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Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

would you all prefer i just leave the board, or maybe change my name


or maybe just kill myself since i cant seem to make decisions or make a post without consulting the official juggalo handbook before i go and paint my face like shaggy 2 dope so i can look in the mirror and jack off and think that i am him


maybe i should break up with my fiance, start smoking weed again and be a burnout, drop out of school and quit my job, buy a bunch of icp shirts, and move back in with my parents, so i can be like the guys i hung out with in high school again, go on welfare and eat for free on YOUR tax money


would ya like that

is that what would make you all happy

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Guest stevil

You should... not give a fuck.


If you like ICP so much you want to call yourself a juggalo, that's fine. But don't expect many people here to understand it though, and do expect to take some heat for it. I listen to ICP sometimes, but I'm not a juggalo. Same with Marilyn Manson, I listen to it but I don't dress like some weirdo. I like Star Wars, but I don't go to the movie theater dressed like an Ewok. You get the idea.

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Guest FBody Addict

but every post i make on any board gets a reply along the lines of "youre a juggalo so you are graemlins/gay.gif "


keep it in the kitchen dammit, and if its the kitchen and the topic isnt juggalos dont get graemlins/offtopic.gif

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

but every post i make on any board gets a reply along the lines of "youre a juggalo so you are graemlins/gay.gif "


keep it in the kitchen dammit, and if its the kitchen and the topic isnt juggalos dont get graemlins/offtopic.gif



Your a juggalo so you are graemlins/gay.gif

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

but every post i make on any board gets a reply along the lines of "youre a juggalo so you are graemlins/gay.gif "


keep it in the kitchen dammit, and if its the kitchen and the topic isnt juggalos dont get graemlins/offtopic.gif

Nope, this is CR and people make fun of others whenever and wherever they please. Same as the real world, if you proclaim to enjoy something very different, expect to be made fun of. It's not fair, boo hoo.


If I change my username to BackStreetBoys4Ever or something gay, I would expect to get harrassed all over the board, not just in this section or even specific threads.


If you can't take the heat, get out of the "kitchen". In this case, it's not just in The Kitchen. Either that, or don't wear the controversial pink apron that says: "I love a big juicy sausage in my mouth" and keep it to yourself.

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by TeeePeee:

Didn't he borrow that apron from you ?


Are you mad that I didn't accept your gift and gave it away? I'm sorry. :(
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Pyro, have you been out to Jeg's before? Maybe not recently, but I think I may have seen you there before? I think I may know your car.


Either way, I suggest that you not give a fuck about what anyone says, I know I don't. Especially in this section, it's a place for people to just be assholes. Unlike the rest of the board, where people are less assholish. I think? I dunno. Except for that Jesse kid. Don't worry about him, he ate paint chips when he was younger. When I say younger, I mean last week. I think that's why he can't figure out that he keeps flaming in the wrong forums. I guess he just likes being a flamer. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by TeeePeee:

I thought it only right, seeing as your boyfriend knitted it for you, but gave it to me.



Chris G. told me he only gave it to you instead of him because you gave better head. graemlins/puke.gif


Oh yeah, who starts a thread for other people to flame them? I guess only people who know that they are an utter waste of space just like this person. Since there's going to be plenty of people wanting to flame them, they just feel it better to get it out of the way than have to wait in suspense of who is going to rip on them first.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

I guess he just likes being a flamer. tongue.gif

Only towards you big boy. ;)


Yeaaahhhh, pain chips taste good, Yeaaaahhhh!


Dude, that was the weakest flame ever, come back with something decent before I waste any more of my time replying to your post. graemlins/trout.gif

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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by CLUTCH:

Take a tip form your hero’s; just don’t give fuck. People will always fear, and have prejudice to things they don’t understand.

actually, my hero is cliff burton, late bassist for metallica, but i really dont give a fuck anyway i just wanted everyone to have somewhere to talk shit about me so it wouldnt interfere with other threads
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

You are giving 3rd Gen Owners a bad name (they really don't need any more stereotypes). As a former 3rd Gen owner, I'd appreciate it if you would stop.



actually, im seeing more and more 3rd gen owners ricing out their cars, so ask them to stop
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Guest Pimpin' the Jag

juggalo...sounds like a word a couple stoners made up while waiting for their food in the taco bell drive thru...

ha, but on another note, i agree w/ hoosier daddy and his star wars ewok statement...like ICP, just dont worship, its freaky

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

actually, im seeing more and more 3rd gen owners ricing out their cars, so ask them to stop

Yes, they should stop too. That doesn't mean you shouldn't. Honestly, you are coming off as white-trash.....sadly, a 3rd Gen owner stereotype.


My roomate also enjoys ICP, has been to more concerts than I can count, and took me to one as well (it was interesting, but not my thing). He would definately be considered a big fan, but I've never seen him going around calling himself a Juggalo and acting like you are....EVER (unless he were to read this and do it just to piss me off :D ). You must understand you sound like a freaking retard.


Now don't give me that crybaby shit about "jocks picking on me" and that other BS. BTW, I was never a jock/other group you would describe that "brings you down," before you try that comeback.

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Guest FBody Addict

glad you all got that out of your systems

you all seem to think you know me as the word juggalo by the ones you see on the street, so thats who i decided to play, and well, you provided me with great material for a paper on group psych im sure ill get an a


see yall saturday at jegs

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