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Dr. Pomade

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Originally posted by yellowsnake:

so is your life gonna end b/c you get banned from cr or somthing. i'm pretty sure, unless you have no life, there are other things to do other then sit on your computer and worry about what a bunch of people on the computer thinks about you. just my .02

I probably shouldn't justify this with a response, especially considering that you seem to have missed most of the point of why I posted.


In any event, I do happen to care about what some people think of me on this site. You come here to sell off-road X pipes and Nittos; I come here for considerably more than that. So, you'll just have to excuse me why I care about the relationships that I maintain on this forum.

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Originally posted by (-):

I did the right thing and removed both sides of the "problem."

I disagree. The "right" thing to have done would have been to PM me and requested that I stop contributing to something you viewed as an escalating problem.


Maybe we'll agree to disagree, because I don't want this to turn into some whiny-pity party. You did what you did, and what happened has happened. Now I understand things a little more clearly, though somewhat paradoxically, since the impetus for my banning still confuses me.

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I didn't vote to ban you either...


oh wait thats becuase I got removed from the admin section without a warning or a pm too...


my posts also got deleted that did contain a very firm public warning for some folks who can't mind their own business...


see ya friday chris....

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Dave, I moved that thread to the admin/mod section. If you would like to make another firm public warning then do so again WITHOUT threatening with gun fire. If you do not know how then contact me so I can do it for you.


As for you not being warned. You said yourself in the thread that you didn't care what would happen to you if you said those things. To me, that means you knew what you said in your post was out of line. If you knew then why the need to warn??? Besides, I believe you were warned before regarding past incidents.

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He has. Check his latest AIM conversation.


It's pretty amazing that he shit talks some girl, even as far as comparing her looks to Andre the Giant. The comments and references he made about Meagan were pretty sad.


However, that all changes once she spreads her legs for him, and now it's all about the sanctity of his "girlfriend".


Yeah, pretty fucked up the attitude his friends get now, along with the threats because he gets his dick wet from the girl he hated and found a skank (in his words, Turboslut II) not two months earlier...


BTW Dave, threatening my brother and my wife is not the way to go.

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Originally posted by eat shit and die:

maybe she shouldn't talk shit when people I know are sitting around listening... maybe you shouldn't either. I'm going to do what I have to do to stop the shit talking if you can't keep it under control or say it to my face...

Dave, chill. Seriously. If you have such a big fucking problem, you know our phone numbers.


Before you call, I suggest thinking about what you want to say. And also remember that neither you or your girlfriend are innocent in the matter.


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I actually didn't have much to do with your situation. But, since you feel the need to make menacing comments to me, you have my number. If you want to talk, call me.

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Originally posted by (-):

You and Marc were not in agreement about banning JOHN because you are friends with him. You didn't seem to have a problem with banning Glenn though...

Hmmmmmmmmmm. I will remember this one!
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