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i really cant fathom what kind of person would steal from another. i am not a violent person but this has really pissed me off to no end. i could kill right now. Someone broke into my car IN BROAD DAY LIGHT and stole my fucking cd player in a mall parking lot!!!!!!!!! they busted the lock out of my door with a screwdriver. i cant even think straight im so pissed off right now. I dont have full coverage, so any damage that was done to the car is left up to myself to take care of. GOD DAMNIT I HATE PEOPLE.
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Car thieves should be anal-raped with a rusty garden rake.

My second car was a 90 Taurus, total stripper. Some fuck-butt busted ALL my windows because after taking the time to slim-jim the lock, there wasn't anything in the car worth stealing.

I catch someone going in my car, they don't ever turn up.

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