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Guest CTPirate

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Originally posted by CTPirate:

You know, I came here to check this place out. I hope this isn't how you treat all the new people. People like you are what make forums suck.

Dude, look at what forum you're in. This is the kitchen, everything in here gets flamed. Seriously twit, read the forum description before you post. graemlins/thumb.gif


We're all much nicer in the other forums, but your trunk thumpin ass is fair game in here. graemlins/slap.gif


If you can't stand the heat...........



buckey, save your pity for a forum that warrants it. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by buckeye:

you guys are asses sometimes there is a Small chance that this guy is cool. Remember The guy with the escort? Ya his car was out there but when he made it out to meets we found that he was a cool dude. So why don't you guys ease up and wait till he comes to a meet and IS a tool to fuck with him

no he wasn't... he moved beer bottles that was under his car to under my car and ended up flatening a tire of mine out at Gero's last year.
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Originally posted by Tenzig:

Dude, look at what forum you're in. This is the kitchen, everything in here gets flamed. Seriously twit, read the forum description before you post. graemlins/thumb.gif


We're all much nicer in the other forums, but your trunk thumpin ass is fair game in here. graemlins/slap.gif


If you can't stand the heat...........


Eric, All those words for nothing! He posted in the correct forum, it was just moved here. graemlins/lol.gif
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