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Justin Zwick, Troy Smith, and OSU...

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235

... All suck.


That is all.


THey got dominated today. I was along with everyone else dieing to see Smith play sometime this season and he got in today, but did nothing.


Atleast we didnt get shut out :rolleyes:

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he threw a td...zwick cant, he wasnt given equal play calling, he was cold, end of the game he finally got in rythem. I think you give up on that pathetic loser zwick, and play smith, and see where you go. Other then that, who thinks osu can even make a bowl game??? ( they need 3 more wins, but who can they beat )
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I was actually hoping they would get shut out today. They didn't deserve to have any points on the board playing the way they played. Only player on that team I didn't lump in with the rest was Hawk. I wasn't surprised at all when he was the 'player of the game' for OSU.
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^^^That was Brandon posting under my name.


Zwick couldn't do shit. Smith at least was able to make a couple passes in a row, and he did something Zwick couldn't do - get a touchdown. I think that if they actually give Smith a chance, he will quickly pass Zwick up.

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Guest Elinar Longsight
If Smith continues to play for OSU, instead of Zwick, they might have a chance against Indiana and Penn State. I can't really see them winning against Purdue, Michigan State or Michigan( not being biased just honest). I know I was happy and so was the hubby when Zwick was taken out of the game.
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We just suck, you can't just blame it on one person, Ohio state football is down this year and needs some time to rebuild itself.


I hope that we get somewhat better.


I am going to officially dedicate this whole entire season to the Fall of 2005 OSU football team..............get 'er done

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Well, at this rate, I don't think they deserve to win in the Big 10, let alone go to a bowl game. I'd say we should call it a "rebuilding year," since we're dropped out of the rankings as of this game, and just come back with some more experience next year.


I'm disappointed in the offensive line and a few particular names I won't mention. I was interested to see Troy Smith get some playing time, and to be honest, he shows more potential than Zwick, he's just inexperienced. I would be happy losing the rest of the season and starting Troy Smith, if that's what it takes to start next season of right.

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Ohio State should not be having a rebuilding year. Look at Michigan. Why aren't they having a rebuilding year? Their Quarterback and Tailback are younger than our starters. Something is wrong in Buckeyeland
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I somewhat expected what happened today but I didnt expect Iowa to put down a beating like they did there isnt just one problem with these Buckeyes I see alot of problems The Defense was abandoned by the Offense weeks ago


Quaterback not making reads,no accuracy to speak of

Runningback Do we even have one?

O line is horrible w/ the only bright spot to speak of is the center Mangold

You cant win with a turnover ratio that we have(I think its -6 but not sure)

Punting game is not what it was

I cant believe we didnt have enough Offense to even give Nugent a shot to even kick for 3's all day.Im sick

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I think that was the first real good defense you guys ran into...Iowa gave us trouble too, atleast if you started haw you could have a back that didn't need to run behind his shitty line he can break to the outside.


And yea, mich has a young team too and were fine only difference you guys have a better coach then us :-p.

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Guest boostedmx6

you osu fans turn quick,i mean come on, and where is republicant with his wisdom on the subject or his he busy trying to pledge to the lambda lambda lambda's


and whos tied for 1st in the big ten wow yea we might be sharing right now but at lesat we are at the top nop licking our wounds eheh


lets see if this starts a arguement

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I'm a pretty big Buckeye fan and I was glad to see us get our asses kicked yesterday (although I did not see any of the game, as I was paintballing).


Columbus NEEDS a season like this. Buckeye fans NEED a season like this to get everyone to wake and realize that there is life after football. That we aren't the greatest team in the universe. That we aren't invinsible.


I can't wait to hear half the city demand Tressel's firing. After this season is over and we don't make the Ford Motor City Bowl, the band wagon will be cleared out and the real Buckeye fans can look forward to 2005.

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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

I'm a pretty big Buckeye fan and I was glad to see us get our asses kicked yesterday (although I did not see any of the game, as I was paintballing).


Columbus NEEDS a season like this. Buckeye fans NEED a season like this to get everyone to wake and realize that there is life after football. That we aren't the greatest team in the universe. That we aren't invinsible.


I can't wait to hear half the city demand Tressel's firing. After this season is over and we don't make the Ford Motor City Bowl, the band wagon will be cleared out and the real Buckeye fans can look forward to 2005.

I don't think that we will talk shit about tressel quite yet.


One thing I wish that I could see tressel do is GET MAD. I'm tired of the Dr.Phil look in his eyes, fucking beat some people in the helmet with the whistle. *I just talked shit about Tressel, haha*

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Originally posted by boostedmx6:

you osu fans turn quick,i mean come on, and where is republicant with his wisdom on the subject or his he busy trying to pledge to the lambda lambda lambda's

i cheer the buckeyes always no matter what whether is home or away i'm not one of those fans that left the stadium early last game.



at least i know more than one greek letter.

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"Embarrasing" Oh, HELL YES!


Let's look at a few things:


We are now painfully aware of the defensive genious of Mark Dantonio.


Our offensive line, and the offensive line coach, have been woefully under-acheiving since the beginning of last season.


Even with an "adequate" O-line, Ross couldn't hit a hole even if he created it with a grenade launcher. Wasn't last year proof enough??


Our offensive scheme and play calling is so predictable that the only ones who are suprised are the annoucers who are struggling to find another phrase for "that play hasn't worked all day".


But wait... I'm not justifying Zwick's performance. Bad decisions, worse throws. No help? No excuse!


Our defense, which WAS ranked 33rd in the nation, looked like swiss cheese for 2 reasons:

1. They were on the field THE ENTIRE GAME.

2. Tate, Iowa's QB, had himself a coming out party. Kudos on what was a very impressive performance. No bad decisions, flawless execution.


Tressel's recruiting classes have consistantly been rated in the top ten, yet we are not even ranked. Why? Because we have yet to play like a team. We won a National Championship because when one unit was not playing well, the rest of the team picked up the slack. The defense or special teams gave the struggling offense a short field, or the offense and special teams got us far enough in front for the struggling defense to survive.


"Tresselball" which is a game of execution, field position, defense, and special teams WILL NOT WORK without an offense that can get more than 20 yards on any given drive.


Tressel's job is not in jeopardy this season. How he and the team react, from this point forward, will dictate the "public" outcry, but the University will remember 2002 far longer than we will.


For those of you who think I (a 1993 graduate, BTW) am now turning on my own team, I am not. I did not play football, nor consider myself an expert. But c'mon, it's a bit obvious. Something's gotta give!

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Originally posted by boostedmx6:

you osu fans turn quick,i mean come on, and where is republicant with his wisdom on the subject or his he busy trying to pledge to the lambda lambda lambda's


and whos tied for 1st in the big ten wow yea we might be sharing right now but at lesat we are at the top nop licking our wounds eheh


lets see if this starts a arguement

Stupid ass noob, go away....
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Ohio state is terrible this year. Our QB is like seven years old (or at least plays like it), Ross might be the worst runningback in the world (We should think about trading for Buffalo's or something... Or try putting in one of those all-stars we have waiting on the bench while that douchebag trips over his own shoelaces on the field every weekend), our offensive line could be replaced by cardboard cutouts, and our defense can't continue to be held up by the same three or four guys every single week. Edwards is going to make us CRY this year.


I've already started to hear people bitching about Tressell. People that bitch about Tressel are only fans of winning, not fans of the Buckeyes. The man comes in and beats Michigan two years in a row, and wins us an undisputed title, yet just two years later, the FIRST TIME that he has lost two games in a row, people begin to call for a replacement... What in the name of all that is holy is that shit? It sickens me how people can just cast someone away at the first minimal sign of imperfection.


That being said, Tressel isn't perfect. He does need to change some members of his staff, and he needs to switch up the play calling. He also needs to get the fuck up off of Zwick and Ross' nuts, because neither of them have shown ANYBODY that they're worth the cleats on their feet all season long. We started Maurice when he was a freshman and he destroyed people, and we start Ginn now, who hasn't been doing bad at all. Put this Haw kid in, get some points on the board, and salvage a season that is quickly becoming uglier and uglier.

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