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Some of you should read this whole thing.


What bothers me is that somone asks if anyone works there, and now all the suddon Abecrombie only sells "thrift look alike" cloths and all there t-shirts are 70 bucks!?


What the hell? I work there, I stair at price tags all day, not one shirt there cost anywhere close to $70 My new hoodie didnt even cost that.


Yes Abecrombie sells SOME shirts that are ment to look thrifty and they also sell jeans that have holes in them. But has anyone mentions the ratio of regular shirts to "thrift look alike shirts?" or the amount of jeans that are perfectly fine and have no holes? Absalutly not we must all ignore that fact, because we are to concernd with why others are spending THERE money on cloths FOR THEM that they feel fit them best and that they enjoy.


Yes sadly thrifty looking shirts and jeans that have tears around the edges are in style. There are people that enjoy that style and its what they feel they look good in.


Now what the best part is some of you are just plain judging people on where they work or what they were calling them snotty stuck up whatever. I feel this is a bit ironic. I Highly doubt anyone while working was giving any of you shit or acting better than you because they would have been fired on the spot. What makes some of you better than a so called stuck up person when you are being just as arogant in return?


Also parents work hard and get a good education to get money mainly so that, when they have a family they can support them live in good nehborhoods with good school and buy them nice things, including cloths. So dont give somone shit because there parents are doing just that.




[ 11. November 2004, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: BenGNU ]

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Guest busteryhyman
almost all of my clothing is either abercrombie or hollister. i've NEVER paid 70.00 for a shirt. 19.95 for a tee or 24.95 for a polo. isnt that around the prices a lot of other stores run. I've gotten shirts at hollister for 12.95, i'm not thinking that's too much to pay for a shirt. Yeah, so i spent 65.00 on a zip up hoodie jacket, but that was a one time thing
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I don't mind wearing nice clothing. My parents are rich anyway, so when they're feeling generous, I'll go for the $160 polo sport jacket that will keep you about as warm as an ice cube (Yes, they actually bought me that because I asked.). It's just impractical on my salary to make ALL my clothing choices that way.
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Guest FBody Addict

heh, i wore worn out thrift store clothes in middle and high school, cause thats what we could afford, i knew people looked at me to set trends


the only time i ever bought anything at abercrombie was cause my grandmother got me a $40 gift certificate and the only thing i got was a fuckin pair of shorts, dont tell me they arent overpriced

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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Mr. 2:

You don't know anything untill you go to Victoria's Secrets and spend $40 per bra! :eek:

and why were you buying womens underwear? sounds kinda graemlins/supergay.gif
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Originally posted by Slow As Hell 86 T/A:

not if there's pics of guys in women's underwear



Sorry... was being off topic.


I've been in Abecrombie and the prices aren't that outrageous. I don't know what he's talking about. Maybe he had a bad expirence once and then made an opinon on the entire chain of stores based on that.

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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

Obviously you've never seen a beautiful women wearing this shit in real life. It's nice when you get home from somewhere and your girl walks out from around the corner and is wearing this stuff, I got a boner.

Plus it pays to get better quality for better cleavage. graemlins/thumb.gif
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What do I think of Anglo-Crombie and Fitch?


As a Dublin resident...


It's a bunch of frat-boy/homosexual (same difference) in training graemlins/gay.gif , Real World, Road Rules reality show rejects, pseudo models, shirt 2 sizes too small/popping your pink collar, skinny punks, Tuttle mall shopping, that look like a bunch of spikey/mop top haired, pillow biting sheep (followers).


I made this post because I'm jealous :rolleyes:


Don't get me started on the fake thug FUBU crowd graemlins/nonono.gif





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