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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

and the lack of jobs in ohio thats being blamed on the republicans? see who has alot of jobs-------------the somolians who the democrats had moved here to settle the civil war in somolia, which was hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Clintons idea!!!!

Thats about a Bullshit statement if I ever heard one.I didnt get knocked out of my job by a somolian and I bet most of CR's unemployed or past unemployed like myself didnt either.
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i'm voting for Bush for several reasons...


1. He supports the military and increasing its strength/numbers/payroll (since i've enlisted in the Marine Corps).

2. I've heard Kerry's speaches and its nothing but repetitive jibberish. he says the same thing over, and over, just in a slightly different way. Also, he has so many "plans" on how to make the country better, but won't say what these plans are. WTF is that?

3. All the democrats suck. they support welfare and other social programs which is a load of B.S. i hate the thought of me working my ass off just so that part of my paycheck can put food in the mouth of some lazy-ass.

4. Kerry's a pussy. come on, who DOESN'T like war. its exciting, and takes your mind off of the everyday boredom that excists here in ohio.

5. Bush is from the south, nuff said.

6. i don't think that gay people should "marry." call it something else besides "marriage" and i've got no problem.

7. Bush's secret service could Kerry's security's ass anyday.

8. Kerry talks a lot of shit, but can't back it up. Bush said we'd go to war on terrorism and those that support it, and guess what? we're at war.

9. democrat's mascot is a donkey, i mean jackass. anyone else see the irony in this?

10. i couldn't think of anything else, but wanted to make it an even ten... fuck Kerry...

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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

4. Kerry's a pussy. come on, who DOESN'T like war. its exciting, and takes your mind off of the everyday boredom that excists here in ohio.

graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/slap.gif I'm sure the guys over there that have had a good friend shot right in front of them aren't liking it too much. I'm sure they're like.. wow, I'd much rather be here in this shithole than in the every day boredom in Ohio. graemlins/nonono.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif


Edit: I have to add some more since this comment pissed me off. I've talked to my dad several times about the hells of war since he served in Vietnam, and believe me, it is NOT something I would LIKE or ENJOY doing. To have a good friend die in your arms, to see your friends you have grown to know have a leg, arm, etc blown off, how stupid can you possibly be to "LIKE" war. This shit is real and not some video game where you can continue. Jesus, what a dumbass.

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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

i'm voting for Bush for several reasons...


1. He supports the military and increasing its strength/numbers/payroll (since i've enlisted in the Marine Corps).

2. I've heard Kerry's speaches and its nothing but repetitive jibberish. he says the same thing over, and over, just in a slightly different way. Also, he has so many "plans" on how to make the country better, but won't say what these plans are. WTF is that?

3. All the democrats suck. they support welfare and other social programs which is a load of B.S. i hate the thought of me working my ass off just so that part of my paycheck can put food in the mouth of some lazy-ass.

4. Kerry's a pussy. come on, who DOESN'T like war. its exciting, and takes your mind off of the everyday boredom that excists here in ohio.

5. Bush is from the south, nuff said.

6. i don't think that gay people should "marry." call it something else besides "marriage" and i've got no problem.

7. Bush's secret service could Kerry's security's ass anyday.

8. Kerry talks a lot of shit, but can't back it up. Bush said we'd go to war on terrorism and those that support it, and guess what? we're at war.

9. democrat's mascot is a donkey, i mean jackass. anyone else see the irony in this?

10. i couldn't think of anything else, but wanted to make it an even ten... fuck Kerry...

honestly, do you proof read this shit before you hit to "add reply" button? not to be a dick, but everything you wrote is dumb.... come on.... I don't like a political party because of their mascot.... from you saying that... should I not like republican's because they are an elephant and that means that they are dumb and slow?


do us a favor, go back to posting that putting neon's on an Escort doesn't make the car "Rice" tongue.gif


graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/slap.gif I'm sure the guys over there that have had a good friend shot right in front of them aren't liking it too much. I'm sure they're like.. wow, I'd much rather be here in this shithole than in the every day boredom in Ohio. graemlins/nonono.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif


Edit: I have to add some more since this comment pissed me off. I've talked to my dad several times about the hells of war since he served in Vietnam, and believe me, it is NOT something I would LIKE or ENJOY doing. To have a good friend die in your arms, to see your friends you have grown to know have a leg, arm, etc blown off, how stupid can you possibly be to "LIKE" war. This shit is real and not some video game where you can continue. Jesus, what a dumbass.



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^^^ and i know a lot of guys who VOLUNTEERED to go over there... just so they could kill some people. dying is just a part war. some can handle it, some can't. but ALL of those men and women at war right now, volunteered to sacrifice they're life for they're country. all the people back home, just don't understand that. you think,"oh, that George Bush is sending those poor, young men off to war." no, they sent themselves, just by signing up. here's an example: my dad's friend (a captain in the Navy reserve) has been hit by an RPG in Bosnia, shot about 10 times, gone to Vietnam twice, Persion Gulf, and is now serving in Iraq for the third time. ya think he hates Bush? he likes war, enjoys it, and that's the kind of people that this country needs. not just a bunch of people that "talk" to their enemies. we're the biggest super power left in the world. why not use that to our advantage? instead of being a bunch of pussy whipped bitches. if it were up to me, every male would be required to serve two years in a branch of the military (of their choice) right after high school. i bet there would be a lot less crime, less complaining, and definite increase in national pride...
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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

i'm voting for Bush for several reasons...


1. He supports the military and increasing its strength/numbers/payroll (since i've enlisted in the Marine Corps).

2. I've heard Kerry's speaches and its nothing but repetitive jibberish. he says the same thing over, and over, just in a slightly different way. Also, he has so many "plans" on how to make the country better, but won't say what these plans are. WTF is that?

3. All the democrats suck. they support welfare and other social programs which is a load of B.S. i hate the thought of me working my ass off just so that part of my paycheck can put food in the mouth of some lazy-ass.

4. Kerry's a pussy. come on, who DOESN'T like war. its exciting, and takes your mind off of the everyday boredom that excists here in ohio.

5. Bush is from the south, nuff said.

6. i don't think that gay people should "marry." call it something else besides "marriage" and i've got no problem.

7. Bush's secret service could Kerry's security's ass anyday.

8. Kerry talks a lot of shit, but can't back it up. Bush said we'd go to war on terrorism and those that support it, and guess what? we're at war.

9. democrat's mascot is a donkey, i mean jackass. anyone else see the irony in this?

10. i couldn't think of anything else, but wanted to make it an even ten... fuck Kerry...

You've got to be kidding. Please tell me you have some sexual dysfunction that prevents you from reproducing... Here's my two cents on your uninformed, ignorant post....


1) Military forces are important, but rather than just pumping more money in it, how about he quits squandering current resources?


2) So Kerry speaks in circles. He's at least coherent.


3) This really kills me. You'd sooner pay for the rehabilitation of a foreign country we destroyed for multiple stupid reasons than take care of our own needy? Yes, the system does get abused... but frankly, a lot of welfare recipients NEED it.


4) War is not a game, dummy.


5) This is so stupid, I can't even reply.


6) Who gives a damn if gays marry? They've been on this "Gay Rights" kick for about 15 years, and we continue to accomodate them... Too late to stop now. Plus, do you know that a gay couple can get health benefits as "life partners"? Try getting insurance for your girlfriend, see what they tell you. Let them make it a level playing ground and open themselves up to the commitment and responsibility that marriage entails.


7) Another point so moronic I can't respond.


8) Let's not start on W's lies.


9) I honestly hope you don't think you're the first one to point this out.


10) Fuck Bush.

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Originally posted by SlowZ06:

You've got to be kidding. Please tell me you have some sexual dysfunction that prevents you from reproducing... Here's my two cents on your uninformed, ignorant post....


1) Military forces are important, but rather than just pumping more money in it, how about he quits squandering current resources?


2) So Kerry speaks in circles. He's at least coherent.


3) This really kills me. You'd sooner pay for the rehabilitation of a foreign country we destroyed for multiple stupid reasons than take care of our own needy? Yes, the system does get abused... but frankly, a lot of welfare recipients NEED it.


4) War is not a game, dummy.


5) This is so stupid, I can't even reply.


6) Who gives a damn if gays marry? They've been on this "Gay Rights" kick for about 15 years, and we continue to accomodate them... Too late to stop now. Plus, do you know that a gay couple can get health benefits as "life partners"? Try getting insurance for your girlfriend, see what they tell you. Let them make it a level playing ground and open themselves up to the commitment and responsibility that marriage entails.


7) Another point so moronic I can't respond.


8) Let's not start on W's lies.


9) I honestly hope you don't think you're the first one to point this out.


10) Fuck Bush.

1. The military seems to be doing an excellent job right now. you can't seriously expect to go to war and have absolutely NO casualties can you?

2.My grandmother who has alsheimers (sp?) speaks in circles. should she be president? i don't think so.

3.i never said anything about paying for the rehabilitation of poor countries. if they threaten our safety, then they should pay for it. the general public just seems to think that after we demolish a country that we should be required to rebuild it. bullshit, they started it, they can finish it.

4.once again, never said war was a game. more of a way of life. a life that some people seem to be living with blinders on.

5. Next time, the south will win ;)

6. I don't have a problem with them being "life partners," just don't call it "marriage." straight people can get married and gays can become life partners. sounds good to me.

7. You must not have a sense of humor then.

8. Every politician has his lies. if Kerry wants to be president, then i think he needs to tell us EXACTLY how he's going to fix the country. rather then saying over, and over again,"My plans will make this country better." WTF? yeah, that really narrows it down :rolleyes: .

9. Once again... sense of humor.

10. AAAAANNNNNDDDDD.... Fuck Kerry :D


have a nice day graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Mensan:

Really, wht is the difference between two people living together, and two people living together in a committed relationship where they have legal rights and benefits. Does it really affect you?

Well like I said, what's next? Where do you draw the line? Would it affect you if someday it's OK for people to marry animals, or underage children? Farmers could someday get rights and health benefits for their livestock! This is our country, how do we want the rest of the world to see us? So yes, it affects me as an American citizen, I don't want my country to become a free-for-all circus hippy land.


People in this country want so many things, but alot of it should not be legal. They want to legalize pot, gay marriage, etc. Shit, I want there to be no speed limits, but do I get my way? No, and I understand why, and I'm fine with it.


Originally posted by Mensan:

Won't those newly employed people pay taxes? With less people on welfare, and social programs, wouldn't that free up money for other things? Come on people, think for a second.

The government has enough employees already, they shouldn't be responsible for creating jobs. I want less government, not more.


Oh, and speaking of less government and gay marriage, that is the beauty of our country, the states have power too. Let the states decide on these types of things, some already have. Let California and some other states allow gay marriage, I'll stay here in Ohio. Let Nevada allow gambling and prostitution, etc, don't make it a national decision.


[ 06. August 2004, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

Well like I said, what's next? Where do you draw the line? Would it affect you if someday it's OK for people to marry animals, or underage children? Farmers could someday get rights and health benefits for their livestock! This is our country, how do we want the rest of the world to see us? So yes, it affects me as an American citizen, I don't want my country to become a free-for-all circus hippy land.


People in this country want so many things, but alot of it should not be legal. They want to legalize pot, gay marriage, etc. Shit, I want there to be no speed limits, but do I get my way? No, and I understand why, and I'm fine with it.


The government has enough employees already, they shouldn't be responsible for creating jobs. I want less government, not more.

Farmers already have legal rights and benefits for their crops ;) not in that sense... Anyway, Bush's deal with marriage was to protect the "sancity(sp)." Thats the biggest bunch of BULLSHIT I've ever heard. I think around the sametime that Bush said this Britney Spears was getting her previous marriage nullified after being married how many days? So wait... we are protecting the sanctity(sp), making boundries, but I can go get married to some girl I got drunk with, slept with, ran off to Vegas to get married with and have it mean absolutly nothing within 24 hours? Sanctity(sp) MY ASS. Lets not even start on divorce rates in the US, sounds like we already have a circus... and we haven't even gotten to the hippies yet! :( What happened between the seperation of Church and State?


Somebody also said something about Bio/WoMD where's the proof? Show me the Money! I wanna see that beautiful nipple of a nuclear weapon so much I need new underwear... the whole of the US AND the rest of the world want to see them that bad. 'Cause if there isn't, which it doesn't seem like there is any trace of them AT ALL, we are in some pretty big shit. Bush hid things from the nation AND the world about his invasion of Iraq, did he want to overthrow the government? yes... did he? yes... He hid the fact that he really didn't have a clue if there where weapons over there or the fact that he REALLY just wanted Saddam out of power, yes it is a good thing but why not just tell us?


And you thought John Kerry ran circles... DAMN.


I don't like Kerry either though...

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yeah, fuck george bush. hes a god damn worthless bastard.


20 odd years ago, 8 firemen died in a structure fire in dallas..well, our good friend george bush said that they had to be government workers to have the flag at half mass...2 months later, the dallas cowboys head coach died..guess where the flag was?!??! HALF FUCKING MASS.yeah, hes not getting my vote....mind you, this was a while ago when he was the governor of texas..kinda hypocritical..dont ya think?

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I will be voting for bush.

I support what hes doing in Iraq, those people needed help. Just because the rest of the world told them to fuck off and die, we should too? nah

and gay marriages, thats an oxy moron right there. whether you have two grooms, or one of the guys wears a dress, its just a big joke.

kerry wants to raise taxes on rich people, yet give tax breaks to big companies. oh yay you may save that lower class guy $200 at the end of the year, but if he tries to open up his own business and try to move up, he gets shut down by the fortune 500 that now has an extra $2000000000000, makes sense.

Kerry supports those rich people just as much Bush, he just hides it from the people that only understand tax breaks for themselves (and people say americans are greedy,selfcentered, arrogant)

Kerry scares the shit out of me, because i really have no idea what hes going to do, he supports every side, but you cant answer yes AND no to everything, you cant always make everyone happy. He should say EXACTLY what HE stands for then he may get more respect from me.

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Originally posted by Gurkha:

Have you actualy listened to the man, of have you just been getting your info from Rush? BTW your sig line is an ignorant croc. Bush lies out his ass every other sentence, and he sucks at hiding it. You Mike Faigley, you tell me what Clinton lied about. Dont look it up, off the cuff, you think you'reinformed, spout it off, what did he lie about, other then blowjobs? How did he negatively effect the nation? "oohh our reputation shamefull, bleh". The world is loking a hell of alot more harshly on the iraq invasion.

Whats so great about Bush? I can watch Kerry and beleive a lil more then half the shit coming out of his mouth, Edwards; way more then half, over 3/4.

Bush, I cant stand to watch him speak, he horrible at lying.

In the end it comes down to what Idea the candidtate supports, because you know the means and particulars of the campaign promises are all subject to chang after the inaguration.

-I beleive war should be a last resort, not a second or first.

-I beleive the needs of the many exeed the needs of the few

-I beleive in paying slightly higher taxes now so that the future is more secure. Bush's plan is instant gratification and dooms us in the long run.

-I'd rather vote for some one who's only had 70% of life haded to him on a silver platter, as apposed to some one who was given 99% of his opportunities and accoplishments via nepitism.

-I'm pro choice, and beleive stem cell research should be persued

-I dont give 2 shit if queers mary.

-I dont give opportunistic liars a second chance.


Stop listening to Rush and reading slanderous web pages and actulay listen to the apposing candidate talk, read up on what htey stand for. Dont trust you data to propagandists.

i went to BG and listened to him speak, fucking joke, he talks about how he is gonna change everything, but has no plan, or the plan he has he wont tell us cause he knows we wont like it. Kerry is no less of a lyer then bush, like every other politican. Once you tell me how jon kerry is gonna put jobs back in america, lower college tution, decrease the debt, decrease medicare, boost social secruity, and protec america with out letting the fight come to american soil, then mabye i might listen to what the bs spouting faggot has to say, fuck the guy.
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Originally posted by B DUBS:

i went to BG and listened to him speak, fucking joke, he talks about how he is gonna change everything, but has no plan, or the plan he has he wont tell us cause he knows we wont like it. Kerry is no less of a lyer then bush, like every other politican. Once you tell me how jon kerry is gonna put jobs back in america, lower college tution, decrease the debt, decrease medicare, boost social secruity, and protec america with out letting the fight come to american soil, then mabye i might listen to what the bs spouting faggot has to say, fuck the guy.

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Have any of you read the predictions of John Titor? He predicted an American Civil war after the '04 election. I'm starting to believe it with how stupid people are for bush. As for the war game kid, I don't think the escort ricers should even be able to talk in such a conversation. I mean how he is he going to understand politics if he can't even distinguish that neons aren't cool.


Personally I don't like either Bush nor Kerry, but I've already seen what Bush has done. Kerry couldn't do much worse.


[ 07. August 2004, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Jon ]

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Originally posted by Jon:

[QB]Have any of you read the predictions of John Titor? He predicted an American Civil war after the '04 election. I'm starting to believe it with how stupid people are for bush. As for the war game kid, I don't think the escort ricers should even be able to talk in such a conversation. I mean how he is he going to understand politics if he can't even distinguish that neons aren't cool.


I wounder if he realizes that the Escort has to stay here.... imagine taking night missions with all that glow...


(speaking whatever the hell they speak) hey what the hell is that NEON glow.... OH NO ALAH IS COMMING FOR US! WE MUST STRAP BOMBS TO OURSELVES AT ONCE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


:D dude, I'm just kidding... don't take offense to this.

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Originally posted by Jon:

Have any of you read the predictions of John Titor? He predicted an American Civil war after the '04 election. I'm starting to believe it with how stupid people are for bush. As for the war game kid, I don't think the escort ricers should even be able to talk in such a conversation. I mean how he is he going to understand politics if he can't even distinguish that neons aren't cool.


Personally I don't like either Bush nor Kerry, but I've already seen what Bush has done. Kerry couldn't do much worse.

sure he could, cause he dosent know what the fuck he is gonna do, i would love to ask that guy what fucking plans he has for the country, oh wait that fuck bag peice of downsyndrom ass dosent have any...


And by no means am i completly satisfied with what bush has done.

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Originally posted by Jon:

Have any of you read the predictions of John Titor? He predicted an American Civil war after the '04 election. I'm starting to believe it with how stupid people are for bush. As for the war game kid, I don't think the escort ricers should even be able to talk in such a conversation. I mean how he is he going to understand politics if he can't even distinguish that neons aren't cool.


Personally I don't like either Bush nor Kerry, but I've already seen what Bush has done. Kerry couldn't do much worse.

once again, i said nothing about war being a game. graemlins/bsflag.gif also, if neons were so "uncool" then why the hell do the companies Streetglow, Plasmaglow, Liteglow, Varad, ICELED, and Flowlighting even exist? because there is a demand for the products they produce. which obviously means that whatever is in demand, must also be (to quote you) "cool." but then again, only prissy little urban school boys that tuck their dicks between their legs everytime they hear someone say "terrorism", "assualt rifle", or "car bomb" use the word "cool." Fucking prat :rolleyes:
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