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I used to change my name twice a day becuase it was fun. I can't expect someone of such low mental capability to even begin to understand why confusing the fuck out of other people might be fun. I think your pissed becuase you have to work harder now to keep your head rammed all the way up my ass. Do you even go to O.U.? When I went there we had better things to do than surf the local message board of a town thats almost 2 hrs away.
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Nope, I don't go to O.U, I'm lying. I don't go to my classes every day of the week, I don't spend alot of time with my girlfriend, and I definitely dont study. Drop the whole "omg you spend so mcuh time on here" bullshit, even though it's the only "ammo" you may have against me, Dave. I spend about an hour tops on here daily, when I'm bored or need a break from studying. I find it relieves stress to bust the balls of the less intelligent members of this board who take shit WAY too seriously.


Dave has a cute bubble butt... But I'm still smarter than he is.


[ 27. January 2005, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: WebNinja ]

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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Nope, I don't go to O.U, I'm lying. I don't go to my classes every day of the week, I don't spend alot of time with my girlfriend, and I definitely dont study. Drop the whole "omg you spend so mcuh time on here" bullshit, even though it's the only "ammo" you may have against me, Dave. I spend about an hour tops on here daily, when I'm bored or need a break from studying. I find it relieves stress to bust the balls of the less intelligent members of this board who take shit WAY too seriously.


As for you accusing me of having a low mental capacity, I wish I was smart enough to own a hackjob auto service business. Try not to get any brain cramps when you're doing something that anybody with a set of tools and a service manual can do. What were you at Ohio University? Certainly not a student... Maybe you built New South, since it's at least thirty five years old...

Set of tools and service manual?


Check yourself before you wreck yourself. fool.


When you have automotive _experiance_ ...You can talk.


Until then you have no grounds to talk.

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lets begin since you really started something thats going to get you owned.


I attended O.U. for a year as a history major from 1996-1997 I stayed in read hall.


I didn't really care for history too much so I came back to columbus and went to columbus state where I completed the automotive service program.


Hackjob auto service? I work out of my house on the side to help people out. If all it took was a box of tools and service book it would not require college


now as far as taking shit seriously I don't really its the internet but you have attacked my character and accused me of running a shitty business.


by all means talk all the shit you want. I'm sure some of my customers will be willing to refute your unsubstantiated accusations.

further slander on your part will not be tolerated if you really havea problem call me the phone number is in the add.

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hey jon, next time i call you to do any work on my car, itll be the first. contrary to what you may think, i may actually be inclined to pay you to stay the fuck away from my ride. talk about a mans selection in women, freinds, living arrangements, whatever, but fucking with a mans livelihood is out of bounds. if you knew anything about life besides what youve read in those books, son, you may have known that.


you took it too far jon. and you should know it.

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That is pretty shitty. If you have a personal problem with someone, that's one thing. Going and spreading stuff information about how they work that is possibly un-true is another. (I don't personally know of the situation in question, but I haven't seen any other complaints to justify what is being spread.)
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Originally posted by Orion:

but fucking with a mans livelihood is out of bounds.

Originally posted by WebNinja:

Dave, I take everything on this board with a grain of salt. If I honestly offended you, PM me, I'd like to get this worked out.

Fucking grow up and edit your post asshole. It's not about whether you offended him or not. You took a stab at how he makes money, totally unfounded too. He COULD take this to court for slander. You can take everything on this board as a grain of salt all you want, and most of it should be. But when you go over the line any time in life, being a man is about fixing your mistakes. Right now you’re proving your nothing but a child.


Thanks for editing your post Jon.


[ 27. January 2005, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: Neo ]

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Originally posted by Old Dirty Gangsta Hillbilly Bastard:

Oh oh do I sense some back pedaling.

Fuck you, TJ. I was wrong and a bunch of people called me out on it, so apologizing is back pedaling? Go stick your dick in an oven and leave your dog's asshole alone for awhile, you wannabe ghetto waste of welfare.
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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Fuck you, TJ. I was wrong and a bunch of people called me out on it, so apologizing is back pedaling?Go stick your dick in an oven and leave your dog's asshole alone for awhile , you wannabe ghetto waste of welfare.

You fucked up now JR. if a few people getting on you made you fold and made you feel the heat for saying stupid shit about a friend of mine you fucked up bad I'm going to school your punk ass so bad you might need this link when I start on your ass


lets break your post down


"Go stick your dick in an oven" graemlins/gay.gif If your going to come at me bring better shit.


"leave your dog's asshole alone for awhile" Leave my dog out of this actually your flaming skills would make you vs. my dog a better match.In fact I will give your dumbass a free pass until you fuck up again



"you wannabe ghetto waste of welfare." Wannabe please bitch I never have tried to be anything Im not in fact that actually got my blood boiling when I read that so I will give a point for that one. Now on to the welfare part Motherfucker when I do something I go at it 110% no hand outs here for you to imply I take hand outs is just insane I have done more in life than what your bitch ass will do your whole entire life. So if you think your youngass is up to it start your flaming or shut the fuck up and be a good bitch. Oh and if you need me to I will send you pics and other shit thru email so your dumbass can think up some juvenile shit to say on here.

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