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Confused and a little pissed off

El Karacho1647545492

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Originally posted by reckless_ops_sux:

You know people shouldnt talk shit like that...

Cause you never know who is reading it..or who knows where you sleep!! graemlins/slap.gif

I will talk shit and tell whoever is reading were I sleep.CO stunners please Im the resident hoodrat there is only room in here for one so stunna your ass out the door.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

That's hilarious...because you are still a little shit talking bitch that has to stick up for your even bigger of a douche little brother on an internet message board. Do us a favor and go blue print your motor. Seriously.




just a joke marc, don't explode. just laugh :D

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Originally posted by reckless_ops_sux:

Dirty Old Mopar <---- graemlins/supergay2.gif

ahem http://daniel.lucas.spymac.net/images/you-suck.jpg


[ 30. July 2005, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: OMG Hi I'm Zee ]

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Jefferson is across the way from me, you've got nothing to worry about. I live in Stepping Stone, and we're pretty self contained as far as retarded shenannigans go.


You really just have to watch out on Havens Corners...the biggest problem there is people pulling out into traffic without looking, and Mann rd where people tend to drive on the wrong side of the road.

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Zack, no. i'm about to start columbus state for electrician school.

Alex, no. I live kind of off hamilton behind jefferson elementary.

There's no reason someone my age should fuck with someone your age, unless they really really deserve it, which i don't think you do.

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Gotcha. Didn't know, because there is a guy that I don't *think* is on here, but has three several nice cars. One looked to be a mid-nineties blue Z28 very nicely done with solid wheels. The other cars looked like a 64/65 Vette (red) and a Chevelle (197?).
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i dont think its illegal to go w/o a hood as long as it doesnt make the cars front end unfit for driving, as in structural integrity. Ive gone w/o a hood a couple times when hauling 1200lb loads of mulch in the Z24 on hot ass days to prevent it from over heating... never had a problem with the autorities about it. Also, a 3800lb J-body cant stop and handels like ass.
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