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Originally posted by Republicant:

Jerrad = Plump white guy. Scott = tall, skinny, grey-goose drinking black guy.

Hahha...yes. My mother is white. I was just having some fun :D Just one mans cynical observation



Scott (sipping on Goose right now)



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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by The Pikey:

What do I think of Anglo-Crombie and Fitch?


As a Dublin resident...


It's a bunch of frat-boy/homosexual (same difference) in training graemlins/gay.gif , Real World, Road Rules reality show rejects, pseudo models, shirt 2 sizes too small/popping your pink collar, skinny punks, Tuttle mall shopping, that look like a bunch of spikey/mop top haired, pillow biting sheep (followers).


I made this post because I'm jealous :rolleyes:


Don't get me started on the fake thug FUBU crowd graemlins/nonono.gif





finally, someone who agrees with me about that overpriced shit
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest boostedmx6
Today we salute you, Mr. Constant Collar Putter Upper. You, bedecked in popped collar, teach us that we no longer have to live with a cold, back of the neck. Sure, your Pink alligator polo may look feminine to some, but not to the 17 other frat guys wearing the same thing at the bar. Where others may see thoughtless fashion conformity, you preach a higher gospel. You preach of a world where its okay for a man to go tanning. You ask "why can't we wear make-up, and use shampoo with lavender essence?" So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, Mr. Abercrombie (or is it Fitch?), because we all know, when we really need a piece of gum, you might have one...in your man purse.
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I rather shop at old navy the clothes wear in better and the price is better. I've shopped at abecrombie before but you your money goes way farther other places for stuff that just as nice.


I don't really have anything against them other than the prices are kinda high for clothing quality that just isn't there.


example abercrombie jeans I had for about 6 months or so and the back pocket just kinda fell off. now I bought a pair of levis about the same price and they lasted for years without ever ripping or falling apart.


if your going to pay top dollar expect top quality abercrombie is not where its at.

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Guest PiNk 240 GirL

i usted to work @ a abercrombie store (dont hold it against me). and we got a discount on the clothes, which helped a lot cuz ya that shit is outragous im not gona argue w/ anyone there.


but abercrombie isnt my style or the vintage look in general. im more of a pacific sunwear chick. smile.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest justingodfrey

They are overpriced but hey, my wife works at

corporate and it pays the mortgage. I would

never pay those prices though, either 40% off

or sample sales ($2-4 per item).


Just because YOU think something is ugly or

overpriced, etc. doesn't make it doctrine.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

Feel free to voice your opinion but don't

rag on those who have different tastes.


Just my $.02

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Originally posted by justingodfrey:

They are overpriced but hey, my wife works at

corporate and it pays the mortgage. I would

never pay those prices though, either 40% off

or sample sales ($2-4 per item).


Just because YOU think something is ugly or

overpriced, etc. doesn't make it doctrine.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

Feel free to voice your opinion but don't

rag on those who have different tastes.


Just my $.02

Ask your wife to Fire Molly (the kids store, store manager at easton) PLEASE! shes stupid and makes to many mistakes
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Unless I am trying to look nice(When I go out everytime it doesn't mean I want to look nice. Most of the time I just try to look regular.) I just rock a $3 icey white T, or a black T red T with some basketball shorts. Hows that sound?


Doesn't mean I can't come out in $70 jeans sometimes(All though, they arn't abercrombie or anything near that.) but still. A few $200 pairs of shoes, bunch of icey whites. Something shiny to go around my neck and wrist so I can't hate. Alot of the times I goto abercrombie in a more urban style as opposed to what they rock they tend to give me shit.


Most of the time I don't start shit when I go out, the one time I said I was making fun of the bandana's I only did that once >_>. I try to get along with everyone, some crowds are harder to get along with. To me this is one of them, and anyone who wears slipknot shirts...Its all good if your not scared to fight, or you wanna squad with anyone who doesn't think your cool. But atleast sometimes people need to chill out and relax instead of fighting over who wears what styles of clothes.(Specially in person, just what I want to go is go out to just chill or whatever and end up fighting someone because I don't wear the same clothes as them.)

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Originally posted by justingodfrey:

They are overpriced but hey, my wife works at

corporate and it pays the mortgage. I would

never pay those prices though, either 40% off

or sample sales ($2-4 per item).


Just because YOU think something is ugly or

overpriced, etc. doesn't make it doctrine.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

Feel free to voice your opinion but don't

rag on those who have different tastes.


Just my $.02

your car is badass man....ohh yeah AnF cloths are way overpriced.
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Originally posted by The Pikey:

What do I think of Anglo-Crombie and Fitch?


As a Dublin resident...


It's a bunch of frat-boy/homosexual (same difference) in training graemlins/gay.gif , Real World, Road Rules reality show rejects, pseudo models, shirt 2 sizes too small/popping your pink collar, skinny punks, Tuttle mall shopping, that look like a bunch of spikey/mop top haired, pillow biting sheep (followers).


I made this post because I'm jealous :rolleyes:


Don't get me started on the fake thug FUBU crowd graemlins/nonono.gif





ROFL, I saw a ghetto wannabe white kid wearing some FUBU stuff the other day and I laughed outloud. I'm thinking to myself, FUBU is For Us By Us, and as a white dude we are not part of the "Us". Dumb ass.
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I dont understand why people have such a problem with abercrombie. I dont mind paying the prices for their cloths. I am more so bias because i used to work for hollister and i got hired at abercrombie. I just think if you dont like their cloths or prices why do you have to let everyone know? Just go shop at the store you feel comfortable going into and stop dissing on other ones that people like. Its all personal preference and people need to stop bitching about how they dislike it. No one is making you buy the cloths so stop complaning.
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Why does for us by us have to mean black people. I think that was more of a myth or misunderstanding then anything, I bet the creators of Fubu wouldn't give a damn if I wanted to rock a fubu shirt. And why does every white person wearing fubu or something auto-matically have to be a wanna-be. Some white people are in the same class/group of people as a poor black kid, sorry to spoil your fun but really. White kids dressed "Ghetto" arn't always "Frontin" just because there white.


I don't know how gangsta or thug got affiliated as being a black only thing when most of the original gangsters and mafia and shit were all italian and stuff. Beats me, I bet you don't talk shit to black people wearing tommy hilwhatever just because the creator is racist.

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Sorry to rain on your naive parade but how many Fubu or Pelle Pelle commercials do you catch on ABC/CBS/NBC? Now do yourself a favor and turn on BET and see how many you find there. Don't turn it into a racist thing b/c i most certainly am not. I just don't have my head stuck up my ass and i realize what brands of clothing are worn by urban youth. You don't see these brands marketed to young white kids b/c about 3% of the caucasian population wears shit like sean john/fubu/rocawear.


I like rap/r&b music as much as the next white dude but I also notice when i watch mtv/bet that all but about 5 people making a ton of money in the industry are black. Leave the wool over your eyes if it makes you feel better about wearing a fubu shirt, it makes no difference to me what you wear.

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Like I care if there are more black rappers then white? Don't mean shit to me, most punk rocker gothic stuff is done by white people, don't see me talking shit to a black kid for wearing there shirt or something.


We're not that seperated by race, black white whatever. If you come from the hood you come from the hood, if you come from a suburb you come from a suburb. If you fake like your thug coming from a rich place thats one thing. Living it and not being black is another.

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Originally posted by Rane:

, don't see me talking shit to a black kid for wearing there shirt or something.

And where do you see in my post that I talked shit to him? I saw him, it made me chuckle when I thought about what FUBU stands for. You can be as naive as you want but again its not marketed to white people. Entertain me, visit FUBU.com and tell me if you can find more than 2 white people modeling their new line. I think your a little to hung up on this, its nothing personal or racist.
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Originally posted by Rane:

Most of the time I don't start shit when I go out, the one time I said I was making fun of the bandana's I only did that once >_>. I try to get along with everyone, some crowds are harder to get along with. To me this is one of them, and anyone who wears slipknot shirts...Its all good if your not scared to fight, or you wanna squad with anyone who doesn't think your cool. But atleast sometimes people need to chill out and relax instead of fighting over who wears what styles of clothes.(Specially in person, just what I want to go is go out to just chill or whatever and end up fighting someone because I don't wear the same clothes as them.)

I am trying to understand you, but I dont think it is working.


1. What is wrong with a slipknot shirt?

2. Why are you talking about fighting over clothing? You do it? You want to?


Answer these two questions for me so I can better understand your point. :confused:

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The people who wear it are harder to get along with based on how they judge me on what I am wearing. Then they like to talk shit because they know I don't listen to that music or something.


The main reason people approach/start a fight with someone is because they don't like something about that person, how they look what there wearing. It happens round here, dunno about wherever you live. But I'm just saying people should chill out with that atleast sometimes and just get along with eachother.


If someone walks up to me and says. "Look at this wigger or fake thug or blah blah." because of what I am wearing and I am in a bad enough mood to drop him where he stands is that counted as fighting about clothing?

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im with the pikey on what he said, abercrombie and fubu, and i even used to work at abercrombie and thought they were too damn expensive, hell i worked in the back because i couldnt afford to buy new clothes every season just because they came out with new shit, if you work up front you have to wear exactly what they are selling during that season, luckily being in the back tho i got away with not wearing it, and the only things i got there was 1 pair of jeans and a few sweaters, and most of the people that work there in the stores ARE cocky bastards, or maybe it was just the one at the city center mall
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Wow! I have no idea what any of you are talking about. Sounds like we have alot of girly men on this board. I'm a total hick. I only wear whatever the hell happens to be around the house. Usually a metallica shirt or some other total hick cloths I picked up at a yard sale for a few dollars for a hole damn trash bag full. I never did really care what I wore or what people thought of me. If they wanted to start shit about my cloths it really didn't bother me. Now I'm married so I only have to worry about it when the wife wants me to. IE a wedding or something.


I used to like people to start shit. I'd make them look real dumb after I put'em in an arm bar and made them say something really embarassing loudly.



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