had to guess, id say it has to do with these things...


john is smarter.

john has a hotter girlfreind.

john has a cooler car. (it hurt to say that, btw.)

john has more freinds.

john has more money.


just like elementary school, glenn is busting on the guy he wishes he could be.


glenn, my advice? stop it. not only will this end badly for you, but john really isnt cool enough to want to emulate. besides, he stinks at poker. you dont really want to be like someone who cant play poker, do you?


[ 22. March 2005, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: Orion ]

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Originally posted by Neo:

STFU. No one cares about whatever problem you have with John. If you have something to say about him that any of us might give a shit about, come out and say it. Say it in this thread right now. If you don't, then please quit making me skip over ever single one of your worthless post.


You two sound like a couple of middle school girls that are about ready to rip each others hair out. As funny as that was to watch in middle school, it just seemed childish by the time I was in high school.

Actually, I have a prop for you. If you don't like it, shut up, keyboard-warrior yourself on by to the next thread. I could care less for your input. It WILL continue and your verbage will not be heard. Do NOT give me the ultimatum or I shall provide one to you.


Nutswinger #1

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Originally posted by Orion:

if i had to guess, id say it has to do with these things...


john is not smarter.

(Can't go here because pokes at family is not cool).

john has a slower/less cool car. (it hurt to say that, btw.)

john has far less freinds.

john will never have more money.


just lik elementary school, John is busting on the guy he wishes he could be.


glenn, my advice? stop it. not only will this end badly for you, but john really isnt cool enough to want to emulate. besides, he stinks at poker. you dont really want to be like someone who cant play poker, do you?

Edited for Nutswinger #2
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Who did I nut swing off of? I could care less whom you are attacking in that fashion, it's just annoying and no one else cares. You won't ever see me post in any of your other threads because I don't care that much. I'm sick of seeing useless trash in EVERY thread that either you or John post in because the other person has to interject with more useless bullshit. This goes for both of you. It just seems like you are begging the aggressor of the situation and John is willing to drop it, so I directed this post more towards you.


Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

glen is my hero

Nut Swinger #1... Irony at it's best.
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Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

i am getting hooked on phonics first that seems to be more important that racing to these clowns

Oh noes...squirrel is back. You fucked up yet another post. God damn you are a fucking waste of life...It really is a shame your mom didnt abort you :rolleyes:


Glenn, since you are normally the grammar nazi of the board, would you please ask your bitch to either let you proof read his posts, or to just stop posting?


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Oh noes...squirrel is back. You fucked up yet another post. God damn you are a fucking waste of life...It really is a shame your mom didnt abort you :rolleyes:


Glenn, since you are normally the grammar nazi of the board, would you please ask your bitch to either let you proof read his posts, or to just stop posting?



It's everyone for themselves. I am not as cynical on grammar anymore. People do make mistakes.

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Originally posted by Klipsch F-3:


It's everyone for themselves. I am not as cynical on grammar anymore. People do make mistakes.

like this?


just lik elementary school, John is busting on the guy he wishes he could be.

good thing you came off that trip. its all well and good when youre talking to guys like desperado, but youre not "smrt" enough to gab with most on here.


George is my god!
nutswinger number 2, reporting for duty.
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Originally posted by Orion:

if i had to guess, id say it has to do with these things...


john is smarter.

john has a hotter girlfreind.

john has a cooler car. (it hurt to say that, btw.)

john has more freinds.

john has more money.


1. Dunno who is smarter but I do know that glenn is a chemists. last I checked you gotta know some shit to do that.

2. I'd say they both got hot babes.

3. They have the same car.

4. ????

5. I know what Glenn is sorta worth. Its alot more than prolly 99% of this board. John I know makes some serious cash also, but he likes his girl like his cars...modified


So please dont make stupid posts that you know nothing about..


Thanks you

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