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MX Douchebag.

Devils Advocate

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Originally posted by Orion:

dude, when the two dumbest guys on the board (joe, jon) are hating on you for being stupid, its time to start looking for a shower rod.

Wow, someone else with a similar grammatical style as the MX guy.


**Waits for the "I'm King of the Kitchen" banter we all know is coming**

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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

I race all the time and my car is rarely broken. if you broke your car racing it you probably did something wrong and that isn't anyones fualt but yours. :eek:

or, as much as i hate to say it, it's an SBC


this guy has made himself look like a bigger idiot than i did back a few weeks ago

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Originally posted by SlowZ06:

I still can't believe no one pointed out that he spelled Oedipus incorrectly in his first post... Oh, well.

this is the first time i read this thread. i was honestly hoping noone would so i could.he musta just heard that referenced in a movie or something.thats way beyond his appaent comprehension level.
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. <-this is a period, it goes at the end of a sentence or "complete thought", by the way you should use some of these every once in a while


btu <-this is a misspelled word, when you see one of these in your post, fix it, it reduces your "dumbass level".

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