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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

Foot race? Thats my department. I will destroy all of you.

True story, as far as my experience goes.


Originally posted by Rane:

You think you can beat his vette on foot :-p!?!?! Oh well you gotta stand a better chance then desperado....

Our limited field research has shown that it's closer race than what you might think.
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Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:






Our limited field research has shown that it's closer race than what you might think.

dude, tell me you did not race sam on foot to see if he would actually beat des. graemlins/doh.gif
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Originally posted by Venomss:

I did not race Sam on foot to see if he would actually beat Desperado.

Racing cars on foot is gay. There is no way a car can beat a person across 3 spaces, I read about the whole thing on RC and Sam would loose, it's the oldest trick in the book.


[ 06. October 2004, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: cripsidejordan ]

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Guest FBody Addict
i hate to say it iwishiwascool, but i have heard that story somewhere before, some kid pulled it off the internet to turn in as a short story in junior english, and that was 2000, so i'm suprised no one else has ever seen it
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you’re an idiot.


If your statement was semi intelligible, I might retort but I cant make sense of it. Ill do my best:


My responses were DIRECTLY tailored to his replies:

-The first was geared toward how he got his screen handle ("The sweet sounds of the Eagles")

-The second was in reply to why his father could have had a 72 in 71 since it was actually a 72 model year. It was also explained that it was later repossessed because he over extended himself with the baby that he made in said truck. That’s called Irony.

-The third was to illustrate how desperado aka the puffer got into his fat head how one could possibly think he was owning me when I was making a satire of his sad life and the events responsible for his delusional state.


It makes me sad that I a. had to explain all this. b. cant decide whether you are implying that the story is, in fact, "junior English" quality and that was an attempted flame. If so... I hope your popsicle stick is sharp.

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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

Racing cars on foot is gay. There is no way a car can beat a person across 3 spaces, I read about the whole thing on RC and Sam would loose, it's the oldest trick in the book.

shhhhh, not everone knows about that yet, some people still want to make some money
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

you’re an idiot.


If your statement was semi intelligible, I might retort but I cant make sense of it. Ill do my best:


My responses were DIRECTLY tailored to his replies:

-The first was geared toward how he got his screen handle ("The sweet sounds of the Eagles")

-The second was in reply to why his father could have had a 72 in 71 since it was actually a 72 model year. It was also explained that it was later repossessed because he over extended himself with the baby that he made in said truck. That’s called Irony.

-The third was to illustrate how desperado aka the puffer got into his fat head how one could possibly think he was owning me when I was making a satire of his sad life and the events responsible for his delusional state.


It makes me sad that I a. had to explain all this. b. cant decide whether you are implying that the story is, in fact, "junior English" quality and that was an attempted flame. If so... I hope your popsicle stick is sharp.

I fail to see what was semi intelligible about this, wait, you know what he was saying, because you answered to both points in your post.


Then you go on trying to make your case about when the model year of a truck came out so that your bullshit post could be more believeable, what? Let me get this straight, you made up some shit about me, I called you on it, said it couldn't be because of the age of the truck, instead of you saying maybe it was a 69 truck or something you go into a discussion about how the model year of a vehicle typically starts the year before so what you are saying must be true after all. But it was still bullshit from the get go, so you are trying to prove your bullshit to be true, even though it's bullshit and you make it up to begin with. Then, when I said that you got it off the internet or something, you restate that YOU made it all up, so it's bullshit, but once again it's mentioned that you had to explain ho I could have been conceived in a 72 Chevy because they were released for sale in 71. Once again, trying to prop up the idea that ther is truth to something that you have stated that you made up to begin with, meaning tht it's bullshit.


Then someone else calls you on this saying it sounds close to something that one of his class mates pulled off the web and turned in for homework. You play dumb again and attempt to skirt the subject by claiming that it's an attempt at a flame on you that the quality of the work was at a highschool level, implying that you are so much better than that and it's a flame to imply that your work is no better than that.


I will say that your puffer story was rather funny, even if you were trying to make fun of me with it. Even if you did download it and modify it some to make fun of me with it.


You want to impress me, put puffer on a beach with hot bitches, stacks of cash, then have th ATF bust him and take it all away. There is your story line, expand on that and you'll impress me. Otherwise, we are right back to the idea that you found puffer on the web, gave it a bit of a paint job and tried to sell it as your own new creation

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Originally posted by Slow 86 T/A:

i hate to say it iwishiwascool, but i have heard that story somewhere before, some kid pulled it off the internet to turn in as a short story in junior english, and that was 2000, so i'm suprised no one else has ever seen it

ruh roh, shaggy.
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As much as I hate to concede to a demand from a two-bit monkey, and complying is a concession that Mr. 86/ta got under my skin by implying that I lifted my material… Ill oblige:


A fine mist hung mated with the dry Acapulco air as the tide conducted its daily advance on the rocky peer. The gentle retreat of the foamy surf created the gentle roar responsible for relaxing the puffer into his current unconscious state. A ratty fisherman’s hat cocked forward, shrouded his eyes from the midday sun. His pale white fleshes shown like a beacon only slightly mitigated by his thick pelt of man hair. As the tide slowly crawled nearer his plump foot, a hellatious roar erupted from below the hat. The adjacent tan, toned beach goers were startled at the Puffers disturbing snore. He lazily shifted slightly and resumed.


The ocean crept up the beach as each wave reached extended slightly further than the last. The Puffer’s Safari Tan swim trunks did little to hide the enlarging wet spot surrounding his nether regions. His dangling foot had become victim of the shrinking beach. Deep in sleep, his wet foot signaled his little brain to evacuate his bladder. His eyes batted as they adjusted to the radiance of the light. Vision regained, he embarrassedly scanned his neighbors to see if anyone had noticed. Directly to his left, a beautiful woman was already preparing a towel for him hoping to minimize his embarrassment. Her tan slender figure was adorned with a tiny yellow bikini. Her lean legs, firm torso led abruptly to her disproportionately large breasts. Her subtle face, complimented by her dainty nose, created a youthful, cutesy appeal.


Honestly… this story is boring to me. If you truly don’t believe that I’m writing this then a.) youre an idiot and b.) give me some details that you didn’t pull from a will smith movie, or just continue to act like an idiot and I’ll just use that.



Where I was going to go with it…


Her lips, only a whisper away, faded and blurred as a piercing ringing rang out inside his head. The taste of grass stung his tongue. The puffer looked down at his mud-covered hands, smeared with crimson from his bloodied nose. Only in his dreams could the puff escape his sad reality. The sleek suburban youth responsible for duping the Puff with a less than elaborate ruse stepped forward and swung his foot to the Puffers midsection.


He was out again.


[ 07. October 2004, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: iwishiwascool ]

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damn dude, you are good, and original. I conseed to you this IS all original.


As far as the quality of it being a published source, not that I am implying that this or anything else here was lifted from another, you need to remember that the internet is a published source, and all levels of quality exist in this source.


Speaking of which, I don't know how much you enjoy writing, but you do express yourself well, and are quite creative. Not to mention that you have a command of the english language that only a few posses. You might consider, if you haven't already doing shorts like this and submitting them to the online writers sites. All bullshitting aside, you are a VERY gifted writer and it would be a shame in my humble opinion to not share this gift with others, in a more acceptable light. Not that the CR board doesn't appericate your creativity, just that the context that you tend to use here is one that is condesending and negative, and positive material is typically more universially accepted in the mainstream.


[ 08. October 2004, 11:55 PM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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