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Speedo/Tach in the CENTER?


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I know they've been doing this for a few years now, but now I just got into a car that had the tach/speedo/other shit in the center of the dash. How is that NOT retarded? taking your eyes even MORE away from the center of the road where you're supposed to be looking in the first place.


Wife got a rental last night. 2005 Nissan Quest. Biggest piece of shit ever. The layout is like a freakin' space ship. Having nearly all of hte controls horizontal and not vertical. WTF. The gear shifter is like you're rally driving and it sits at about a 45 degree angle right next to the steering wheel.


Anyways, could someone please explain to me WHY they put the shit in the center?

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It's seems to be a "trendy" styling concept.


I agree that it's retarded. My wife has a Saturn Ion with the cyclopian center dash and it's damn near impossible to drive and watch the speedo. When I drive it, I have no clue how fast I'm going most of the time, and it's usually fast enough to get a ticket. :mad:


The Quest is OK from the outside, but that interior stuff is graemlins/puke.gif . ESPECIALLY that center console.

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The '05 Quest is a complete design flaw as far as I'm concerned. The high center mounted instrumentation, the "USS Enterprise" center mounted controls for stereo and HVAC, and check this out, the spare tire is inside the vehicle, under the floor between the first and second row of seats!
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

It doesn't look like it would be too hard to glance at them, but they still should have put them on the driver's side.




Wow.....someone would actually buy a vehicle with an interior that looked like that??!!! I thought the dildo shifter on the new Civic Si's was gay!

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

For some reason it's called a "rally shifter".. since Civics are awd and come with 300hp :rolleyes: wtg honda

I'm gonna take the "Quest" out on it's own little quest and do some Rally driving. I have the shifter to do it too! graemlins/grin2.gifgraemlins/jerkit.gif
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