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Guest Rane

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Guest Rane

Some guy on a bike, looked to be in 30-40. He was on a yellow 600 with all the BiKeR BoYz that weren't talkin to anyone. I am minding my buisness in my expidition talking to some people before we leave and I hear.


"You wanna race an excursion(sp?) for 350$."


So I'm like how bout no...Then someone said something about his turbo diesel excrusion vs my 300zx for slips and he's like lets do it I'll give it a try. I tell him my 300zx is only as fast as the tow truck that hauls it down the 1/4 strip and even when its finished wont be anything special.


Then he ask, "Where are all the people with these supposedly fast cars that race." I just shrug and say all the cars that just left (Wich were the vettes stangs supras etc.) normally race people. His next question is "Wheres this peice of shit yellow vette that thinks he's fast." He was talking about sam, I told him you guys just left so he got on his next topic.


He says then "Wheres that faggot mario who thinks he has a fast car." I just shrug and tell him I heard that marios car was uber fast. Like 8seconds fast and he's like "Shit thats nothing, I'm a living legend etc. etc. my vette ran 7.9" after he said it ran 7.9 he said something along the lines of off the bottle or without traction something that makes it seem like it should be way faster...Anyone know this "living legend."


On a side note, that one prick with the yellow mac1 in the video where he is talking shit because he's so mad he lost to a faster car started more shit and then got hoe'd. But thats beside the point, I just wanted to ask him if he were on here to tell that fat bitch he hangs out with to keep her mouth shut more often especially around desert time.

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Guest Rane

I didn't ask his name, or have a problem with him but I'm sure some people will.


I heard the truck was fast. I told him outright my 300 is and will be slow. I think he has an excursion, vette, and he said something about a busa and taht the 600 wasn't his.

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Don't act like you don't know the name.


Rane, seriously, that sounds like Sonny and his crew. They are fairly hardcore about racing, though I've never known Sonny to be as nasty (i.e., rude) as what you described. BTW, Sonny and Mario are pretty tight, so I'd be surprised if he was being serious when he said that about him (if it was, in fact, Sonny that you were talking to).


What's the deal with the other guy with the yellow Mach 1? He's always causing drama - what did he do now?

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Guest Rane

Well we were all parking in the parking lot. Me in my SUV, all the VW guys and the Str4 guy thats always with them.


Well I park in the back row behind all the "racing cars" or whatever like diagnol to his mac1. Two of the vw people park 2 spaces down from the mac1 guy. and its on the end so the gli were with pulls in the other space, and the Srt4 comes a second later and starts to back into the space imbetween the mac1 and his friends cars. Well, the mac1's tire was barely on the line so theres still a full space in reality. The guy with the mac one puts his hand on the window and says something like. "What the fuck are you doing." "Hey punk, park somewhere else I parked in two spaces for a reason." So one of the guys with me also friends with these people walked up and asked why he couldn't park there.


The guy starts talking shit and acting childish about blah blah park somewhere else. Tim is probably 4 feet from the guy still talking his ass off basically repeating the question in the same calm tone of voice why can't he park there. Obviously the guy couldn't come up with an answer besides because he said So he pushes my friend, now he takes off his shit and walks up to the guy ready to fight. The guy starts acting like a bitch backpeddling like crazy. His girlfriend who is very fat and annoying keeps talking about the cops.


MY friend says good job you just called the cops on him for hitting a 17 year old. he says omg your 17 now I have an excuse not to fight. So the kid with the str4 is 18 and starts offering a fight. The guy bitches out, we leave him alone for a second and he starts calling another person who was laughing a fag who almost fights him as well but he starts to bitch out around the time real fighting gets brought up. The fat girl never shuts up untill the cops come and loan her a doughnut.


Funniest thing of the night, After all this arguing happened just before the cops came another one of our friends showed up who wanted to park near us but was going to in the section across pulls up. Gets about 1/2 a car past the mach one and I am like "Hey park next to that mach1 over there." the guy starts cussing up a storm, walks to the space and says he's not moving. Kid with vw loves being an ass so he backs up partially. The guy with the mach1 sits down and says. "Run me over go ahead blah blah I'm not moving."


Disclaimer- This is what happened with no exaggerations. I might have explained certain ares with more wording then needed or talked about random shit but I am very tipsy right now and just keep...talking to people.

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sonny no longer has the vette, it was the black older one that ran 7.90s at king of columbus three to four years ago.and i wouldnt recommend starting to much shit with him. he has a busa now that runs pretty well.and him and morio arnt that tight they like to race each outher.
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First off Andy didnt touch anyone He asked you guys to not park next to him cause he didnt want his car to get dinged by a bunch of punk kids. We take extreme care of our cars not sit on them and all that other bullshit. Also when your gay ass friend backed up by Andys car he was inches within his front bumnper. Then the words of"Oh thats that guy who ran his mouth with that red car" so yeah you guys knew who he was you WERE TRYING TO START SHIT.


Also your story is a little off there buddy. WE CALLED Security and I called Cols. PD. Also the security officer came over and witnessed all of this crap going on and your lovely immautre friends were the ones not stopping we all told you to fuck off leave us alone and just bug off but you wouldnt. Your one friend got in Andys face trying to act like harry hard ass so security told him to leave and quit trying to start shit cause all we asked you guys to do was leave us alone.. Then your totally mature jackass friend told the officer to fuck off, and few other choice adult words.


So also I am not Andys g/f. Then also you guys are trying to make it as if we picked on you.. oh it was nice how you wouldnt stop trying to start shit by pulling anoter car in by my b/f's black mach1.. I think you seriously need to take some time go home change your huggies and grow the fuck up. You fuck with peoples cars and they will fuck with you. Except you just have your panties all in a bunch cause all of us handled ourselfs right by calling the cops and not beating your fucking asses like we should have you little fuck!


BTW Fat girl huh.. thats too funny. Ill remember that here in a few months.

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Oh yeah btw.. the other funny part of this story was that the kid that kept getting in Andys face was like Oh Ive been in jail and I would kick your ass and blah blah blah.. (same kid who was really dumb in telling security to fuck off and lots of other shit) But yeah Mr. Hard Ass sure left and got out of there when the cops pulled up. Even though he said he didnt care bout cops..HAHAH!


Also he so was busted in telling his story when he said he didnt know where any of his friends were and the cops kept asking him that and he kept saying oh I dont know.. but yet when he said oh he put his hands on me he knew where his friends were so he was caught right in a lie and security even told the officers no one touched anyone cause he was there the whole time.


So liar liar pants on fire Mr. Rane. (again) Get your story straight. Have a nice Day.

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Dont be a fag and take up two parking spaces, its a fucking car meet... Ricers. Not like your cars are so much ebtter than absolutely everyone else who goes to those meets and uses one space. You gonna be a douchebag, expect some shit talking. Oh, and WHO CALLS THE MOTHERFUCKING COPS ON SOMEONE AT A CAR MEET, ARE YOU A NINETY YEAR OLD WOMAN?! JESUS CHRIST, GROW SOME BALLS.
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Umm Jon hush! If people were fucking with your car and trying to cause a fight that would get everyone kicked out I would call the cops too. Have another beer hun! lol What were we supposed to do kick there ass and go to jail...NOT! lol They were the bad asses that werent scared of jail they should have thrown the first punch. But they were too much of bitches to back up there mouths. graemlins/jerkit.gif:D
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