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Guest busteryhyman

I believe if the teen was so severely injured that just by sight alone they could tell he would not make it 100%, then I think there should be no punishment. but i dont think there is a way to completely tell.


We shouldnt be over there in the first place yet people are still dying. Why don't they use the govt money and put the war criminals who kill the non-injured innocent people on trial instead of individuals who were apparently trying to prevent this kid from suffering anymore from a war that in the end claimed his life

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This is why the media should NOT be over there while we are fighting a war. That guy was screwed either way, damned if he shot him and damned if he hadn't. The only reason that this has come to light is someone witnessed this happen other rhan another soldier, and put it on the news. Had he not shot him, and let him burn to death instead, he would have been brought up on charges of being inhumane to a non-combatant, there are those in this country and abroad that thing we should not be there, that believe we never should have gone to begin with and will do anything they can to discredit not only the administration but will stoop to the level of smearing the United States Military personel that are over there in an atempt to swap the public's opinion as a whole into believing as they do.


My personal stance on this is known, but in attition to MY personal stance, we just had an election in November, and this was as much an issue then as it is now. The people spoke on November 2nd, and contrary to the conspiracy theorists, that believe that not only did Bush steal the election, but that Kennedy was shot by several people including Jackie Kennedy, Bush did win the election and was the choice of the people, meaning that they accepted the reasoning for going to war to begin with and that running away was not the answer.


I think this is yet another case of should we automatically believe the media, especially in light of the things that the media has said in the past concerning not only Bush but the war in general.


I watched an interesting show on WOSU the other night about Osama Bin Laudin, and what his true motivations were for 9-11 by his own admission and statements, AND the reason for sending Saudies SPECIFICALLY to commit the acts of terrorism that morning. He had NUMEROUS times made statements to the Saudi Royal family that America should not be in Saudi Arabia because of we were the infidells, we were the great Satan and we should be run out of the Holy Land (considered to be ALL of Saudi Arabia). When the Saudi Royal family refused, he bombed the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia. He made more statements, no reply, so he bombed the World Trade Center in 93, then the USS Cole, then other Embassies and other US occupied building and locations and finally the World Trade Center, and he specifically considered the heat from the jet fuel fires would be hot enough to warp the steel and cause the buildings to fall. Thi sby his own taped admission during interviews by other nations press. Mind you the man has a background in construction and is WELL educated, he carefully planned all of this. Now for the reason to pick 15 Saudi's for the job, because he KNEW we would find out who did it, and that they were Saudi's and that would strain relations between the US and the Saudi government. It was part of the plan that was changed two days before the attacks, the original group was not of Saudi nationality, he replaced them. This is all documented, proven to be fact. He do we hear about it, a documentary on public television, 4 yrs after *** fact. Why did the media NEVER talk about any of this. Because they were to busy with Michael Moron and farinhype 911 and the lies and half truthes it is filled with. We really need to consider the source of the information when we make desisions in this day and age.

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Originally posted by Eazy E:

19, and smarter than you.

You have many lessons to learn. I hope you are never in this situation, and I wish you never have to listen to your grandfather or father describe what they went through when making decisions like the one mentioned in that news article.


EDIT. Jack, most 16 year olds know they have the world figured out. Then, around 18/19, they realize how much they really didn't know. The same realization comes again around ~21, and then again ~25.

Don't be so quick to condemn someone who has been through what you can't comprehend yet.

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