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Ghetto/poor people... NWS.

Devils Advocate

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Originally posted by Mensan:

I disagree. When the environment you grow up in has conditions that hinder development, you are at a serious disadvantage. FOR EXAMPLE: Many of the less well-to-do neighborhoods in the Washington D.C. area have gotten their drinking water from the Washington Aqueduct, which has recently been found to have a lead content higher than the acceptable levels (which are too high to begin with if you ask me). What effect will this have on the children growing up in those neighborhoods? Do they still have that same potential to do well, or has it been diminished slightly?


Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with the philosophy of working harder if you want more money. I have done it. I grew up poor. Not everyone can, and it is arrogant to say that everyone can accomplish the same thing, because it is simply not true. You will ALWAYS have people under the poverty level. When you have a society where the people adjust their income to compensate, the poverty level changes. It's called INFLATION. When everyone can afford to pay more money for something, the price gets raised. There is no way around it. There will always be people doing the most horrible jobs for the lowest amount of money, and some will even be happy to do them. There will also always be unemployment. No way around these things (in a capitalist society). It doesn't matter how hard everyone works.

While I see what you're saying and you make valid points. I think I will just agree to disagree.


I don't think it's arrogant at all to say that everyone can accomplish the same thing. While the road one travels to get there maybe more bumpy, hostile and take more work, there's no reason that if a person wanted enough, bad enough that they will let their environment get in the way.


When a person is born, the potential to accomplish anything is there, doesn't matter what they're born into. It's just does the person have the drive to realize their potential.


While we're not all born into the same environment, like I said, if the drive is there, anything can be accomplished. JMHO.

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Fair enough. In threads like these words like "everyone" and "always" stand out. There are always exceptions. I like to choose words like "most people" and "frequently" to allow for those times when there is an exception to my references. For the most part, I agree. Just not completely.
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I don't agree... not all people work hard for what they have... take upper management... they are IDIOTS, make dumb choices, don't work hard, and make tons of money... plus rich kids from dublin tongue.gif didn't work for their money... it's their parents money.... (sorry man, just had to throw it in there)


as far as welfare... I think it should be limitedto a length of time as well as unemployment.


The problem with this country is people are too lazy anymore. What ever happened to the value of a hard earned dollar?

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Originally posted by Orion:

christ, it cant have anything to do with kerry, can it?

I thought it was because the Democratic party is the closest thing to being a Socialist party in the US, seeing how that's what Eli's actual belief's are? I'll never figure out why we don't have a Socialist government here, it sure works great in Europe!
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work ethic is based upon disposition and acceptance of environment. If you accept where you currently are "even if you bitch about it" then you arent going to go anywhere. If one strives for always better things and works at them then they will be attained counting out the random permanent smiting of God. And your disposition feeling sorry for yourself never accomplished anything but being idle. Dwelling on misfortunes will grant you no better luck. Hard work and persaverance (sp) are the only way proven ways to move up in economic class. Just because some kid is born to a rich family doesnt mean he cant fail hell the fact that everything is handed to him and no work is neccessary for earnings helps him about as much as a poor family who tells their kids there is no way for them to make it so just quit. Self initiative not self pity.
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Originally posted by SwimmingBird:

You cant help what you're born to. That is all

Thats fucking bullshit right there. My dad is proof of that. He had nothing growing up. He bought used shoes that were in a bushel bin for a dime when he was a kid. He worked very hard because he didn't want to live the life him and his father were living at the time. Went to college at night and paid for it while working at a grocerie store during the day. Now he is a VP in a company worth over 6 billion dollars and is making money that most people would dream of making and still humble about it. I'm just thankful that my dad worked very hard so I wouldn't have the childhood he had.


So to end my little story. Everyone (well most) has a equal chance for success. If you didn't bust your ass in HS to learn and get good grades thats your fault. Even if its a inner city school. If you get straight As you could probably still get a scholarship somewhere and you would definitly get accepted to most schools.



and yes growing up I heard a lot of "When I was your age" stories :D

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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:


I have to add though that the thrift store is a good place to get work clothes. 2 bucks for a piar of pants is awesome.



$2.00 for a pair of thrift store pants

$2.50 for a Best Cuts haircut

$4.00 for a dinner for two at White Castle


Having a brain full of mindless dribble--Priceless


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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:


bleh I could on for pages we could get into all the illegals that are getting govt money and so on and so fourth its corrupt all the way through and the only way to clean it up is to get rid of it and start over. my feelings get a job or starve if you die you must not have wanted to live bad enough to work for the things you need.

That paragraph wins!

Oh and someone used building houses as an example of a poor mans job. Bullshit my wife works at a bank and sees the kind of money the mexicans deposit. They even open up CD's and shit and I'm talking they make more than I do, but I don't wanna work that hard either. Not trying to be racist at all, but why is it that the mexicans work hard jobs and make nice pay checks, the middleastern and asian peoples end up in either medical or engineering schools and the natural born black americans just stay in poverty. There are alot of white americans that live in the same conditions and I would have to attribute most of it to drugs. I'm pretty successful, but my brother growing up under the same roof doesn't even own a car. We've both been out of school a while now. He's comming around though maybe he will learn some day.


Oh another note. Fuck education. If someone wants to work a job that others won't do they will make good money at it. I didn't even finish grade school and don't have a GED. You know no one has ever asked me to prove my education for my high tech jobs I've worked either.




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Originally posted by Doug:

Thats fucking bullshit right there. My dad is proof of that. He had nothing growing up.

I think you misunderstod. You can't help what you're born into. Thats a fact. Your dad couldn't either. He earned his position in life. Some start out with more, and for those people, it would have been easier to attain. Eric wasn't saying if you are born with nothing then there's nothing you can do about it. He only pointed out you can't choose your starting point.


Kudo's to your dad. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest busteryhyman



i agree. When my parents died, i was 19 and a freshman in college. i had shit. they didnt have life insurance. now i'm 23 with two degrees, a nice apt, and a decent job and i got it by working my ass off non-stop.

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What if someone offered your dad crack when he was 5 and talked him into doing it. Woulda been an entirely different story. Ask your dad how he feels about the government helping people who really need help.


I don't think its right as much to help the people who got themself into the situation but to help there children. If your born into a place like that you have a lesser chance, just because certian people make it doesn't mean everyone does >=/. Shit 1/2 of them die at a young age to gang violence rather there involved or not even if they were trying to do right they might not get the chance..

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Originally posted by Rane:

What if someone offered your dad crack when he was 5 and talked him into doing it. Woulda been an entirely different story. Ask your dad how he feels about the government helping people who really need help.


I don't think its right as much to help the people who got themself into the situation but to help there children. If your born into a place like that you have a lesser chance, just because certian people make it doesn't mean everyone does >=/. Shit 1/2 of them die at a young age to gang violence rather there involved or not even if they were trying to do right they might not get the chance..

what if a space ship came down and crashed into him? You can play the what if game all day and its retarded.
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

Leave it to a sheltered dublin kid to start such a thread.

agree completely, although unlike most yuppie spawn, the kid has figured out the correct buttons to press in the voting booth


give the boy a few years to get out on his own and support himself, and then he will know what its like to not have money


tractor, you forgot 60% of white people----lazy, aka democrats


Fuck welfare reform

start welfare abolishment

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How involved do you get in the republican campaign? You don't? Oh. You just sit at home in your beat ass clothes, in your beat-ass apartment, drive your beat-ass car, and bang your ugly-ass girlfriend.... But you still talk shit online. I almost wish that you were as cool or as big of a hardass as you pretend you are, because I feel sorry for you.


Now, I'm going to a (good) college, I get involved in the Bush Campaign through phone banking and door-to-door lobbying, and I bust my ass to get good grades that will someday let me deny you for a job/fire you from whatever job you've weaseled your way into. thanks, and have a great night.


PS: don't feel too bad, the world needs burger flippers and janitors, too. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Republicant:

How involved do you get in the republican campaign? You don't? Oh. You just sit at home in your beat ass clothes, in your beat-ass apartment, drive your beat-ass car, and bang your ugly-ass girlfriend.... But you still talk shit online. I almost wish that you were as cool or as big of a hardass as you pretend you are, because I feel sorry for you.


Now, I'm going to a (good) college, I get involved in the Bush Campaign through phone banking and door-to-door lobbying, and I bust my ass to get good grades that will someday let me deny you for a job/fire you from whatever job you've weaseled your way into. thanks, and have a great night.


PS: don't feel too bad, the world needs burger flippers and janitors, too. graemlins/thumb.gif

no, i don't get involved in the campaign because i am not a persuasive person and i don't have time between work and school


as well as an auto tech degree, i am working on a business degree so i have two degrees to back up my resume


columbus state is a good college, i don't see why you think it isn't, even with financial aid i can't afford OSU where tuition is about 1500 - 2500 a quarter


as for my car, it is actually a pretty nice looking car for a 3rd gen, and still in good shape, exept the previous owners drove the hell out of it, and the primer painted hood


beat ass apartment.... no, back at home for a month or two until my buddy gets back from the army and we are renting a house from his parents, its nice, two stories, 2 car garage, you'll have to come see it


by the way, your degree in college won't garauntee(sp?) you a good job, welcome to the real world, you are gonna get jerked around like everyone else until you can retire


Get rid of your rich kid attitude, and don't deny that you have one, and people will like you better

btw, what exactly are you studying?

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Business pre-law with a double major in either political science or business administration. I've met with the head of the Republican party for Athens county, the Bush Campaign president for southeastern ohio, and do work for both of them. The other extracurricular activities that I'm apart of allow me an infinite amount of networking possibilities, and I will probably be going to either law school or secondary business college to further my education. I'd say I have a damn good chance of getting a great job right out of college. Columbus state ISNT a good college, I know someone who got in with a 1.3 GPA. It gets the job done, sure, but it WONT guaruntee you a job.
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Guest FBody Addict

no, no degree will gaurantee you a job


i commend you on your dedication to the republican party, but you are a little too far to the right for most people if you ever plan on running for office


true, cscc will let about anyone in, and i'm not sure because i have never had academic problems (3.9 GPA) but i believe if you dip below a 2.0 for too long you get kicked out

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Columbus State is a shithole, I go there now but im glad im goin to a major University next quarter. Columbus state is just like highschool accept harder to find parking and way more Arabs than Iraq has left.


Jon I'll be joining you at OU after this quarter.

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Originally posted by BenTSi:

Columbus State is a shithole, I go there now but im glad im goin to a major University next quarter. Columbus state is just like highschool accept harder to find parking and way more Arabs than Iraq has left.


Jon I'll be joining you at OU after this quarter.

Pledge where I am, you wont regret it. PM me.
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Originally posted by C5Doctor:

$2.00 for a pair of thrift store pants

$2.50 for a Best Cuts haircut

$4.00 for a dinner for two at White Castle


Having a brain full of mindless dribble--Priceless


2.00 for work pants


I don't get my hair cut thats a waste of $2.50


and 1 person can't have dinner at white castle for $4.00


oh and the phrase you were looking for is "mindless drivel"


here is the defenition so you don't make the mistake again



drivel [show phonetics]


nonsense or boring and useless information:

You don't believe the drivel you read in the papers, do you?

You're talking drivel as usual!



and for comparison



dribble (MOVE BALL) [show phonetics]

verb [i or T]

(in football or hockey) to move a ball along the ground with repeated small kicks or hits, or (in basketball) to move a ball by repeatedly hitting it against the floor with your hand:

He dribbled the ball to the edge of the pitch.

His speed allows him to easily dribble past defenders.


dribble [show phonetics]

noun [C]

Brinkworth's attempted dribble through the Milan defence was stopped by Ponti's tackle.



dribble (FROM MOUTH) [show phonetics]

verb [i or T]

to have liquid slowly come out of your mouth:

Babies dribble constantly.


dribble [show phonetics]

noun [C or U]

There was dribble all over her chin.

a dribble of saliva


(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)



dribble (FLOW SLOWLY) [show phonetics]

verb [i or T]

to (cause a liquid to) flow very slowly in small amounts:

The water was barely dribbling out of the tap.

Dribble the remaining olive oil over the tomatoes.


dribble [show phonetics]

noun [C or U]

The flow of water was reduced to a dribble.


(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


I thought you went to college. must have forgot to pay attention in english class.


Have a nice day :D

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Slow 86 T/A:

no, no degree will gaurantee you a job


True. Going to a better/more expensive school doesn't guarantee anything, although it will look a little better on the resume. Any degree will get you in the door. More importantly, it's who you know and what kind of relationship you have with them.

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