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ftp is in my sig

Chad is Dead

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As posted by Larry he said "Ben didn't say that - Bernie WhatsHisName from F1 said it about Danica Patrick when asked about her (I think during the week leading up to the Indy 500). Ben thought it was funny and decided to use it for his signature."

When hoblick said ftp I thought it was funny and wanted to put it in my sig. Are there any problems with that? If there is I will gladly take it down as long as any other offensive material in sigs is also taken into consideration. I am trying to deal with this in a resonable mannar{sp}. So I would appreciate not to get a strike. If any mods would like to close this thread and pm me we could do this in a closed discussion just as well. Thank you and I hope this doesnt turn into a big flame war.

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FDP? fuck da pooper?


As for all this fuck the police shit, it needs to be stopped. The comment about Danica is funny as fuck, and is race / automotive related. FTP is just fucking stupid. You all need to grow up, alot. Hoblick, you're about to get married man. Is this the kind of shit you really feel is appropriate? As for Chad, well I haven't read a single post from you that was worth a shit. I've been fucked over by cops more then anyone on this board, I promise. My last adventure with the police is going to end up costing me upwards of $4500. I've been ticketed for drag racing, speeding, wrong way, traffic devices, wreckless op, failure to control, etc... But do you see me on here bitching and saying fuck the police? No. That shit's just fucking stupid. Sure, some of them are complete dicks. But these are the people who put their lives on the line to keep you safer. I say fuck Hoblick, and fuck Chad.

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Holly Shit! Columbusracing is turning into a 1/18th scale modle of the United States. Everyone has somthing to bitch about! (including myself at times) ITS A FUCKING SAYING THAT MOSTLY EVERY BIKER BOYYYYEE SAYS JOKINGLY!!!!! I don't understand the big deal, I have friends and family that are Police, DEA, and FBI, but I still say Fuck The Police time to time, I guess I am going to hell. Jeezus.
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

come on mods what is the big deal really?


serious question wanting a serious response not some crap

If i had to guess why the mods don't like it is shows a lack of respect and ignorance for police and what not. Which a good stance for the to take but at the same time not every cop is a cool and some are just dicks with a badge. But to be honest its that way with everything anymore.

Personally i dont have a problem with it. if its said as a joke that fine If not Karma is a mother fucker, what goes around comes around.


But hey this is greens house and its his rules so if he say take your shoes off when you come over you best do so.

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Originally posted by Just another Slow car:

If i had to guess why the mods don't like it is shows a lack of respect and ignorance for police and what not. Which a good stance for the to take but at the same time not every cop is a cool and some are just dicks with a badge. But to be honest its that way with everything anymore.

Personally i dont have a problem with it. if its said as a joke that fine If not Karma is a mother fucker, what goes around comes around.


But hey this is greens house and its his rules so if he say take your shoes off when you come over you best do so.

Good explenation. To add, this is a group of people we are talking about. Why would we allow blatent disrespect against this group of people, yet we don't allow racial slurs? "OMG BUT POLICE ARENT A RACE YOU SILLY FAG" No shit. But still a group of people. How about I say all bikers are worthless pests on the road, and I'm going to cut them off at every chance I get? Sure, there may be some decent bikers out there, that don't weave through traffic and cut me off and harass other motorists, but that doesn't matter because of a few bad ones.


What's the difference? Let's see...bikers do nothing for society, except fund our court system and bodyshops, but police do what they can to keep our cities and streets safe. Hmm....I think FTB

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right now columbus racing is hating on a group of people because of a bad few, but it is allowed. No one has a problem with with the rule just that it isn't a rule that is followed all the time by the moderators, but this issue is as old as the board.



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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Gearhead, you have to be the worst post-quoter on the entire Internet.

I clicked on quote and thats what happened..


And you didn't type shit...so?

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..."as long as any other offensive material in sigs is also"...


..."1/18 scale USA"...




If any of you really have difficulties picking out what is wrong with that phrase, then I can think of 2 possible reasons. 1. You are still too damn immature to know any better. 2. You are already grown up, and you still feel that way.


If you fit into category 2, then there is zero reason for even trying to explain this topic to you.


Police save lives every day.

Police risk their lives every day.

Police prevent mayhem.

Police are underpaid, over-worked, and under appreciated.


I'll tell you point-blank the number one reason I support the anti-FTP rule. Because 98% of the time the phrase is spoken, it is coming out of the mouth of a person who spends most of his or her day squelching off of welfare or seeing who can wreck their stunt bike the most times in a week. Most of these people have no fucking room to talk down about a group of people that contribute 1000% more to society than themselves.

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Originally posted by Ich bin der Teufel:

FDP? fuck da pooper?

No FDP- Fuck Danica Patrick.. you seen that? She's damn hot, I'd ride that like a 20 dollar whore. Of course she'd never have antthing to do with any of us. But who cares.
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Most of you all know Im a cop, I dont hide that fact at all.. The whole FTP thing is your choice and right to say under the US constitution. The gaurantee of free speech. How ever as was stated earlier this web site and room belong to someone who does not wish this view to be voiced. This is his house and his rules and should be followed. Everyone should show respect for the rules..

For all of you FTP assholes its your right to say and feel how you want and its my job to ticket, arrest and take your cars from you, and I do on a regular basis.


Vinny hit the nail on the head,

Police save lives every day.

Police risk their lives every day.

Police prevent mayhem.

Police are underpaid, over-worked, and under appreciated.


I work my ass off for the city and for the citizens of Columbus, not everyone appreciates it but I get satisfaction that at the end of the day. It gives me great pleasure to catch a drunk driver, burgler, or child molester. However catching speeders is just fun.


If you dont like me I dont care..


MY 2 CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Vinny:

..."as long as any other offensive material in sigs is also"...



Police save lives every day.

Police risk their lives every day.

Police prevent mayhem.

Police are underpaid, over-worked, and under appreciated.


I'll tell you point-blank the number one reason I support the anti-FTP rule. Because 98% of the time the phrase is spoken, it is coming out of the mouth of a person who spends most of his or her day squelching off of welfare or seeing who can wreck their stunt bike the most times in a week. Most of these people have no fucking room to talk down about a group of people that contribute 1000% more to society than themselves.

1. I've never been on welfare. I have a car and bike paid off and have never borrowed money

2. I've never wrecked a stuntbike or got any money from an insurance company.

3. I dont hate cops. I say ftp for amusement and to get reactions from people like you. I have a uncle who is a sheriff and used to ride dirtbikes w/ a cop. I used to wear my cops lie t-shirt around him and he would laugh at it. I think it is funny. Period. I do it for the cops who say "I hate bikers". I dont mean ftp for the cops that help me out. I appreciate what they do. But for the cops that have fucked w/ me for the shear fact that I'm on a bike I say ftp and cops lie. I can't even believe that topic has got so big. I've read plenty threads that have people saying "stunnaz" and other words and phrases saying how people who stunt ride are stupid. Do you hear me complaining abou t it? NO! I laugh at it and move on with my life. I just wish everyone would understand that 95% of the time ftp is meant as a joke. I hope we can all get over this shit and jsut drop it.


btw. Can I please be able to have a sig again or will a mod please pm me and tell me why not? I've said a few times that I would deal w/ a mod on a pm basis but no mod has contacted me yet.

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Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

Most of you all know Im a cop, I dont hide that fact at all.. The whole FTP thing is your choice and right to say under the US constitution. The gaurantee of free speech.

Yes, it is true that the second amentment protects all of us from the government telling us what we can and can't say. It however does NOT protect you from the consiquences (sp?) of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Nor does it protect you from laws pertaining to threatning, menacing, or combative langauge used towards law enforcement officals.


I really shouldn't even bother mentioning this and let the ones dumb enough to get mouthy with an officer to find out on their own. But telling a cop FU or some other colorful statement can now earn you a ticket or a ride in a police car and a free meal or two. Not to mention some really awful clothes (orange jumpsuit) and numbers across your chest in a typically less than fashionable photo. And remember that the second amendment is about the federal government making laws limiting freedom of speech, it says nothing about freedom to be an asshole.

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