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Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> I'm not sure how it ended up out there in Ohio, but here at CU, where many students claim to simply have come to college to 'smoke weed' (one girl was quoted as saying such), the event was ridiculous. Essentially, students gathered to 'protest' CU's stict policies against marijuana. They think that the university is more harsh with penalties for those caught with pot than for those who drink. Here's a clue: MARIJUANA IS A NATIONALLY ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE REGARDLESS OF YOUR AGE YOU MORONS!!!


Another person said they were smoking weed to make 'a political statement'. Like hell you are! You're a stoner who wants an excuse! My question is this: we had police and riot guards all over campus yesterday, and the worst they did was walk through the crowds taking pictures. Why the hell didn' they storm them and arrest participants? People smoking joints were in plain sight- to just stand there and watch seems entirely too lenient IMO. Is there some law I don't know about that prevents cops from arresting people for doing something blatantly illegal in plain sight? Or are they just kow-towing to an indifferent University who is reluctant to act against 3/4 of its pot smoking student body?

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by satan:

why do you bitch so much? you just wasted about twenty seconds of my life.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Because I see the degradation of this generation as a pertinent issue. If you don't have something constructive to say shut the hell up.


And hi Alex.

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Quit whining, it's not like they kicked your door in and made you smoke some. Why the hell do you even care? I'd much rather see a bunch of college kids smoking weed than drinking. Fewer fights and less vandalism, I say go for it. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by (s)aint ZX:

I agree with you.


4/20 was cool in what, 9th grade? I gave up pot after 9th grade for a reason. It's stupid.

yet you still shove shampoo bottles up your ass...


i don't really smoke anymore. i have a lot of friends that do. but in your bitching, take this:


you and some friends are out street racing. some cops sit and watch, and don't bust you. are you going to bitch about that too? you have different interests and hobbies then others. why bitch about it? they're not hurting anyone. some of my best friends smoke, some daily. they are great human beings who will do anything for anybody.



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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by satan:

yet you still shove shampoo bottles up your ass...


i don't really smoke anymore. i have a lot of friends that do. but in your bitching, take this:


you and some friends are out street racing. some cops sit and watch, and don't bust you. are you going to bitch about that too?

<font color ="midnightblue"> This is a different scenario, but if we're going this direction then the bottom line is that the cops have an obligation to prevent people from performing illegal activities in whatever form they manifest themselves in. ESPECIALLY since that's what we pay them for.


Originally posted by satan:

you have different interests and hobbies then others. why bitch about it? they're not hurting anyone. some of my best friends smoke, some daily. they are great human beings who will do anything for anybody.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Because it's illegal and because I have to live in a society governed by the people; If those people are all pot smoking, illegal-activity promoting, drug 'abusing' voters, then it does affect me. And by hurting themselves and their abilities to make rational judgements, then they are hurting people.


I got into a debate at an 'abortion awareness' rally with two stoners who supported abortion. They had absolutely no logical grounds from which to defend their position; their entire argument revolved around attacking the pro-life stance, and not defending their own. These people will be voting on issues that affect other people's lives. If they aren't cognizant enough about what it is they are effecting, then they shouldn't be given the right to affect it. That's why I'm bitching, that's why I'm 'wasting' 20 seconds of your life, that's why this is a serious social dilemma and that's why you should seriously shut your mouth until you're informed enough about the issue that your opinion is worth anyone's while. Using the argument that your friends are 'great people and would help anyone' changes nothing as the people they might be helping are mothers on their way to the abortion clinic because they don't know enough about the rammifications of power without knowledge. EVERY single stoner/ 'recreational' drug user I know is a lazy, self-absorbed, ignorant by-product of liberal social 'values' who is guilty of grossly abusing the society in which they live for their own purposes. The world is all about them, they can do no wrong, and it's 'ok' if they wanna smoke it up every once and a while because hey, they don't care enough about their culture or fellow citizens to take any sort of initiative to make things better, slugging off the responsibility to people like me. We've got to stop being so fucking accepting and tolerant of 'how people want to live their own lives' and start holding them accountable for theirs, and our future.

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> ...How eloquent. Because this is 'my own shit' you moron. If you'd bother to read and comprehend what I just wrote, you'd know that. There's no point in trying if you aren't even going to read it.
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I read it. What I got from that was you're pissed that people don't all agree with you on certain social issues, therefore they must all be idots so you don't want them to be able to vote, unless of course they vote the way you do. Very democratic of you. graemlins/thumb.gif
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It sounds to me like you’re the self-centered one. So what if someone lives a little differently than you or has a different moral opinion than you do. Does that make them an evil person that you need to change? Fuck no. And if you think that is the case, fuck you. Go find a country that forces your ideals upon their people and go live there if you want to think everyone should have the same ideals.


I'm going to go get drunk and run over some aborted fetuses now.

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

...How eloquent. Because this is 'my own shit' you moron. If you'd bother to read and comprehend what I just wrote, you'd know that. There's no point in trying if you aren't even going to read it.

You're right. There is no point trying. You need that XXXL dildo pulled out of your ass so you can think straight for a minute. You're an arrogent fuck. Your mom should have clothes-hangered your ass. So what if people don't think and act like you want. This is a democracy. Thank God for everyone else, the majority doesn't think like you. Stop fucking posting, and do us all a favor and don't breed.
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Originally posted by Folkvang:


EVERY single stoner/ 'recreational' drug user I know is a lazy, self-absorbed, ignorant by-product of liberal social 'values' who is guilty of grossly abusing the society in which they live for their own purposes. The world is all about them, they can do no wrong, and it's 'ok' if they wanna smoke it up every once and a while because hey, they don't care enough about their culture or fellow citizens to take any sort of initiative to make things better, slugging off the responsibility to people like me. We've got to stop being so fucking accepting and tolerant of 'how people want to live their own lives' and start holding them accountable for theirs, and our future.

Who the fuck are you to judge people on what they do with their lives baised on the activities they choose to partake in on there own time. They have the fuckin right to do as they wish, whats what this country is about you selfish bastard. If its illegal and harming this country so bad, than our justice system will cath up to them.


Dont ever tell me im lazy and worthless, I worked my fucking ass off to get into a decent college this year. I didn't get my choice of colleges so I worked hard at CSCC, and it payed off. The simple act of you using terministic screens is what brings this country down, and is what makes others outside the United States think we are such arrogant morons.


If you have such a vendeta against "pot heads" don't bring your shit hear, because thats bullshit. Is a good thing to have a voice in this country. If somone votes a certain way because that how they feel they should have voted, because they feel what they voted for helps them and suports their rights and wishes, then good for them. You have no fucking right to sit here and down talk a group of people because they smok pot.


[Napolean]Fuck off you decroded piece of crap [/Napolean]


[ 21. April 2005, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Coke ]

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I work 6 hours a day on top of 15 hours of school. And over summer i work a full time job to pay for school and my luxuries. I financed a motorcycle, I'v payed for all three of my cars, and I have acheved decent grades in my first year of college. Because of this I must be self absorbed. I must be ignorant by-product of liberal social 'values,' I suported Bush you piece of shit.


10 years from now Im going to knock on your door with a big fancy suit on, Benz sittin in your driveway, a fat blunt in my mouth, and cheif one right infront of your hidious face.

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Seriously man, you need to chill the fuck out. People smoked pot on 4/20? Oh N03Z!!!!one!1!! America is about freedom, you son of a bitch, and freedom is 95% tolerance. Stop being such an uptight douche, and learn some fucking tolerance. That, or you could join some of your neo-natzi brothers for a rally.
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Originally posted by Coke:

[Nepolian]Fuck off you decroded piece of crap [/Nepolian]

What's a Nepolian? Did you mean Napoleon?


On another note I agree with you Folkvang. Drugs are just a useless way for people with shitty lives to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives for about an hour.

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Originally posted by 86 Eh?:

What's a Nepolian? Did you mean Napoleon?


On another note I agree with you Folkvang. Drugs are just a useless way for people with shitty lives to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives for about an hour.

I bet I lived out a better existance in my 19 year of life, than you will in your 60.
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Originally posted by 86 Eh?:

What's a Nepolian? Did you mean Napoleon?


On another note I agree with you Folkvang. Drugs are just a useless way for people with shitty lives to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives for about an hour.

Nothing but excuses and judgement, Potheads have no problem with your choice not to smoke, so why do you have to have a problem with them smoking? That's alright though,you're obviously a better person, since you judge everyone and everything that you don't have any idea about. Karma is a bitch.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> What part of 'it's illegal' is not registering with you? Yeah, I must be some arrogant ass to think that supporting, or even tolerating this kind of debauchery is ok. I mean, what kind of self-absorbed prick would think that drug trafficking and the demoralization of one's country is none of their business? Pot heads have no problem with my decision not to smoke?? Of course they don't! They don't care about anything! Leave them their welfare and blunts and life is grand.


You think, Ben, you'll live a better life in this short amount of time than someone like me will in my entire lifetime? Based on what- how many laws you broke? How much you were able to override your conscience? I disagree with you, as would Aristotle and many other famous philosophers, particularly Kant, who would argue that you are pursuing lower, base pleasures, and such pursuits cannot be the purpose of humans as even animals are capable of them. Reason is the function of humans, and reason dictates that something that costs tax payers money- tax payers who do not support your activity- is not just (what's the DEA for again?); reason also dictates that if something is illegal, you are wrong to pursue it, as you are not the ultimate authority. Yeah, I'm the arrogant one, obeying laws and things, not thinking I can go around and do whatever the hell I please.


'Since you judge everyone and everything that you don't have any idea about'. What are you basing this on?? YOU know nothing about me; I happen to live in/on a campus that is rife with pot smokers - I see what they do, how they behave, what their 'independent' interests are. I think I am fully qualified to judge them and the circumstances that produce them. And I can readily assure you that this isn't the kind of 'happiness' or 'freedom' that Thomas Jefferson was referring to oh so long ago.


And that's great that you have learned to associate self-restraint, morality, and defiance of non-sensical status-quos with a group as well-rounded and just as the 'natzis'. I wonder what your history teacher would say.


"Who the fuck" am I to judge other people and their lives 'baised' on the activites they choose to 'partake in there' own time? I'm an American, dammit, and I see these slobs degrading my culture and my country with their slovenly, apathetic mores and degenerate ideologies, and I'm pissed off, that's who! Who the fuck are you to tell me, as a concerned citizen, that I should sit back and be lax as the societal engine that produced these valueless, decadent, unhealthy, hedonistic Marxists continues to churn out more, with an increasingly small wave of opposition? You may call me a self-righteous bastard, but at least I'm a self-righteous bastard who gives a damn about his country, instead of some stoner who, for all he cares, might as well be living in another country- just whatever you do don't take away his pot! And to hell with tolerance if it means watching your country get sucked down some metaphorical bong and doing nothing because hell, who are you to judge the efficacy of alternative lifestyles? Societal indoctrination pwns.


And "lucifer"? Just shut up. You haven't yet presented a valid point to defend your position, so it seems to me that your mom should have been the one to "close hang" you seeing as she's produced a son who can't create a relevant argument without devolving into seriously pointless personal insults. Put up or shut up, but that comment was uncalled for.

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