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Asshats with Sawzalls going overkill.


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Originally posted by C5Doctor:

There you go mooch, I fixed it for you!


Now the 'funny': You being the internet professional, were unable to correct the fix on your own. Had you looked in your address bar, after clicking on the link, you would have noticed a descrepency. One squirrel mark for big A.

I noticed it, as it was a redirection address so people like yourself couldn't link an outside referrel URL directly to it.


I viewed the pic by correcting the link you posted in my own web browser.


Glenn, would you like a nut with that? Squirrel graemlins/lol.gif

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Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

I noticed it, as it was a redirection address so people like yourself couldn't link an outside referrel URL directly to it.


I viewed the pic by correcting the link you posted in my own web browser.


Glenn, would you like a nut with that? Squirrel graemlins/lol.gif

I am attempting to figure out your inconsistancy (which happens quite often). At first, you basically say you cannot view the picture and point out your findings to others. You later state you were able to see it via your own means at the original point-in-time.


Which is it?

Are you blind to all reality?

Do you establish farce in hopes others will follow you to the beyond (then reveal, to the others, the true realism)?


2nd squirrel mark for Anthony!

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Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

I was pointing out your fallacy, being the perfectionist in you couldn't handle a blunder. It seems to have hit the mark too, as you've taken to the defensive and have started rallying to the "squirrel marks" graemlins/thatfunny.gif

I will go ahead and give you squirrel mark #3.


You did not point out the incorrection. You pointed out my mistake without knowing how to correct it. You then fell into make-believe and noticed it AFTER I had made the correction.


For this, you get squirrel mark #4.

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Originally posted by C5Doctor:

I will go ahead and give you squirrel mark #3.


You did not point out the incorrection. You pointed out my mistake without knowing how to correct it. You then fell into make-believe and noticed it AFTER I had made the correction.


For this, you get squirrel mark #4.

You have honestly got to be kidding me if you have fallen into self-denial that I caught and personally remedied your mistake before you did.


Come on, Glenn, you're batting below .500 on this one graemlins/nod.gif

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editing my post was GAY! :mad:


If you think that shit is out of hand just step in and say

"Hey boys you've gotten off track"


My post was in no way offensive. I thought it was funny. And i posted a smiley first to show it was in fun.


I don't care if your a mod or not. In my book what you did is just graemlins/supergay.gif


[ 29. September 2004, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: BIG PAPA ]

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quoted another person's post of



and this was mine





Not that it's an important post or thread for that matter. I just feel there was NO reason to edit my post. That should be a LAST resort. I didn't break any of the rules for the forum. And you are making a firewall out of server cases you have to expect someone to say it, plus it was done in fun. This is a place of expression. I did that and it was edited for no good reason. I know it is a rare ocasion that it happens but it does make you feel like why post here if your shit is going to be deleted.


I off all people should not get my panties in a bunch about it, because I tell people not to do that all the time. So I am just complaining about it, saying it was a dumb thing to do and moving on.

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Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

You have honestly got to be kidding me if you have fallen into self-denial that I caught and personally remedied your mistake before you did.


Come on, Glenn, you're batting below .500 on this one graemlins/nod.gif

You obviously have not been paying attention.


You assume I was batting below .500. You are now 5/5 today in squirrel marks.


You get squirrel mark #5.


I will post a list later of those who obtained 5 squirrel marks in one day.

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

I took a Sawzall to this damn thread. I could have just dumped it off into the flame room, but thought this would be more fun. Stay on topic, thanks. smile.gif

You are the new squirrel. Deleting posts because your little brain can only think of pink carnations.


Are you serious for deleting what was posted?


Hoosier Daddy = Weasel

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Originally posted by Nick GT:

Its columbus racing, what did you expect. Next they will start charging money to post, so anthony can afford a bigger motor to keep up with 03 cobras.

Coming from a guy who has to bum rides because his car won't stay running? Maybe I should start charging you for services.


Glenn, you will debate, and you will lose. Quit trying to throw the subject, Master of the Obvious graemlins/lol.gif

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Bum rides? What are you talking about? Thats odd, as I have more than 1 running vehicle at all times. I dont get it? You - start charging for services? Talk about ethics - you cant even pay for your services.


My car runs fine, it had no problem keeping up with you when you got walked by a crowd of cars, you even had trouble pulling away for a stock z28. For all the time/money/arguing and not paying of bills, I'd expect more from your car.


I almost feel bad for arguing with someone who raises a family in a section 8 apartment complex.


I got a better idea. Delete posts, edit posts, or just ban everyone who is in disagreement with you. You can start with me.

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Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

Coming from a guy who has to bum rides because his car won't stay running? Maybe I should start charging you for services.


Glenn, you will debate, and you will lose. Quit trying to throw the subject, Master of the Obvious graemlins/lol.gif

Game on!

Have you been part of this thread? Your biggest problem is accepting ownership for your own downfalls. Your generalized reply is always "It's not my fault, you're the one". You see, you have "The Weasel" (Hoosier Daddy) come on here to delete what was incriminating to yourself. Then you make an attempt to justify your own wrong, into a right, via hiding behind the deletion. "My gopher deleted it. Now I am safe. So noone will know how much a an idiot I am."-Anthony Green


Don't start a debate and expect to win when your facts are proven false.


So who will be deleting this? You, Weasel, Desperado, Chochmo, who?


Knowing you were involved, what I should have done was take snapshots of the screen. Which I am doing now.

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Nick, you are a loser and always have been. You are always one to use people. Remember when your insurance cards were Photoshopped twice to bail your ignorant ass out of a suspended license in court? How about hauling your lame ass to the BMV at 8am on a Saturday to get your license back so you could pick up your truck out of impound? Or, the funding you have because your grandpa used to "own" Loc-tite, and supported you until you couldn't cut it and dropped out of college. So now, you're forced to work at a tire shop because he was gonna disown you for being a lamer in life. That, and you're a danger to other drivers on the road. How's that reattached toe doing, you stupid fuck? How about that bike you wrecked doing stupid stunts with your inexperience? Lol, you really needs to grow up and own up to your own mistakes and quit being nice to people for a time to get what you need from them.


As for my car, you're as stupid as you act. My subject with IPS is none of your concern. I think you're jealous of my car and what little is really done to it overall. How about you call up your dear old grandad and ask him to please buy you something more worthwhile, since you can't afford it on your own. Maybe mounting 300 sets of tires will allow you to afford a tank of gas. Oh, and BTW, you had to call two weekends ago to find a ride from Jegs because poor Nick needed a ride home when his POS broke down in the parking lot. Joel was at my house when you called him for a ride, dipshit.


NTB = Nick the Tire Boy, to the rescue!


As for Glenn, you still keep avoiding the original subject at hand. You suck at the internet and got called out. So you bitch and whine and try to prove your "intellect" by throwing the subject off at hand. You got owned, you fucked up, and lowly Anthony of the foul English caught you. Poor thing, does having your intelligence questioned hurt?


And another note. How in the fuck does having a picture of Gomer Pyle deleted by Steve relate to me? Now you're reaching and can't quite grasp anything to hold on to. You really do lack the skills to debate anything when perturbed. Lol, watching you squirm and dance around while trying to "own" people is more amusing than hearing your worthless rambling and incessant grammatical checks.


Snapshots? Yeah, I know of a few you can take, and they're not of this board graemlins/lol.gif

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Anthony, I can walk cirlces around you pertaining to everything life, except for one - Columbus Ricing post count. The best thing is, I know how much of an emotionally, intellectually, and personality challenged person you are. I go back to what I said before, you can not accept ownership for ANYTHING you do! You dodge the obvious and claim "It's not me, it's you".


Back to the original topic. Basically, you took my link to a posted picture and were not able to retrieve it. I placed a copy-then-paste attachment to that post (because you were unable to figure that out on your own, while others were). You make a post attempting to cover for your idiocy. You were then called on, proving you are an idiot. You then get weasel boy to delete all my posts from the first page attempting to provide yourself with some sort of security. You then turn the story around to benefit your own weakness.


You claim some sort of internet superiority (I will allow you this one lifetime achievement advantage) and live your life with this one great achievement so you can somehow obtain a PWR TRP!

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Damn. Didnt know I dropped out of school. I still attend now. I work Part-time at NTB, 4 days a week, and dont get dirty. I dont touch tire mounting machines.


I own a house. You pay rent, at a section 8 housing complex. Your neighbors, and quite possibly you, are on welfare, or some form of government funding. I make too much money to live in your area, as there is an income statuate to live where you do.


Me and bikes? Well, yes, sounds like you are jealous that you dont have the opportunity to get on a bike.


My grandfather has never funded me, or sent me any money. Sure, my dad helped me out while I was in school, as most parents do. Thats a luxury - hopefully I will be able to support my kids when they are in school.


Jealous of your car? Its a poor mans Trans-am. Its slow, and green with ricer stripes, and sounds like ass. And you still have bills to pay on it. Everything on my car is paid for - even the car itself. I don't have any outstanding bills with any automotive shops in town. I have a good record of buisness with people I have dealt with. You can't say the same, so i guess I'm a loser still.


Sure, i did call Joel to see if he wanted to help me out - I blew a Headgasket. It was fixed the next day. Hey - guess what - he would have helped out. I found someone else to get me to my house to get my truck and tow it home. Thats what friends do for each other - you don't know what thats like.


Why is it that you had IPS do the work? I'll tell you. Every F-body person you know doesnt like you, and doesnt want to work on your car, and hear you bitch and whine about everything - especially having to pay someone. See - I have helped out friends - and They would come over and help me - at my house. Its a new concept, you should try it. Being in your section 8 neighborhood - people might be afraid to come over.


See, the difference between you and I is that I just have to speak the truth - you need to make up things and insult me to debate. You know nothing about what I do at work, know nothing about my cars, know nothing about my schooling, know nothing about any "funding" that i may get. You still live in a section 8 apartment, still owe IPS money, and still have a greasy mullet.

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