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People who won't learn ENGLISH! (prolly will get NWS)


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God I fucking HATE people who come to live in the US and refuse to learn the goddamn language. They want to enjoy all of the benefits of living in this country, but you ask them to please learn to speak english correctly, and suddenly, you're "racist" because they "have a right to preserve their heritage"???


Bullshit. My mother's family came here from Hungary because the communists wanted them dead for participating in the fucking resistance after WWII and every single member of her side of the family learned. The older ones have an accent, but they sure as hell learned to speak english. Hell, my mom learned to speak english better then a lot of Americans do. I have no sympathy for anyone coming here for the money who refuses to make the damn effort. Places need to just start refusing to do things like provide tech support to people who insist that the only language they should master is somalian or some shit.

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Guest FBody Addict

Speak english after 6 months here or get deported.


I used to work at the Big Bear on Agler road in Gahanna, and we would see people pull up in Jaguars and Mercedes, park in the handicapped spots (no permits of course, the cops let them do it cause they[the cops] don't speak somolian and shouldn't have to learn it), walk in, get $300 dollars worth of food, pay with their food stamp card that has a $600 balance cause they have 8 kids, try to cuss me out for high prices in poor english, and switch to swahili or whatever the fuck the language is


Can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em.

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I have to explain to the somali tardmasters how to use a *computer* over the *phone* at that... Makes me want to throttle them and their entire family graemlins/doh.gif

I get a kick out of pissing them off by NOT giving a shit about their bitching though. They bitch about their service not working, or waiting on hold and I just *completely* ignore them (Sorry, but I firmly believe tech support is NOT about customer service, it's about fixing the shit and getting people OFF the phone), and say something like "Let me know when you're ready to troubleshoot this." Shuts them right the fuck up.


Heh. If I were a cop I'd ticket the fuck outta their ass and tell them tough shit, take their complaints to the courthouse. They parked where they shouldn't, and that's that. The cops would treat me that way if I did it. If they want to bitch in somali, tough shit.

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Originally posted by Kuruma:

My mother's family came here from Hungary because the communists wanted them dead for participating in the fucking resistance after WWII and every single member of her side of the family learned. The older ones have an accent, but they sure as hell learned to speak english. Hell, my mom learned to speak english better then a lot of Americans do. I have no sympathy for anyone coming here for the money who refuses to make the damn effort.

My mother was born in Vecses. My grandparents had a small farm. During the war, russian soldiers came and took everybody's land away. My grandfather was sent to a labor camp, and my grandmother and her three children plus one boy whose family was all killed were stuck on a train with thousands of others from Vecses and sent to Munich. My mother grew up in a refugee camp - the gymnasium of a school in Munich, which had been divided by sheets hanging from ropes into little rooms about the size of an office cubicle, where every family got one room, and all they had was what they were able to carry on their backs when the russians came.


After 7 1/2 years of living in a refugee camp, they were given the opportunity to come to America. They spent their first two years in America in Danville, Virginia, working as servants on a large farm owned by the family that had sponsored their passage into the U.S. There was a sort of program after the war where people sponsored "DP's" to come to America in exchange for work once they arrived.


My mother's family was THANKFUL for the opportunity to come to America. It is the greatest thing that ever happened in their lives. They ALL learned English as fast as they could. Within a couple of years my mother was getting better grades in English than most of the American kids. They wanted to BE A PART of this great country, not just sap its resources.


My FATHER was part of the resistance movement after WWII in YUGOSLAVIA. To make a long story short, he escaped from a Communist prison where he was going to be killed. He hid in Italy for five years and then came to America under political asylum. HE FUCKING LEARNED ENGLISH TOO. RIGHT AWAY.


What really pisses me off about America today is how many people think that everything we have is free. How everybody thinks America is the "land of the handout", and takes everything for granted. What a bunch of stupid, spoiled kids most of the MTV "me" generation are. And how UNAPPRECIATIVE all of the immigrants from Latin America are.


These people should be THANKFUL to be living in a country where no one is going to kill them for no reason, the women don't get abducted and raped by the police and military, your children are not kidnapped for a meager sum of $1000, the law operates fairly and not under the hand of some wealthy powerplayer, you won't lose your job for going to church, and you have the opportunity to get an EDUCATION, get a JOB, and live in peace.


People have no fucking clue how good they have it here. For all the things that people bitch about in this country, it's no wonder so much of the world hates us and thinks we are a bunch of fools.


America is the greatest country, the land of opportunity, and a land of freedom. It did not get that way without commitment and sacrifice by every previous generation. The sloppy, lazy, selfish, taken-for-granted attitude that so many people have today dusgusts me to no end. graemlins/nonono.gif

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How do you know that those people who don't speak english wellaren't currently attempting to learn? Out of everyone above, how many speak a second language (ASL counts)?


I know you live in the United States, no need to tell me.


Bonus question, who can give me the name of our national language?

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It doesn't matter if there is no "official" language mandated by the government. This is still an english speaking country, and it's a matter of disrespect to move to a country without learning the language spoken by the majority of the people who live there.


By the way, I know some spanish too, but this is still an english speaking country and even if some people only speak english here, at least they're speaking the right language for this country.

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Guest stvbreal
My parents moved here from Italy in 1968. Yeah, you guessed it, New York is where they lived. Couldn't speek English for shit. They learned and learned fast. Mom still has a strong accent but she speaks english very well. Dad has a slighter accent. Dealt with people on a daily basis. Mom was a stay home mom. So my point is? Yes, I agree learn the damn language. My folks new the importance back then and it should still be as important now.
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+1 to this thread. I cannot stand it when people look at us like we are mad because we want them to speak english. I can understand if you just moved here and you are trying to learn, but seriously, the people I meet have been here have lived here for years. Back in Texas, I went to a bank to cash my paycheck. Well I went up to the cashier, who started speaking Spanish to me. I can speak spanish, amoung a few other languages, but I choose not to. Well, she started speaking Spanish, and I stoped her and told her to speak English. She had the never to tell me that I should learn spanish and then preceded to curse me out in Spanish. WTF?? Funny how people make assumptions that others don't know a language because they have a preference to speak a certin language.
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Shit, I hope you got that bitch fired. graemlins/doh.gif Some people in L.A. also like to be REALLY rude and pretend not to speak english when you try to talk to them, just because you're not hispanic. I asked someone what time it was once at the bus stop, and they just gave this blank look and said "No english...", so I asked them in spanish, and the color drained from their face, their jaw dropped, and they said, *in ENGLISH* "You speak spanish?!?!". I just nodded, and said "Si. Yo hablo." and asked someone else what time it was.
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Kuruma:

I have to explain to the somali tardmasters how to use a *computer* over the *phone* at that... Makes me want to throttle them and their entire family graemlins/doh.gif

I get a kick out of pissing them off by NOT giving a shit about their bitching though. They bitch about their service not working, or waiting on hold and I just *completely* ignore them (Sorry, but I firmly believe tech support is NOT about customer service, it's about fixing the shit and getting people OFF the phone), and say something like "Let me know when you're ready to troubleshoot this." Shuts them right the fuck up.


Heh. If I were a cop I'd ticket the fuck outta their ass and tell them tough shit, take their complaints to the courthouse. They parked where they shouldn't, and that's that. The cops would treat me that way if I did it. If they want to bitch in somali, tough shit.

There are more somalis in columbus then in the rest of the united states (i think like 70% of all somalis in the us are in columbus and surrounding burbs) and they all think that americans are here to serve them
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Hell, one of them wrecked my friend's Grand Prix because he didn't feel he should wait at a red light to make his left turn. It's going to be a long time before my friend's Prix drives again, cause he has to wait for a local auto repair school to fix it. Of course, the somalian dude's friends took his (the somalian's wallet) while he was unconcious in the other car, so they don't know who the hell he even is to go after him. He pretty much vanished.
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Guest FBody Addict

actually, i am planning on learning swahili, i hear it is not a difficult language (like german, which i spent one year of middle school and five years of high school learning and i suck at it)


btw, NWS = ?

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Originally posted by Mensan:

How do you know that those people who don't speak english wellaren't currently attempting to learn? Out of everyone above, how many speak a second language (ASL counts)?


I know you live in the United States, no need to tell me.


Bonus question, who can give me the name of our national language?

i speak english and spanish fluently.

took 5 yrs of french and a beginners japanese course at honda this summer :D



the US has no OFFICIAL language.

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Originally posted by Slow 86 T/A:

i'm just stating my experiences with them

Originally posted by Slow 86 T/A:

and they all think that americans are here to serve them

So you've met every single Somali in Columbus? Because if not, the above is a racist statement.
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Originally posted by SamZman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slow 86 T/A:

and they all think that americans are here to serve them

So you've met every single Somali in Columbus? Because if not, the above is a racist statement.</font>The Bengals are fucking worthless, Thanks.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

The Bengals are fucking worthless, Thanks.

Wow. Being a Bengals fan I've taken quite a bit of abuse over the years.. but that right there... well that hurt. Especially, coming from someone as intelligent and respected as you've proven yourself to be. :(
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Originally posted by Mensan:

Bonus question, who can give me the name of our national language?



I don't care. My great great grandparents moved here, helped found and build the town of Ottoville Oh, raised a family, and died without being fluent in english.

How many of you h8ers have ever tried to become fluent in a foreign language? English is fucked up, and isn't easy to just pick up.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

The Bengals are fucking worthless, Thanks.

I agree 100%...especially after my team torched them today :D


I also agree about the language statement...you should know the language of the country you reside in. Period.


Oh, Eli, I speak German.


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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i speak english and spanish fluently.

took 5 yrs of french and a beginners japanese course at honda this summer :D



the US has no OFFICIAL language.

And this man is correct the US has NO official language. I am conversantly fluent in spanish.



As for Kuruma, I don't believe in what you are saying, your ignorance only equals those that you speak of. If a "foriegn" person would like to not take the time to learn the language that is spoken by the majority of the country, then they shall suffer the consequences. But your harsh words paint a hatred picture, in which I translate into immaturity.


Grow a pair and have an open mind.

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