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CR Administration

Dr. Pomade

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Against my better judgment, I'm posting my gripe over my recent ban from CR.


You banned Glenn and I for essentially following the rules - flaming each other in The Kitchen. You don't design a part of the forum for bitching/flaming/internet-keyboard-warrioring and then ban people for doing it. Maybe I'm missing the rationale. Or, maybe not, and it's just a fuck up on your part.


So, banning us without cause was bad, but what's worse is that I didn't even get anything along the lines of a "Hey, man, chill out before you get banned" PM or what have you. Chris gave a cursory "Play nice in my playground" threat, but that seemed more to benefit his own ego than it was any real warning about misbehavior. Besides, there wasn't any misbehavior, and if you thought that things were getting out of hand, then, IMO, I think you at least owed me some type of public, or private, warning/request to knock it off. I've been here about 18 months, have 1000 posts (some of which, believe it or not, have contributed meaningfully this this site), and have never been cited for any type of misconduct. In fact, I'm one of the few people who DIDNT get banned when the whole Race Club fiasco blew up last summer.


So, I'm a little miffed at the whole thing. I thought I deserved to be treated a little better. Maybe it's just sand in my vagina. Whatever. At least I feel better having gotten it off my chest.

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He was banned and is back now. No warning is pretty shady, and John is a straight up guy, I think that the course of action was a little pre-judged, and I think the Ban hammer should have been pointed else where.
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Actually, I made a post about your little war in the admin section and we were all in agreement that you two were going to come to blows. You see, you both are such good actors that you fooled all of us into actually believing that you two were at each others throats. I made the decision to give you a few days to cool off because I felt that if you two were allowed to continue your war, it would escalate into something much worse.


After Anthony discovered that you two were merely acting from your "hey, look at us posts" on Diesel Digital he reinstated your privileges here.


Your ban was a product of your great acting skills, pat yourselves on the back.


I’m neither gutless nor spineless. I would do it again.

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Originally posted by (-):

Actually, I made a post about your little war in the admin section and we were all in agreement that you two were going to come to blows. You see, you both are such good actors that you fooled all of us into actually believing that you two were at each others throats. I made the decision to give you a few days to cool off because I felt that if you two were allowed to continue your war, it would escalate into something much worse.


After Anthony discovered that you two were merely acting from your "hey, look at us posts" on Diesel Digital he reinstated your privileges here.


Your ban was a product of your great acting skills, pat yourselves on the back.


I’m neither gutless nor spineless. I would do it again.

Ok fine. Give me a PM first next time. There will be a next time.
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As I explained in person, the reason John and Glenn were banned was due to a topic in another area. I don't recall which one off of the top of my head, but they started out on each other in there and I replied telling them both to keep the personal issues out of it. Chris then posted something about a ban and a warning. However, there were two more jabs made at each other before the interest was moved into here under the guise of a new topic.


That's when Chris decided on a ban, due to the conflict of interest in the pre-flame room topic.


I had an understanding with Glenn, especially after finding out that the episode between them didn't seem to be as serious as it seemed. I made a judgement call and let them both back in early, after all, we have to set some sort of equality in place around here to let things run as smooth as possible. Shit happens, even between friends, and we all suck it up and drive on.


That being said, I think everyone here has learned something from this. Keep the flaming in here, and even though a warning may be posted. that doesn't neccesarily mean the person will see it at a later time. PMs work, and work well. One should be sentin addition to written text in a topic.


Sound fair?


Glenn, I've gotten your PM. It will be taken care of. And thanks for the comment, I'm liking homeownership quite nicely smile.gif

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Originally posted by Dr Chemist:

Ok fine. Give me a PM first next time. There will be a next time.

I will do that Glenn. It's nothing personal; I want both of you to understand that.


We have a difficult time knowing where to draw the line when it comes to personal endeavors. We want to interfere as little as possible, but we also have a duty to maintain the safety of all of our members. We act on the information that we are presented with; although sometimes that information ends up being erroneous, as was the reality in this case.


If you are warned about something (either publicly or privately), it’s a good idea not to continue the warned activities. Remember that what is a joke to those on the inside, is almost always misconstrued to those not in the know. I would rather take the chance and remove someone from CR, and deal with the rash of crap that comes after; than second guess and risk the safety of our members.

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so is your life gonna end b/c you get banned from cr or somthing. i'm pretty sure, unless you have no life, there are other things to do other then sit on your computer and worry about what a bunch of people on the computer thinks about you. just my .02
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Originally posted by (-):

Actually, I made a post about your little war in the admin section and we were all in agreement that you two were going to come to blows.

I'm sorry, but I have to correct you Chris. Not everyone was in agreement. You were in agreement. I was not. Just putting this out there.
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Originally posted by satan:

I'm sorry, but I have to correct you Chris. Not everyone was in agreement. You were in agreement. I was not. Just putting this out there.

You and Marc were not in agreement about banning JOHN because you are friends with him. You didn't seem to have a problem with banning Glenn though...


I did the right thing and removed both sides of the "problem."


If you have an issue, start a thread in the admin section.

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