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People who won't learn ENGLISH! (prolly will get NWS)


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CS, I recommend that you try working in a position where you are expected to get someone to do something that is already beyond their level of knowledge, despite language barriers, using only verbal communication, and having them call when the line that DOES serve them in the language they speak is closed, yet they insist that *you* help them, *right now*, in a language they do not speak. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to refuse, and even if you DO speak their language, you are not allowed to speak it while on the job, because you work on the ENGLISH line. Asking someone "What do you see on your screen right now?" or "How many phones do you have?" goes from being a simple, straightforward question, to being an exercise in frustration that now takes asking 5 times, explaining 10, and then finally getting an answer that makes little to no sense. You must do this while having supervisors breathing down your neck and hassling you because you haven't gotten them off the phone in 12 minutes or less, something which you CAN be fired for, if it happens too often. They really don't care why you're taking so long, the fact is it's still taking too long. In the end, after wasting 30 minutes without accomplishing anything, they just decide to call back when the line serving their language is open, which they should have done to begin with. If you can still retain such an idealistic attitude after that, then kudos to you. Ghandi would be proud. The majority of people in the world, however would agree at that point, that these people really do need to learn the language if they expect to get the same services as the rest of the country, or they need to get used to doing without until those that are employed to help them in their language are actually on duty.


Easy solution is for them to go to a local CC, and take some damn ESL classes. They are NOT expensive. If they can't do that, then they can go to the library. It's free. They can borrow a book & tape set repeatedly until they get the hang of it, and their lives will be that much easier.


The only reason this country has no "official" language, although english is pretty much the de facto (look it up.) national language, is because every time they attempt to make it the official language, bleeding heart liberals cry racism. Personally, I don't see what's so racist about it, considering that if Americans chose to move to their countries, we would be expected to learn their language, or leave. Period.


Our television programming is primarily in english. Our government conducts it's business in english. Our schools primarily teach in english, and for students that need it in another language, they are taught, but expected to also take classes to learn english. Businesses that offer points of contact do so primarily *in english*, with other languages being offered during limited periods of time during the day. I think that pretty much proves that despite whiny liberals blocking the formal declaration of english being our national language, society itself has already made it so, as a *de facto* national language.

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Guest PiNk 240 GirL

i agree, people who come to america should learn the language. i mean if american people go out of country there expected to know the language of the place there at. so why should america accomodate the select few who dont know?


i work @ a daycare and we have a little hispanic boy and he speaks perfect english and his parents dont speak a word of it.... odd.

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What's a Somali??


I'm really at a loss for what race this is....I'm guessing Asian. Maybe it's just getting late and I'm not thinking straight, but it isn't freaking coming to me at all.


BTW, I also enjoy dealing with non-english speaking customers. What a joy that is. :rolleyes: Luckily, I don't come across them too often, but when I do, it's usually bad (ever try to troubleshoot a PC that's set in all Japanese characters.....including what you type?). Easy = no.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

What's a Somali??


I'm really at a loss for what race this is....I'm guessing Asian. Maybe it's just getting late and I'm not thinking straight, but it isn't freaking coming to me at all.


BTW, I also enjoy dealing with non-english speaking customers. What a joy that is. :rolleyes: Luckily, I don't come across them too often, but when I do, it's usually bad (ever try to troubleshoot a PC that's set in all Japanese characters.....including what you type?). Easy = no.

Someone from Somalia aka Somalian
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Originally posted by PiNk 240 GirL:

i agree, people who come to america should learn the language. i mean if american people go out of country there expected to know the language of the place there at. so why should america accomodate the select few who dont know?

Not true. I lived in the Middle East and never had to learn the language. We hired local labor (Indian) nd they didn't speak Arabic either. The German woman we bought parts from? English. The Japanese we worked for? English. The common language was English. It is like that over there because the British and Americans are too arrogant, and refuse to learn the language. Ironic, no?.
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Originally posted by Cone Smasher:

Sounds like you just hate people more than you hate people who don't speak your language.

Wrong. I hate the disrespectful act of moving to another country and failing to integrate into the culture, which involves learning the local language. Were I planning to move to Japan, you bet your ass I would be speaking nihongo once I got there. Immigration is not a right in this world, it's something you have to earn, and deserve. If you're allowed to do it, the least you can do is show respect to the people who have allowed you into their land, and have given you a chance to become a part of their culture by learning to carry out their customs, and speak their language. It's a matter of showing respect, even if the laws do not require it.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

What's a Somali??


I'm really at a loss for what race this is....I'm guessing Asian. Maybe it's just getting late and I'm not thinking straight, but it isn't freaking coming to me at all.


BTW, I also enjoy dealing with non-english speaking customers. What a joy that is. :rolleyes: Luckily, I don't come across them too often, but when I do, it's usually bad (ever try to troubleshoot a PC that's set in all Japanese characters.....including what you type?). Easy = no.

Yes, a Somali is a person who is from the country of Somalia. Whether or not "Somali" is an actual race, or if they are just Africans from Somalia is debated by both Somalians and other Africans, but it is, at the least, a nationality. Not to scapegoat them as the only ones not speaking english, and they aren't, but I deal with more of them then say, people from Eastern Europe, Asia, or Latin America because of the demographics of the areas the calls come in from.


It really IS a pain to talk someone through something they don't understand, in a language they suck at. At least we have a tool that can we can use to take over their machines once they get online. It's not as bad at that point (because customer interaction is mostly basic questions about what they want, rather then instructions), but the 18+ minutes of setup leading to it still suck. Never have a problem working with J-Windows or other variants though... they tend to keep the basic stuff in the same places, but I got bitten by polish WinME having different keyboard shortcuts once and accidentaly put the PC into hibernate mode before I realized it.

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If I planned on moving for life to some other country with a different primary language, I would be learning it. I talk with plenty of foreigners that speak perfect English or at least good enough that I don't have to guess what they're asking. But a guy came into my work today to get a flat tire repaired and I literally had no idea what he was asking for the first 2 minutes I was talking with him and looking over his paperwork. Finally I heard the word "air" and realized what he needed then spent another minute trying to figure out which tire on the vehicle. Had he known English, a simple "Flat tire, passenger front" would be an easy 5-second command.


I don't hate any race, nor do I really hate people that can't speak english well. But it is annoying and I definitely think they should learn it. And if I had to deal with numerous non-english speakers on a daily basis, it would get extremely frustrating. I think if they want to be part of our country, learn part of our country. No, the U.S. has no official language. But it does have a primary language, as does every other country on Earth. And that's English. Know it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest boostedmx6
racist HA why can black people and everyone else make fun of white people and its funny "cracker" but if you say that due to your dealing with a few people from a country you dont trust them or dont like them and you are scum and a racist that B.S. whats the population like 60 percent white so that would be more whites in the army than any other race if you want to seperate them by color so we "whites" fight for the country while the somalis take our jobs and over populate the city thats not right is it not to me and if your so offended by it then click the back button or ask one of your somlian friends where the back button is cuz i think 70 percent of tech support or cust serv postions are foreign now that we have spet 200 years trying to maek up for somethign that no one on this planet did i think its over and they should get over it whew i think ive pissed enough people off im out lol
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I can't understand you. I guess I now know what it's like to not be able to understand someone speaking a different language, because your post is unreadable. The only capitals you used were in the middle of sentences, and you have a severe lack of puncuation marks. Thank you for the eye opening experience.
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Guest boostedmx6

i dont see any caps you must be a retard and i dont use caps or puncuation cuz no one on here is worth the time if you think im an idiot due to my typeing you need to get out from your recliner once in a while and if its unreadable then why did you notice the lack of puncuation and im sure ill have more run-on's and so on but now its just to piss you and other uber posters off


ok sorry ther eare caps and its to provide exclamation HA that near the beging of the whole thing not even near the middle

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by boostedmx6:

racist HA why can black people and everyone else make fun of white people and its funny "cracker" but if you say that due to your dealing with a few people from a country you dont trust them or dont like them and you are scum and a racist that B.S. whats the population like 60 percent white so that would be more whites in the army than any other race if you want to seperate them by color so we "whites" fight for the country while the somalis take our jobs and over populate the city thats not right is it not to me and if your so offended by it then click the back button or ask one of your somlian friends where the back button is cuz i think 70 percent of tech support or cust serv postions are foreign now that we have spet 200 years trying to maek up for somethign that no one on this planet did i think its over and they should get over it whew i think ive pissed enough people off im out lol

Put down the crack pipe.
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Originally posted by boostedmx6:

i dont see any caps you must be a retard and i dont use caps or puncuation cuz no one on here is worth the time if you think im an idiot due to my typeing you need to get out from your recliner once in a while and if its unreadable then why did you notice the lack of puncuation and im sure ill have more run-on's and so on but now its just to piss you and other uber posters off


ok sorry ther eare caps and its to provide exclamation HA that near the beging of the whole thing not even near the middle

Yes. I am mentally handicapped. And it is always a good idea to piss people off when you are new to a message board. The funniest thing of all is that you ended your run on sentence with a preposition. I think you are trying to break every rule of grammar with only one paragraph. My eight year old son constructs sentences better than you. That's no joke, ask anyone who has met him. Kudos to you, the obvious mental superior. graemlins/nonono.gif
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Guest boostedmx6
ill bet your eight yr old son cant do this tada thats how gay you guys are your seriously offended disturbed by my grammer get a life and why does REPUBLICAN always go to violence what a tool i mean from all the stuff hes said hes never been like in the city to say something to someones face hes fucking the biggest man on here with a keybored he internet dates hell he prolly dates some of you are you guys goign to the cyber cafe together didnt mean to blow the cover but i had to see how many people he wanted to fuck but just couldnt cuz windows keeps giving him some error message about please dont stick penis in slot its for floppy DRIVES not phlacid 3.5 inc body parts
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Guest boostedmx6
oh and in the matter of 2 days ive turned i dont know how many posts tword me you guys are pathetic ill stop and do my usual just watch the monkeys throw poop and think they knwo what they are talkign about but i had some time to kill so you ladies have fun with eachother
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Ok look, I deal with somilis and arabs every fucking day. Now i'm not going to say that they are bad people or whatever, because they aren't. But this is my expierance with them, the same shit happens over and over and over... They want everything for free, and are not willing to wait their turn, plus they always want a discount for some reason. I guess that they think they're special or some shit. The few times that I am able to breech the language barrier with them they seem to be ok, otherwise they get completely pissed off at me because I am un-able to decipher whatever the fuck they are trying to say. And to be totally honest, I'm fucking tired of it. At first I was very polite and nice and tried really hard to listen and understand, but one can only take so much of this bullshit. And I soon realized that my efforts were pointless. They simply don't listen, and get all excited and pissed because I can't understand them. And they really seem to get pissed when I tell them that I can not understand them and to come back when they get someone that can translate for them. Usually thats all it takes and they go away, sometimes though they do come back, and then things tend to go very smoothly, they get to tell me what they need done, and my stress goes away due to not having to try to decipher what the fuck they are saying. My feeling is that if I was going to move to another county I'd sure as shit make sure that I was fluent in the most common language of that country before I moved. To me it only makes sence to do things that way. But what the hell do I know. I'm just a stupid grease monkey.
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