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Wow. I guess that because a bunch of ignorant toolboxes think neons are cool, that we should all think the same way. Sure, you have 4000 people ("people" is a stretch, though) that think neons are sweet and that your 110 Hp escort that looks like a box is cool because you've stuck really bright glowing stick on it, but what about the other several million people in America who thinks (and rightly so) that your car is absofuckinglutely retarded. Crack and Heroin are in high demand, too. Does that make them "cool"? It'd really be easier for you to just stop telling yourself that your car is sweet, and shut the fuck up.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Wow. I guess that because a bunch of ignorant toolboxes think neons are cool, that we should all think the same way. Sure, you have 4000 people ("people" is a stretch, though) that think neons are sweet and that your 110 Hp escort that looks like a box is cool because you've stuck really bright glowing stick on it, but what about the other several million people in America who thinks (and rightly so) that your car is absofuckinglutely retarded. Crack and Heroin are in high demand, too. Does that make them "cool"? It'd really be easier for you to just stop telling yourself that your car is sweet, and shut the fuck up.

^^^ since the statement below your avatar says,"Opinion does not = fact" i'm not going to take any of that paragraph of jibberish that you just wrote to heart. ;) on a side note, however, my Escort only has 88 hp, and performance wise is a turd. i'm also sure there are another 7 million people that think your car is "absofuckinglutely" retarded as well. but i guess that doesn't matter, since all of our flames are completely biased and one-sided... just like Kerry's speaches :rolleyes:
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bush is in for me. i see more moral clarity in him than kerry. i dont think that kerry is speaking for himself, i think he is sayin what alot of people are telling him to say. i cant see a man with such a liberal senate voting record and obvious flip flops leading the country i live in.



BUSH '04

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Guest Ponyfreak
Please do not let that little bit of information influence your vote 100%. If you like Bush, that's cool, but please tell me that that one little bit of info is what made up your mind.
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Originally posted by Ponyfreak.:

Please do not let that little bit of information influence your vote 100%. If you like Bush, that's cool, but please tell me that that one little bit of info is what made up your mind.

the question is, why would somone vote FOR John Kerry.

Bush is honest, a man of conviction, and no one mentions this, but he has delivered on his 2000 campaign promises dispite the country going through a ressesion, 9/11, corperate scandeld, ect.

George W. Bush is a good leader because he doesn't do what's popular, he does what he feels is right.

Take a step back almost 20 years. The left HATED Reagan, and was a contriversial leader, not caring what critics said and did what he felt was right.


Can't you trust Kerry to do what is right, or do what he needs to to keep critics happy.


Perfect example, Bush's military record came under attack, he ignored it because it was not true, and opened his military record when asked, and when people protest him, instead of calling them names and being crass with them he recognizes thier freedom to do so.


Kerry, challenged people to challenge his record, is campaigning on the fact he is a war hero. when called to question, he does not offer up his records, and goes so far as to have lawyers strong arm tv stations with the treat of litigation if they play the commercial from the swift boat soldiers that served with him. (airtime was paid by private citizen)

1 week ago when many bush supporters were standing outside a kerry campaign speech he said that it was good to see the republican goones were there, and his wife called living under a bush presidency as "hell"


seems like a pretty relivent contrast to me :( bush has been bashed not only by the Dem's but also by the media for the past 3 1/2 years strieght, at least clinton only had to deal with the super republican nutjob's.

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Sorry Joel, but that's bullshit. Bush is not honest. The reason we are going through a recession is the fact that we have a republican president. Intelligent people were able to predict that directly after the election. As far as doing what is right rather than popular, is that how you explain the $300 check that every tax paying American gets every year now? What kind of shit is this? We can't afford to pay bills as a country, but we can give rich people money that the government doesn't have? The tax credit is a joke anyway; take a look at the pay cuts most Americans have had over the last 4 years. Know of anyone losing their job or taking a cut in pay? Yup, you sure do. Several, in fact. When you average that amount in witht he amount of tax credit we are getting back, it doesn't exactly even out.


Take a look back at the 84 election, dude. It wasn't even close. No matter how much you want to compare Bush to Reagan, the man isn't even close. Reagan was charismatic and intelligent. Take a look at what the numbers were election day. You think it'll be a landslide this year? If I were a betting man, I'd say "no". And why is that? Is it because there is some conspiracy, or that people are scared of Bush's "boldness"? DOUBT IT. I haven't been impressed with anything I've seen in the last four years.


As far as his keeping quiet when he knows he has nothing to hide...You mean like he did when he was questioned about drug use, or dunk driving? Or does that fall under the category of "doing the right thing"?


Bush has been bashed by the media? Apparently you don't watch Fox news, which is surprising. This country is split right down the middle this year. It's going to be an ugly election. I don't like that. But that's the way it's going to be. I don't expect to change your opinion Joel. As a matter of fact, I bet any valid point I have gets a roll of the eyes from you. I just wanted to let you know I was listening, and I'm calling BS.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

The reason we are going through a recession is the fact that we have a republican president. Intelligent people were able to predict that directly after the election.

You mean they were able to predict that directly BEFORE the election? Bush came into office quite aware of the mess Klinton left for him intentionally.


So in a sense, I suppose you are right. The recession is due to a Republican in office. Because if Gore had enough of a chance to know beforehand that he would definately get into office, Klinton wouldn't have fucked everything up.


DO NOT blame this recession on Bush. He inherited it.


And as for the not watching the news bit - Cable channel news is a joke. All of it. CNN is absolute shit. I can stand Fox, but it makes more sense to get the news online, from people that aren't influenced by anyone but themselves, and are willing to point to real news stories on major news sites. The commentary is what is causing all the problems.

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Guest riggs867

Wow, that was a lot of crap to read.


How many here can state what the platforms of each party are? If you don't know it well, I encourage you to find out. Keep in mind, these men are in this position because the leadership of their parties wants them there. They will do what their parties want them to do, 99 times out of 100.


While you are looking up the parties' platforms, review Capitalism and Socialism. Note that our Nation is neither, and ask yourself which way you would like it to lean. Be honest with yourself about human nature while you are deciding this one.


While you are investigating this subject, you will find one party guides itself based on facts, reason, and logic. The other party tends to guide itself on feelings and emotions. History shows us that the party which guides itself based on reason, also wants the same for its party members. On the other hand, the party which garners support through pushing emotional buttons, continually considers its leaders as immune to the rules it imposes on the masses. These people are generally called cultural elitists, and foster the "but I'm special" mentality.


Good luck in your search.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Sorry Joel, but that's bullshit.

No, you are full of bullshit, Bush is not honest. statement, no facts, nice.


The reason we are going through a recession is the fact that we have a republican president. I was looking for a job from the last 3-4 months of 00 and into early 01 while in collage and saw first hand that the job market was allready on the downslide before Bush took office. who's feeding bullshit?

so because we have a republican Chief the economy is bad? What happend to Reagan? the 80's were badass. what happend to jimmy carter and his double didget inemployment, inflation and interest rates :(

Intelligent people were able to predict that directly after the election. correction, smart people predicted it BEFORE the election.


"we can give rich people money that the government doesn't have?" how slanted is this statement, a family that make roughly a little under 50k a year pays 17%, a family that makes over 311k a year get a nice 35% rate. how is this fair? sure the average person gets 300 bucks back. But the prime mover in our economy, small businesses, is effected more and is able to put that money into thier business.

when buisiness prospers, so does the economy, they hire more people so they can make more money.

It's amazing how sheep-like a smart person like you has to become to believe that the rich are just going to pocket that money because they are greedy. The greedy rich don't horde money, they spend it so that they can make even more, duh.

Know of anyone losing their job or taking a cut in pay? uncle lost job due to factory leaving for mexico, got a good package in the deal and is taking another job, there are plenty of jobs, no person that truely wants to work will be out of a job for long. If people work hard and smart they can do anything they want to do, setbacks happen to everyone. it's how you react to these that determines success.

it doesn't exactly even out. your right, we should give the peopl back alot more of thier money, starting with the rich. wait a minute, if the rich got the most tax relief, then why are there so many in hollywood badmouthing Bush, wierd.


I haven't been impressed with anything I've seen in the last four years.

why would a liberal be suprised by anything a republican does. No revelation here.


um, bush admited he did shit in his younger years, old news, thanks for bringing up 4 years ago. more weak shit.


Bush has been bashed by the media? Apparently you don't watch Fox news

woopee fucking do. 1 cable network come on smart guy you can do better than that.


I just wanted to let you know I was listening, whoa, scary. Psssst, I don't give a fuck if you are or not.


One Question: Tell me why so much of Kerry's campaign is about the 4 months he spent in service, and not about his 20 years serving in office?

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Bush inherited the recession along with the worst terrorist attack that took place on american soil. alot of people seem to forget that. after that attack one of the biggest industries took a huge loss (the airlines) and what did they have to do? cut jobs which in fact made the unemployment rate go way up. this is the best economical growth in prob ten years look at how many jobs are being created.


i think like this......give the rich their tax cuts... if you think about it who makes the jobs the rich people who own the companies.



and im with mesteno there is only 1 cable company for him and how many more against him, not to mention about 98% of the newspaper columists.

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Unemployment link.


<a href="http://money.cnn.com/2004/03/05/news/economy/jobs/" target="_blank">Job woes could hurt Bush's bid for re-election. He has promised that tax cuts passed during his administration would create millions of jobs, but that prediction has not yet come true despite stronger economic growth.




Also, ask any farmer in the midwest how "badass" the 80's were. It was a horrible time for alot of people. Remember "Farm Aid"? They don't have things like that when things are going great.



Year-by-Year Analysis of the Bush Tax Cuts Shows Growing Tilt to the Very Rich



Though the recession technically ended in November, 2001, payroll numbers continued to fall.


As far as his record in office, I don't know. See for yourself.



Get over yourself Joel. You won't change my mind and I probably won't change yours. You should just drop it. This isn't going anywhere for you.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Unemployment link. 6 percent isn't shit. look at all the second tier countries (considering we are the only superpower) in europe, and asia, they would love to have 6%. all liberals have is doom and gloom to scare people into voting for them.


<a href="http://money.cnn.com/2004/03/05/news/economy/jobs/" target="_blank">Job woes could hurt Bush's bid for re-election. He has promised that tax cuts passed during his administration would create millions of jobs, but that prediction has not yet come true despite stronger economic growth.


</a> prommised a lofty goal, big deal kerry has promised 4 million new jobs, do you think that will happen? esspecially when the first thing he wants to do when in office is tax buisness owners, please.


Also, ask any farmer in the midwest how "badass" the 80's were. It was a horrible time for alot of people. Remember "Farm Aid"? They don't have things like that when things are going great.


there is no perfect economic climate for everyone in a society, not possable. you have to look at the people as a whole. obviously you didn't find any hard numbers on CNN.com to back up your point.



Year-by-Year Analysis of the Bush Tax Cuts Shows Growing Tilt to the Very Rich Sweet, tell me how is this a bad thing? it's been historically proven that relieving the tax burden on the rich generates more revenue from taxes. Gradeschool economics you can only charge so much for a product and the more you raise the price the less people buy.

i say ditch the IRS and install a flat tax or a federal sales tax.

what would you do?



Though the recession technically ended in November, 2001, payroll numbers continued to fall.

takes time brother. notice the word continued, meaning it began to turn around.


As far as his record in office, I don't know. See for yourself.

note: bills he has sponcered that have become law.


his stances: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry_presidential_campaign%2C_2004#Issue_stances



Get over yourself Joel. Irony. You are the one acting high and mighty "I just wanted to let you know I was listening" Nigga please! take your own advice, genius.

You won't change my mind and I probably won't change yours.[/b] maybe because your the smartest dummy i've ever met. You should just drop it. This isn't going anywhere for you.

your right, why did you reply in the first place if i'm not worth your time oh great one.
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Originally posted by Mensan:

Unemployment link.


<a href="http://money.cnn.com/2004/03/05/news/economy/jobs/" target="_blank">Job woes could hurt Bush's bid for re-election. He has promised that tax cuts passed during his administration would create millions of jobs, but that prediction has not yet come true despite stronger economic growth.




Also, ask any farmer in the midwest how "badass" the 80's were. It was a horrible time for alot of people. Remember "Farm Aid"? They don't have things like that when things are going great.



Year-by-Year Analysis of the Bush Tax Cuts Shows Growing Tilt to the Very Rich



Though the recession technically ended in November, 2001, payroll numbers continued to fall.


As far as his record in office, I don't know. See for yourself.



Get over yourself Joel. You won't change my mind and I probably won't change yours. You should just drop it. This isn't going anywhere for you.

The only way a president creates jobs is by literaly creating gov't work programs such as what happened during the depression. The Pres. has VERY VERY little impact on what happens in the economy. Remember, Clinton rode out the .com and housing booms, while Bush has to deal with the fallout of these. Also, Bush has had to deal with 9/11. People are scared to spend money, therefore people are losing money due to no one spending it because they are afraid to.


Yes, tax cuts for business DO create jobs. After the tax cuts were approved, my father's smaller business was able to hire more services and employess due to the money being saved on taxes.

Just remember, the President does not control the economy, the economy controls itself.


Bush has been bashed by the media? Apparently you don't watch Fox news
Apparently you don't watch any other station EVER. NBC news made NOT 1 mention of Bush visiting the disaster area in Florida, and CBS nightly news talked about how he visited Florida as a "politcal move". I seem to recall that presidents visit disaster areas all the time.
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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

The only way a president creates jobs is by literaly creating gov't work programs such as what happened during the depression. The Pres. has VERY VERY little impact on what happens in the economy. Remember, Clinton rode out the .com and housing booms, while Bush has to deal with the fallout of these. Also, Bush has had to deal with 9/11. People are scared to spend money, therefore people are losing money due to no one spending it because they are afraid to.


Yes, tax cuts for business DO create jobs. After the tax cuts were approved, my father's smaller business was able to hire more services and employess due to the money being saved on taxes.

Just remember, the President does not control the economy, the economy controls itself.


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Bush has been bashed by the media? Apparently you don't watch Fox news

Apparently you don't watch any other station EVER. NBC news made NOT 1 mention of Bush visiting the disaster area in Florida, and CBS nightly news talked about how he visited Florida as a "politcal move". I seem to recall that presidents visit disaster areas all the time.</font>i agree with you totally ........ here is how i think everyone in america should look at this election, Who would Osama bin Laden vote for?


in the position we as a country are in now that is the first question that should be popping into any americans mind when they step into a polling booth.

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