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Originally posted by kenny:

Was his pops trailer made out of server cases?

No, I think they were Dot Matrix cards.


Originally posted by desperado:

Oh yeah, VenomSS, you did bother to post and comment about something that you had not part of didn't you.

I guess I just fell into your cunning trap.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

Kinda like challenging someone to a foot vs car race and then bitching out cause you know you are gonna lose...

Bitching OUT?????? HUH???? I believe I missed something, I was at Geero's numerous nights after saying that. Never saw you, so what's upZ??
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Originally posted by Mike C:

I'm confused. So what does the Deperado's junk run?

Hey riceboy, fast enought to beat you so don't fucking worry about it. Better to know what the fuck is going on here before opening up your hole with 17 posts under your belt.
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Originally posted by desperado:

Hey riceboy, fast enought to beat you so don't fucking worry about it. Better to know what the fuck is going on here before opening up your hole with 17 posts under your belt.

Ouch. So harsh. I didn't realize there was a prerequisite of post count before I could ask a question to the almighty Desperado. I'm sure you would destroy me anyway and put me in my place. Can someone come over and hold me???
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Originally posted by desperado:

Hey riceboy, fast enought to beat you so don't fucking worry about it. Better to know what the fuck is going on here before opening up your hole with 17 posts under your belt.

Do you actually know him??Cuz im guessing if you did you would know hes no riceboy.Hes got plenty of power to back up his shit talking.Ive seen him snap an axle( Well that might have been because he drives a DSM ;) not because of power )Sorry back on subject you suck at smack.
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wow... you have no idea what your talking about.


A.) started a thread to e-battle Ken is as smart as standing outside in a lightning storm with a 20foot steel pole.


B.) Your speaking to a bunch of car owners that have a higher intelligence level than you, with cars to back their mouths as well.


C.) You picking on "The Vette" just makes me laugh. That guy has a lot of respect around here, not to mention one of the hottest girls ever.


D.) for your info, the "rice boy" you just flamed is battling for 10s in his little baby 4 cyclinder.


"old enough to know better, too young to care"

More like.. "Too young to know better, not old enough to care"


Know Your Role.

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Originally posted by 99BlownYellowGT:

Do you actually know him??Cuz im guessing if you did you would know hes no riceboy.Hes got plenty of power to back up his shit talking.Ive seen him snap an axle( Well that might have been because he drives a DSM ;) not because of power )Sorry back on subject you suck at smack.

desperado runs 6's.
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Originally posted by desperado:

Bitching OUT?????? HUH???? I believe I missed something, I was at Geero's numerous nights after saying that. Never saw you, so what's upZ??

You dipshit, we had a night set up. You bitched out, everyone saw it. So when do you wanna do it again
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Bwahhhahaha, Sam has respect around here, damn, that's funny. You must be mistaking this board for RaceClub. Damn, gotta wipe the tears from my eyes laughing at that one. Thanks for the laugh though, been a long day and the chuckle I got out of that statement sure brightened the day.


As far as the E-battle with Ken, gee I din't know that making up bullshit stories, no matter how funny had any relevance on him being an ass and gaying up my other thread.


RiceBoy, NO ONE actually knows what my shit will run. You ain't been around long enough to understand the 6 second comments, so again, don't worry about it.


Sam, if you remember correctly, the night we were going to do it, it was raining and you had pssted that you wouldn't do it in the rain, we agreed about that on RC and we never got back around to setting it up. I am not saying ant EITHER of us bitched out, it simply never happened. PM me and we will work out the details. And again, I am NOT implying to ANYONE that you bitched out, but I damn sure don't appericate you saying that I did.


Originally posted by 99BlownYellowGT:


Do you actually know him??Cuz im guessing if you did you would know hes no riceboy.Hes got plenty of power to back up his shit talking.Ive seen him snap an axle( Well that might have been because he drives a DSM ;) not because of power )Sorry back on subject you suck at smack.[/QB]


Snapping axles on a DSM is not some thing to be overly proud of, if he's scratching at 10's then that is. But breaking a DSM, hell Ben is selling out now that he's gone through 4 clutches and I am not sure how many trannies. I am not picking on Ben here, so I don't want anyone to get that impression, but he's a good mechanic, he knows his shit, and if he was breaking one that much, anyone else breaking parts on one don't impress me. It says to me that there are serious problems with getting the cars to run anything close to a respectable time. If Riceboy is in the low 11's I am impressed with that.


Once again, this bullshit is getting old. And I am simply at a fucking loss to understand the motivation of the few on here that have singled me out to fuck with. But whatever, have fun with it. But I have better shit to do than worry about this bullshit.

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Wow. You start a thread, then whine when you get sand in it, then say "I don't have time for this bullshit". So you don't have time for you own bullshit? :confused: You seem to single yourself out desperado by being a asshole...
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I’m out of material. I had a few more milestones in mind but they all have the same message so it would get boring. It's obvious the puffer didn’t understand that I was responding directly to his posts in short story format... using his retorts in said story. There were far too many words so he just assumes it's "Bullshit".


The kid is pretty hopeless. He is unable to escape his narrow-minded perspective to see how ridiculous he looks. Personally, Id be embarrassed if one of my arguments was that its such a waste of time talking to me, that I "own" you when you feel compelled to do so. It certainly doesn’t say much for his esteem.


He lives in a world of self-dilution. In his mind, despite being very obviously out gunned in so many aspects of his life, he is still the king of the mountain. He feeds his self absorption by creating ridicule on this board and probably in his real life because in his warped perspective, any attention is good attention, regardless of whether those involved respect him or not.


My advice to the thirty year old boy would be to get some exercise, start feeling positive about your physical condition, then, get laid. If all else fails, he should just get a shiny pick up like pops did and find a girl whose a whore for a factory paint job.


Maybe then you will realize the error in your ways and become an upstanding member of this community... and others.


[ 05. October 2004, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: iwishiwascool ]

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You have some serious psychological issues. You think you are better than everyone and because of that everyone is out to get you. Mike C simply posted asking you about your car ran and you come back attacking him. You have some major self worth issues and I think if you went and got help to resolve them, it would make your life much more enjoyable.

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