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People who won't learn ENGLISH! (prolly will get NWS)


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Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

Ok look, I deal with somilis and arabs every fucking day. Now i'm not going to say that they are bad people or whatever, because they aren't. But this is my expierance with them, the same shit happens over and over and over... They want everything for free, and are not willing to wait their turn, plus they always want a discount for some reason. I guess that they think they're special or some shit. The few times that I am able to breech the language barrier with them they seem to be ok, otherwise they get completely pissed off at me because I am un-able to decipher whatever the fuck they are trying to say. And to be totally honest, I'm fucking tired of it. At first I was very polite and nice and tried really hard to listen and understand, but one can only take so much of this bullshit. And I soon realized that my efforts were pointless. They simply don't listen, and get all excited and pissed because I can't understand them. And they really seem to get pissed when I tell them that I can not understand them and to come back when they get someone that can translate for them. Usually thats all it takes and they go away, sometimes though they do come back, and then things tend to go very smoothly, they get to tell me what they need done, and my stress goes away due to not having to try to decipher what the fuck they are saying. My feeling is that if I was going to move to another county I'd sure as shit make sure that I was fluent in the most common language of that country before I moved. To me it only makes sence to do things that way. But what the hell do I know. I'm just a stupid grease monkey.

Really fucking annoying is when you tell them (immigrants who don't speak english in general) that they CAN have what they are saying they want, and they start getting pissed off at you because they think you're saying no. You have to pretty much cut them off, talk over them, or just plain make them shut up somehow so you can explain that you are saying YES to them.


Had one messed up call tonight. Immigrant, poor english, and blind. Felt bad for the guy, cause he seemed nice, but fuck, is that a frustrating combo.

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Originally posted by Kuruma:

Our television programming is primarily in english. Our government conducts it's business in english. Our schools primarily teach in english, and for students that need it in another language, they are taught, but expected to also take classes to learn english. Businesses that offer points of contact do so primarily *in english*, with other languages being offered during limited periods of time during the day. I think that pretty much proves that despite whiny liberals blocking the formal declaration of english being our national language, society itself has already made it so, as a *de facto* national language.

Then why don't you write your congressman. instead of bitching about it on an internet forum.
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Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

because writting the congressman or bitching about it here will not a make a bit of difference. This is just for venting the bottled up rage that we get from having to attempt to deal with these people.

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okay I just joined and saw this.....right I am from England and I really like this country alot, infact I am willing to protect and serve the country to become a US citizen, what I don't get is how some people that claim to be a US citizen who can seek all of the benifits and yet not know one ounce of English? I reckon that to come over to this country you have to know how to speak English! See the only way legally for me to become a citizen here is either get married for 6 years or knock up a baby here with a US citizen and claim citizenship through the kid....now thats F'ed up! sorry I had to rant too, but I love this country more then I love england and the only thing keeping me here instead of being deported is my job and school, as soon as the J1 visa expires.....I am a gonner :(
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actually your information is wrong, you can become a citizen, our family contracted a lawyer to get permanent residence, after about a 2-3 yr INS and FBI background check.


then after you live here for 5 yrs continuously and are 21+ you can take your citizenship test and do the paperwork


but paperwork and lawyers = $$$$$

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If you want to move here, and contribute to the counry (which it sounds like you do! smile.gif ), I would second that advice. Talk to a good immigration lawyer about it. It *WILL* cost you money, but it's easier then going it alone and crossing your fingers.
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^^^ graemlins/thatfunny.gif What is really sad is how many people were born in this country who are "functional illiterates", despite all the money we throw at our school systems. graemlins/nonono.gif At least the immigrants have an excuse.


Regarding language, the people who WERE born here and can't write or speak properly are the worst disgrace to our country.

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Originally posted by Tony:

^^^ graemlins/thatfunny.gif What is really sad is how many people were born in this country who are "functional illiterates", despite all the money we throw at our school systems. graemlins/nonono.gif At least the immigrants have an excuse.


Regarding language, the people who WERE born here and can't write or speak properly are the worst disgrace to our country.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Come on guys. You have to understand where they come from.


Brand new to America, most of them don't get very good english classes in school, trying to find jobs and ways to survive, and you want them to worry about their english?


Get real. How about we stick some of you in Russia, for those who don't know how to spak a lick of russian, give you no money just the clothes on your back and tell you on top of survivng, if you don't learn perfect russian in 6 months, a language that took me 3 years to perfect, we are going ot hate on you and talk abou kicking you out. Some of these people don't have the time to learn english. English is not the easisest language in the world to master. My family is from Russia, and we still speak russian, and we do it cause it is easier for us. We all speak english, but when trying to learn new words, if you can't relate it to a word of you host language it makes it hard to learn. Just give them some slack, they are doing the best they can

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Guest stealthy01ta
I plan on learning spanish as I run into all kinds of people who speak spanish and no english. I can hold my own in Quebec with French, although I'm pretty rusty these days.
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i get mexicans at work all the time asking if anyone speaks spanish, and ya know what my standard reply is??... "NO, No one in this shop speaks YOUR language. If you want to be in THIS country for any meaningful amount of time I would suggest that you learn ENGLISH pretty damn fast, I promise it will make your life here easier." It really scares me that they are fucking in this country, can't read, understand, or write english AND HAVE A MOTORIZED VEHICLE. HOW THE FUCK DO THEY KNOW WHAT THE DAMN ROAD SIGNS MEAN???? As far I'm concerned this is a safety hazard to each and every driver on the road today.
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Just because people have a strange accent, doesnt mean they dont know how to speak english. You might just not be able to understand them, i know plenty of americans who i just cant understand what the hell they are saying. Take lil john for example, lol. And if their english is broken up, atleast they are trying, you cant just all of a sudden lose your accent and become fluent in a differant language. And americans do this all the time, they go to other countries thinking that they are better than everyone there and would just continue to speak english. And american english is not the same as the english that people speak outside of the US


So just give them a break

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no, i will not give them a break. fuck that, if I was going to a non english speaking country, i'd either become fluent in the language of that country, or i'd hire a translator. I know thats expensive, but thats simply how I'd do it. I've tried to give them a break, and all they do is get pissed off that I can't understand them. Then they start yelling me in what ever language they can speak, and i simply tell them to go away. there is the door, come back when you are willing to try to talk to me. I have had enough of these RUDE mother fuckers yelling at my other customers, and yelling at me. FUCK THEM.
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Rick, believe it or not.... but most Eurpoean countries have English as their second language. If you work in the city at a shop, generally you have to speak English. I've been to Germany and Croatia (a fairly small country), and I've had no porblem with them speaking English to me. In fact, they think it is rude to speak their language to you if you can not speak it. I used to have the same thinking as you, till I traveled over seas.


p.s. Just for the record, I know enough Croatian to get around the city just fine on my own. German is another story... since I didn't go to stay there. Altho, I did pick some of it up!


[ 22. November 2004, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: Pony Pimpstress ]

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