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Dieting people who cant control their urges *rant*


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Here at the office were having this whole diet thing. BUT.. this time ITS FOR MONEY. Thats rite.. Theyve made teams of people to see which groups can lose the most weight in 4 months time, winners are taking home probably over 100-200 dollars each.



I still see.....

Yesterday this 300lb girl CRAMMING down a muffin while her team was away from their desks.


Today.. free bagels at the office.. all the dieters are eating bagels loaded with cream cheese.



I mean WHAT THE F*CK PEOPLE!?!?! No offense to any on here, but I cant stand fat people who BITCH about not being able to lose weight, then see them cramming down the shittiest foods on gods green earth. :mad:


Im SURE my office cant be the only office with half healthy people and half bitching overweight people. Some of the things I see these people eat just make me sick.


"wendys double with extra mayo, and mayo on the side for my fries" Thats my favorite one graemlins/puke.gif


Some might want to ask me "Why do you care?" Because I have to hear about it all the damned time.

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Guest fast cutie
I have to admit it bugs me to. I have a friend back in ohio I used to work with who is like 300 lbs and bitches constantly saying she hates herself ect. Ummm, how about stop eating fast food and do something about it?? Its not like Im one of those people who can eat anything and still weigh 100 lbs. Ive been there, I weighed almost 200 lbs after my first kid/marriage and I lost it. It can be done, put the damn food down and get off your ass
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People who are over weight look at food in a differnt way than skinny people. Food for fat people is VERY much like drugs for a user. The mental ties to the food are very hard to over come. Must of the time one can pull enough will power together for a short period however between your mind craveing things, tv comm., a busy work schedule, and other things it is very hard to stay on a diet plan. For fat people to "just don't eat that much" is like if we told you to "just don't eat at all" becouse it is that hard to over come.


Now on a second note I do get bothered with the people that look for "The pill". People think that they will be able to take a pill and puff they are thin. They think they will not have to earn nutrion(sp?) and over come there eating disorder. :rolleyes:

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Or the suckers who say: "Ive tried EVERYTHING". Meaning: Everything other than eating less and moving.




"My diet starts tomorrow" day after day.


Watching the biggest loser and coming from a fat ass family, a lot of the fatties use "cravings" as justification for breaking their so called diets. I fully believe that poor eating habits can be traced back to the parents almost all of the time.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Watching the biggest loser and coming from a fat ass family, a lot of the fatties use "cravings" as justification for breaking their so called diets. I fully believe that poor eating habits can be traced back to the parents almost all of the time.

I think your absolutly right. But something has to be said for finacially burdened families. what's the cheapest, easiest meal you can prepare for a family of 5 kids with almost no cash... wendies .99$ menu.


Honestly my family wasn't exactly wealthy while i was in high school, our diet was horrid and never really consisted of any REAL food's. Yes i could blame my parent's for making me overweight but that's just not taking responsibility for my own condition.


After i graduated. started making my own living, working out more (as well as working a very physically demanding job) and buying my own groceries i've lost about 50 lbs. did i diet? hell no. I still eat fast food but it's not the only thing that i eat anymore. Not to mention my parent's both either got substancial raise's or new job's in which they make alot more and actually make an attempt to work out now. And all the kids are grown and moved out.


Disclaimer: i am in no way saying that all poor people are fat and all fat people are poor. im simply stating that it is a contributing factor from my experience's with it, that is all.

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Originally posted by fast cutie:

that and people who make themselves fat by over eating and then have that gastric bypass surgery. Get up and work it off! you put it on. *shakes head*

That surgery, by no means, is a walk in the park. You have to consider the health of the people involved. Most of these people have multiple health issues going into the surgery which makes it THAT more dangerous. And for you to trivialize the prodecure obsurd and ignorant.


My dad had that surgery, it has saved his life. High blood pressure, high colesterol, a heart murmur, Type 2 Diabetes, 2 blown knees, bad hips, a bad back and difficulty breathing when he sleeps. I guarantee that some people are/were more worse-off than he was.


ALL of those conditions are gone. GONE. He's lost more than 100 lbs since he had the surgery in April. I consider this surgery a blessing for my family as my father has a better chance of living a longer, more healthy life.


You used to weigh nearly 200 lbs and you were able to do it, congradulations on that (seriously), but for some people it's just not that simple.


Buckeye is spot on with his post. And iwishiwascool's statement that it can be traced back to the parents is something I completely agree with, because I AM in that situation. My parent's never pushed a healthier diet growing up, and my sister and I are paying for it now (my younger brother was blessed with a high metabolism). Is that the sole reason I'm in the condition I'm in? No, I take most of the responsibility for eating what I eat. But the way I grew up definitely played a role in what condition I'm in today.

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Guest fast cutie
Originally posted by Slowica GT:

That surgery, by no means, is a walk in the park. You have to consider the health of the people involved. Most of these people have multiple health issues going into the surgery which makes it THAT more dangerous. And for you to trivialize the prodecure obsurd and ignorant.


My dad had that surgery, it has saved his life. High blood pressure, high colesterol, a heart murmur, Type 2 Diabetes, 2 blown knees, bad hips, a bad back and difficulty breathing when he sleeps. I guarantee that some people are/were more worse-off than he was.


ALL of those conditions are gone. GONE. He's lost more than 100 lbs since he had the surgery in April. I consider this surgery a blessing for my family as my father has a better chance of living a longer, more healthy life.


You used to weigh nearly 200 lbs and you were able to do it, congradulations on that (seriously), but for some people it's just not that simple.


Buckeye is spot on with his post. And iwishiwascool's statement that it can be traced back to the parents is something I completely agree with, because I AM in that situation. My parent's never pushed a healthier diet growing up, and my sister and I are paying for it now (my younger brother was blessed with a high metabolism). Is that the sole reason I'm in the condition I'm in? No, I take most of the responsibility for eating what I eat. But the way I grew up definitely played a role in what condition I'm in today.

First of all, I didnt say ALL people. I am fully aware that their are some that NEED it for medical conditions and to save their lives. But I am also fully aware and have experienced people who see it as a "fix all". They dont want to do the work, so they think this is the answer. Not knowing what they are getting into til after the fact.

Case n point a girl I used to work with. She saw it as an out, and thought she knew all about it. Got it done, yes she lost alot of weight. But she was unaware that her portions were now predetirmined the rest of her life. If she eats to fast, she thows up. She was laughing when she was eating once, threw up.

I was not reffing to all people, I apologize if I offened you. I hope your dad is doing well. Im sure he did not fall into that catogory smile.gif

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Being overweight consists of 1 of 2 things.. 1. no discipline or 2, genetics. My mom's side of family is all overweight, yet my dad's are all skinny with high metabolism. My dad is 62 and can still eat whatever he wants and might gain a few lbs, but if he hits the nordic trac for a few months, he loses weight like crazy. I have a mix of both genes which SUCKS. I used to be fat but decided it was enough. Now I work my god damn ass off at the gym about 2 hours every day. I lost over 50lbs of just fat in a 6 month period.

I don't look down at anyone that is overweight, having self control is not the easiest thing for some people.


Slowica, can you pm what doctor your dad went to?

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Guest fast cutie
I agree. My moms side is ALL overweight. My mom is not fat per say, but shes got alot of extra pounds. I work hard to not be like that anymore. I understand its hard. Alot of people use food for comfort, love, ect. It was a comfort for me during a hard time. But its a choice. You either let it beat you, or you dont. we all have hard times. I have times when its very hard to back away, but Ill be damned if im gonna go back. I worked VERY hard to get where I am. And I give much respect to those who do. Its not easy at all.
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Originally posted by Rane:

If your poor just eat ramen noodles all day. You won't get fat and there cheap as hell.

because eating nothing but carbs all the time is eaxtreamly healthy.


People eat when they are bored, people drink alot of sodapop, and there is a huge problem with lack of sleep.


easy things you can do, drink water insted of cans of coke, get a little more sleep every night. you arent going to loose 30 lbs but you will be a little more healthy


it alsio helps to have a hoby that keeps you moving if your younger... i eat alot i have a regular metabolism but i snowboard and skateboard 4 day out of thew week.

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Originally posted by fast cutie:

First of all, I didnt say ALL people. I am fully aware that their are some that NEED it for medical conditions and to save their lives. But I am also fully aware and have experienced people who see it as a "fix all". They dont want to do the work, so they think this is the answer. Not knowing what they are getting into til after the fact.

Case n point a girl I used to work with. She saw it as an out, and thought she knew all about it. Got it done, yes she lost alot of weight. But she was unaware that her portions were now predetirmined the rest of her life. If she eats to fast, she thows up. She was laughing when she was eating once, threw up.

I was not reffing to all people, I apologize if I offened you. I hope your dad is doing well. Im sure he did not fall into that catogory smile.gif

It's cool. Your statement, to me, seemed to come off as a blanket statement about the surgery itself. No harm no foul. :D
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I watched a thing about that surgury, it's not what alot of people think. Your diet is all changed around, you do loos weight because you basically can't eat much at first, but a stomach is rather elastic and it will stretch back out over time. It actually teaches you self control more than it does anything else. The show said that if you go back to eating 3 bigmacs and two orders of frys every day you will get big again.


Now many of you know that I ain't small. In fact I reciently started gaining weight again, so I am a bit more mindfull of what shovel in my face.


But the ones that order 10 bls of food and a diet coke to wash in down make me laugh. I know that soda ain't great for you, but it's noncomplex sugar, if you are active, it burns off quick. However 1/2 a pound of ground beef ain't sugar, and it don't burn off as fast.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Skidmark:

You can eat damn near anything if you're active.. In basic training they fed us three huge meals a day and people were either losing weight or gaining weight in muscle mass. I know people in my reserve unit who smoke and workout who are healthier than nonsmokers who do nothing.


It's all about not sitting on your ass, and you'd be surprised how easy it is to do like 20-30 pushups a day and jog around the block for 10 minutes. Getting the motivation to do it is the only hard part, but once you're on your way it's easy and you'll start feeling like you're accomplishing something.



I eat massive quantities of things that are bad for me, and I'm not visibly fat. This is due to having two jobs where I'm moving around on my feet for 45 minutes out of every hour. In my unscientific opinion, not sitting around on your ass is the easiest way to stay somewhat thin.

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Originally posted by Skidmark:

You can eat damn near anything if you're active.. In basic training they fed us three huge meals a day and people were either losing weight or gaining weight in muscle mass. I know people in my reserve unit who smoke and workout who are healthier than nonsmokers who do nothing.


It's all about not sitting on your ass, and you'd be surprised how easy it is to do like 20-30 pushups a day and jog around the block for 10 minutes. Getting the motivation to do it is the only hard part, but once you're on your way it's easy and you'll start feeling like you're accomplishing something.

I have to disagree.. Again, it all comes down to genetics too. 3 summers ago, I was doing a Navy SEAL workout.. I was running 5-6 miles a day, hundreds of pushups and situps a day, chin up's, etc.. But my diet sucked (chips, beer, beer, more beer, pizza, etc), and I gained about 40lbs in a little over 3 months. Even with as much as I workout now, I still have to watch what I eat since I put on weight so easy and fast. I eat healthy 5-6 days out of the week and have 1 bad day, still workout 7 days a week, 2 hours a day and I don't lose weight.
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Originally posted by Eazy E:



I eat massive quantities of things that are bad for me, and I'm not visibly fat. This is due to having two jobs where I'm moving around on my feet for 45 minutes out of every hour. In my unscientific opinion, not sitting around on your ass is the easiest way to stay somewhat thin.

neiter one of you have a clue when it comes to this. People that are clearly fat have a disease much like alcoholism. Over eating is much like anerexia or bulmia(sp?x2). I don't get why people get the those are diseases and are tied to the mind yet over eating is just some "fat ass that sits around all day and eats everyting and complains".

I am On a "diet" right now becouse by medicial terms I am obese, even thogh I work 12-14 hrs a day most days and 7 days a week and untill the last couple of months I ate VERY little fast food. And even the dieticians that I am working with say that with a person of my genes and body type it will be very hard to keep it off the for the first two years.

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Originally posted by buckeye:

neiter one of you have a clue when it comes to this. People that are clearly fat have a disease much like alcoholism. Over eating is much like anerexia or bulmia(sp?x2). I don't get why people get the those are diseases and are tied to the mind yet over eating is just some "fat ass that sits around all day and eats everyting and complains".

I am On a "diet" right now becouse by medicial terms I am obese, even thogh I work 12-14 hrs a day most days and 7 days a week and untill the last couple of months I ate VERY little fast food. And even the dieticians that I am working with say that with a person of my genes and body type it will be very hard to keep it off the for the first two years.

Since I provided you with information, can you provide me with info on the dietician(s) you're working with? Perhaps even what diet plan you're using?


Thanks man.

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One of the Exec's from my work tried optifast. It is hard. He started cheating with alcohol a few months in and that opened the door to the eventual failure. It is good that you are doing something about it... As a result of the obesity of my family, Both my mother and step father have type 2 Diabetes, my 12 year old sister is 'high risk' for developing it shortly.


Interesting fact: According to my calculated BMI, I am "obese". Even though my body fat is right around 13%.

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