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Like my sister.


I'm sitting here writing a paper and talking on the internet. My sister is sitting on the floor behind me, having a debate over the XBOX Live microphone about:


1) Christmas's over commercialization.

2) Why "Christmas is a falsity." :confused:

3) How, If Kerry were president, gasoline prices would be back to $1.50 per gallon by now.

4) How, If Kerry were president, all would be equal. a "utopia." :confused:

5) Religion is not real.

6) America is the worst country in the world, she would rather "live in Somalia than here."


Did I mention her laugh, it makes me want to cut my ears off with a skiver and shove them down her throat. In conclusion, I am now more stupid for have been nosey and listening to her ignorance.




P.S. Jon wants to bone her. tongue.gif

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Ben, not saying anything, or quietly debating this crap is how it gets to spread. Pretty much everyone know's I am a republican. But I don't have a problem with rank and file liberals. The ones that still have some sence of reality. But the truth is that their numbers are getting smaller by the day. Pretty soon there will be Everyone that you would consider to be a conservative and the for left wingers. Mostly because the far left are the ones that are getting the press, and the rank and file dem's are even getting scared of being grouped in with the Michael Moores and Nancy Palocie's (sp) of the democratic party. The democrats that I know and have reasonable politica discussions with are terrorfied of the direction of the democratic party, hell they elected a leadr for the DNS that's most quoted line is AHHHHHHHHHHHHWWHHWHWH! And things ain't getting better. We are in for a Hillary Clinton for president campain, and she may well get the nod from the DNC. And although I don't buy into the BS that seems to keep surfacing about her and Bill having people killed that were involved in that land deal. I do believe that she is a fairly dangerous woman and should not be taken lightly. Her husband is proof that there is no morality in the DNC and that they are made of teflon, so nothing bad will stick to them, and she is well aware of that.


Also, while I don't sit around spouting consparicay theorys about gas prices, I don't think that Bush has pushed quite the right buttons to get the prices moving in our favor.


My stance is that we could monkey the prices a bit by overbuying oil ans sitting on it in this country then selling it back on the open market, at a loss if needed to drag teh market back down.

It's sort of like everyone boycotting fuel for a day. Or boycotting the snack stands that sell gas. We have to fuel up but we don't need our chips and pop from the same place. Sure it's a pain but it also sends a POWERFUL message to these companies that they may have something we all need, the other bullshit in their stores is not needed and gas anymore is a loss leader, they sell it at a loss to get you to buy shit from their stores.

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by desperado:

Ben, not saying anything, or quietly debating this crap is how it gets to spread. Pretty much everyone know's I am a republican. But I don't have a problem with rank and file liberals. The ones that still have some sence of reality. But the truth is that their numbers are getting smaller by the day. Pretty soon there will be Everyone that you would consider to be a conservative and the for left wingers. Mostly because the far left are the ones that are getting the press, and the rank and file dem's are even getting scared of being grouped in with the Michael Moores and Nancy Palocie's (sp) of the democratic party. The democrats that I know and have reasonable politica discussions with are terrorfied of the direction of the democratic party, hell they elected a leadr for the DNS that's most quoted line is AHHHHHHHHHHHHWWHHWHWH! And things ain't getting better. We are in for a Hillary Clinton for president campain, and she may well get the nod from the DNC. And although I don't buy into the BS that seems to keep surfacing about her and Bill having people killed that were involved in that land deal. I do believe that she is a fairly dangerous woman and should not be taken lightly. Her husband is proof that there is no morality in the DNC and that they are made of teflon, so nothing bad will stick to them, and she is well aware of that.


Also, while I don't sit around spouting consparicay theorys about gas prices, I don't think that Bush has pushed quite the right buttons to get the prices moving in our favor.


My stance is that we could monkey the prices a bit by overbuying oil ans sitting on it in this country then selling it back on the open market, at a loss if needed to drag teh market back down.

It's sort of like everyone boycotting fuel for a day. Or boycotting the snack stands that sell gas. We have to fuel up but we don't need our chips and pop from the same place. Sure it's a pain but it also sends a POWERFUL message to these companies that they may have something we all need, the other bullshit in their stores is not needed and gas anymore is a loss leader, they sell it at a loss to get you to buy shit from their stores.



You are so fucking stupid that it makes my head hurt, which is amazing considering that I am around 1500 (glorious) miles away from you.

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Originally posted by Beer Guy:

What are you talking about? I send that to Matt on a regular basis along with other fun words.

I just recall that particular pic being on my old server. I asked you about it one day, and you said you were planning on using it when he said something stupid on here.
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My sister is 16, you sick, child molesting, fucks.


I don't give a shit about her veiwpoints and political standings, its tha fact that she is talking straight out of left feild. How is Christmas a falsity? What the fuck does that even mean?


My point being, she is just talking out of her uneducated ass, adding big words here and there, so that she appears to be some rebellious icon amongst her brain dead peers.

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Originally posted by Coke:

My sister is 16, you sick, child molesting, fucks.


I don't give a shit about her veiwpoints and political standings, its tha fact that she is talking straight out of her ass. How is Christmas a falsity? What the fuck does that even mean?


My point being, she is just talking out of her uneducated ass, adding big words here and there, so that she appears to be some rebellious icon amongst her braindead peers.

wow.....so she has been watching to much MTV and has given her a messed up point of view.
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Here's something that will blow her mind:


People like that are trying to 'rebel' against 'society', right? However, there are so many of these liberal emo goth kids nowadays that I would consider them to be the majority... Thus, by spouting ridiculous anti-republican jargon, not showering, and dressing like a "Hot Topic" advertisement, she's just conforming to what society dictates is acceptable.

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Originally posted by Coke:


How is Christmas a falsity? What the fuck does that even mean?



I have heard this before. Basically it is an attack on the religous meaning of Christmas. They don't believe that Jesus ever lived, therefore Christmas is a farce. Of course, they will say shit like that right up till the tree don't go up and the car they were getting for Christmas goes in the front yard with a FOR SALE sign in it. Then Christmas is cool again.


Now as far as the beer man from 1200 miles away. Pay attention and maybe your head will not hurt so much. Then again I am going to use the big words so an asprin may be in order for you. But either way, if you don't like what I have to say DON"T FUCKING READ IT!


A couple of you touched on the nonconformity thing, which is a big part of the problem. Teenagers all try to be nonconformist's. Now that has been going on forever, it's nothing new. What is new is the fact that it's now tollerated, and acceptable behavior. Which does two things, first... when you act as though you believe something, like that your an athiest, or a goth or a satanist, and no one questions it, you fall into believeing it yourself. It's like the saying about if you tell the same lie enough times, you will believe it's the truth.

Second... as society accepts nonconformist behavior from teens, it is no longer nonconformist behavior because it's acceptable. So to be nonconformist you must go to a new level.

ANY child phycologist will tell you that children will seek limits, they neeed to know where the line is drawn so to speak. So if their parents, brothers and sisters and society as a whole keeps moving the line. Kids will continue to try to find the line.


I know that yall think I ma fucking nuts. But considering your age, mind you I am over 30, knew of anyone that had sex IN the school. But now, I understand it's a common practice.

Hell, look at students bringing guns to school. In my day it was knives, and it was only the hoods that did that. Now they come to school to KILL their classmates with assault weapons. What changed here? Why would anyone feel that this is now acceptable?

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Originally posted by 151:

People like that are trying to 'rebel' against 'society', right? However, there are so many of these liberal emo goth kids nowadays that I would consider them to be the majority... Thus, by spouting ridiculous anti-republican jargon, not showering, and dressing like a "Hot Topic" advertisement, she's just conforming to what society dictates is acceptable.

I actually said somthing along those lines to her a few weeks ago. I got the response, "UHG you just don't understand the movement."
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